The signs you have a serious health problem (but do not know it), tell the doctors

This essential checklist shows you what you do wrong - and how changes can result from heavy results.

Do you deceive your best health ever?

In our coronavirus age, it is easy to decree or cut corners on everything that is not right in front of us at the time of the obligations at distance work (or unemployed), the family, the friends and Facebook seem to devour each minute in sight. And our health is one of the first things to move on the back burner. Here are 50 things you've probably neglected today, last week or in recent months, experts say that experts can have a serious impact on your health. The good news is what to do the right thing could not be easier for each potential trap,Eat this, not that! Health found an expert recommendation to know how to avoid it.Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You have snored last night (and nothing did it about it)

tired exhausted stressed woman

The sawnames could reduce your short life. Yes, snoring - this common act that maintains wedding advisers and the business earplug industry - can be a sign of a dangerous condition called sleep apnea. During sleep apnea, you can stop breathing for a minute before your brain wakes you up to start again. It has been associated with high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, according to theNational Sleep Foundation.

RX: If your partner told you that you snore, ask your doctor if a more in-depth survey or treatment is a good idea. He can not hurt your health or your relationship.


You ignore "silent killers"

Close up of female hand pointing at eye chart with Latin letters during eyesight test in ophthalmology clinic

"One of the worst health errors that can be done is not to have a routine examination by an ocular care provider annually, especially as we get older," says Dr. Mesheca C. Bunyon , an optometrist at Camp Springs, Maryland. "There are certain eye conditions such as glaucoma considered" silent killers "vision".

Be riddled and you can prevent this condition or slow it down.

"In addition, a domestic care provider can detect bleeding and swelling of the retina, the mucosa inside the eye because it relates to diabetes, hypertension and other systemic diseases" , Explains Bunyon. "Many patients come to see me after a view of the view for years and I find the problems of the retina that guaranteed them to see their primary care doctors, signs of systemic diseases that they would not have known had never happened for an examination of the eye routine. "

RX: Book a review of the annual view with an accredited optometrist once a year.


You did not sleep enough last night

hispanic woman at home bedroom lying in bed late at night trying to sleep suffering insomnia sleeping disorder or scared on nightmares looking sad worried and stressed

A lack of sufficient attention can cause all kinds of problems, the next day (day distraction raises your risk of accidents) in the long run: poor sleep is connected to an increased risk of weight gain, diabetes, from Cancer, cardiovascular disease and depression.

RX: Experts, including the National Sleep Foundation, say that adults of each age need seven to nine hours of sleep a night - no more, no less.


You tell your doctor "The Internet has said it!"

Back view of woman making video call with her doctor while staying at home. Close up of patient in video conferencing with general practitioner on digital tablet. Sick girl in online consultation.

This is one of the worst health errors you can do, Cardiologist Robert Rosenson, MD, the director of cardiometabolic unit at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. "Leave Internet Guiding Your decisions can delay a correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Your doctor's commitment is essential for the precise diagnosis that could be saved."

For example, new symptoms may not be caused by a new drug despite what you read. "One of my patients who have received coronary artery bypass surgery asserted that Ezetimibe, then Evolocumab was a fever and palpitations," says Rosenson. "Based on my experience, I stated that it was unlikely and an infectious etiology was the probable cause. After stopping drugs and fevers worsened, he went to his primary doctor and was found that pneumonia and paroxystic atrial fibrillation. " Yeah, it's as bad as it sounds.

RX: Do your research, but let the diagnosis of experts.


You have not received your annual check on skin cancer

dermatologist examining mole on back of male patient in clinic

The risk of melanoma, fatal skin cancer, increases as we get older and early detection is the key. According toSkin cancer fundThe five-year survival rate for melanoma survival is detected at the beginning of 98%. This falls to 64% when the disease reaches the lymph nodes and 23% when metastasis disease at remote organs. When is the last time you had a skin exam?

RX: Talk to your primary doctor, who can provide a reference to a dermatologist for a complete check. You should have an annual one.


You hit the drive-thru after work

Man eating an hamburger while driving car

Get too much fat saturated in your diet raises your blood cholesterol, which puts you in turn an increased risk of heart attack and cerebral stroke. What is high in saturated fat? Red meat and vegetable oil staples of entirely American dishes like hamburgers and fries. The red meat has also been correlated with colorectal cancer.

RX: Do not eat more than three moderate red meat portions every week. If you want a hamburger, do one at the house of beef nourished with grass. If you want fries, cook them in the oven instead of heading to the golden arches.


You did not have 2 hours and half of the year last week

young woman in sport clothing sitting front of the TV and doesn't wont to exercise

Guidelines for Weekly Exercises of Experts - Approved by Groups such asAmerican Heart Association -As' not changed, even if only 20% of us follow them: 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week or 75 minutes of strong exercise, as well as muscle building exercises twice a week.

RX: Some examples of moderate intensity exercises are fast walking, dance or gardening; The vigorous exercise is running, hiking or swimming. If you think you can not be 150 minutes, get yourself anyway. Any exercise is better for your health than nothing.


You did not do your kegeels

woman doing fitness workout yoga stretching gymnastics exercise

"One of the worst health errors that someone can do does not do Kegel exercise regularly," said Jennifer Lane, a registered nurse and aromatherapist in California. "Kegels reinforce pelvic floor muscles, especially for women. These muscles support the uterus, bladder, small intestine and rectum. The pelvic floor muscles can be weakened from pregnancy, childbirth , overweight, aging or even constipation. "

When these muscles are low, an incontinence can occur. "Men and women can benefit daily for doing pelvic floor exercises," says Lane. "They will help improve bladder control and possibly improve sexual performance. Kegels can also help you avoid embarrassing accidents."

RX: Think of Kegels as a regular training routine.Here is information on how to execute them.


You are "difficult" pain

Young frustrated afro american freelancer is having a strong pain in neck. He is at home office, sitting at his modern work station, suffering, massaging it

"Too many people suffer through evils, pains and discomfort, minor and middle finger, for fear of causing problems or looking out of the square," says Amy Orr, author ofTamper chronic pain.

RX: "The more people are comfortable taking a cushion with them to the cinema to help support support, or ask restaurants to change dishes or declare that they need more space, or whatever Being personal care, you look like a given day, then more everybody will be comfortable, "add Orr. "This will also mean that minor injuries and discomfort (which everyone suffers from time to time) are easier to browse, that people with more serious problems are more empowered to speak because they will not make an exception They themselves and that the transition through the aging process will be softer. "


You do not know your blood pressure

Doctor Measuring Patients Blood Pressure With Stethoscope

Your blood pressure could be higher than you think. In 2018, the American Heart Association lowered the guidelines for sound blood pressure of 140/90 (and 150/80 for people over 65) to 130/80 for all adults. According toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLThis means that 70 to 79% of men over 55 technically hypertension. Over time, this can weaken the walls of the blood vessels, increase your risk of stroke, heart attack and dementia.

RX: To reduce your risk, have your blood pressure check and regularly. Follow a healthy heart diet (includingthese foods), lose weight and stay active.


You do not know your cholesterol levels

Cholesterol Test

The unhealthy diet (ie too much saturated fat) can increase your cholesterol, but can so simple aging. Our bodies produce more things to fouling the artery when we mature. The general guideline is to obtain cholesterol check every five years, but older adults may need more frequently. Your total cholesterol levels must be less than 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg / dl), with an LDL level of less than 100 mg / dL and an HDL level of 60 mg / dl or higher.

RX: To maintain your bad cholesterol levels, eat a low diet in saturated fatty fats and trans fat, exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight.


You sit down, do not go out, at work

Beautiful dark skinned businesswoman with casual hairstyle working on her laptop, looking at screen with concentrated face and touching chin with hand

It's time to defend yourself at work. A2017 study at the University of Warwick found that workers with office jobs were more important and a higher risk of heart disease than those with more active jobs. In addition, the bad cholesterol (LDL) of the workers increased and a good cholesterol (HDL) decreased at each hour beyond five hours of assistance per day.

RX:If you are working on office work, keep yourself and move as much as possible during the day.


You did not ask any questions about this disease to your last physique

At doctors appointment physician shows to patient shape of kidney with focus on hand with organ. Scene explaining patient causes and localization of diseases of kidney, stones, adrenal, urinary system - Image

Our kidneys are absolutely crucial for our health and they never ask for credit. After 40 years, it is wise to give them a little more attention. Chronic renal disease (CKD) -in that the kidneys filter less waste and less blood waste, toxicifying the body tends to grow silently, showing no symptoms as long as your kidneys are not badly damaged.

RX: Standard urine and blood tests to your annual physique can detect the CKD, allowing your doctor to take action to slow down its progress.


You ignored that floating in your chest

man holding hands on chest suffering from heart attack

Have you recently felt your heart skip a beat (and your credit card invoice or credit card bill had nothing to do with that)? One over four more than 40 years old develops an irregular heart rate, otherwise called atrial fibrillation (AF or A-Fib). A-FIB inhibits the efficiency of pumping the heart of 10 to 30% and can lead to heart failure, angina angina and a stroke, according to the Harvard Medicine School.

RX: If you have an irregular heartbeat - that can be indicated by a float in your chest-talk to your doctor, who can perform tests or return to a cardiologist.


You did not drink enough water yesterday

healthy beautiful young woman holding glass of water

"Although most people realize that water is essential to their health, very few drinks sufficiently spawned," says Eddie Johnson, founder of anabolic bodies. "In addition, to ensure that you have the correct electrolyte balances and you have beneficial for health, water, (or lack of absence of it), can also affect your eating habits . In fact, it is well documented that thirst is often confused for hunger, it means that if you are thirsty, you can exchange zero water calorie for unnecessary meals. Over time, it will be added to Additional books that will pass their toll on your health, as well as your appearance. "

RX: To make sure you are adequately hydrated,Follow the expert guidelines: Drink 1.7 liters (or 7 cups) of water every 24 hours.


Your annual mammogram was more than a year ago

Mammography breast screening device in hospital laboratory

Breast cancer is scary to think, but not to be projected annually is a more frightening perspective. The risk of developingbreast cancer Increases as women age. At the age of 40, this risk is 3.5 times higher than 30 years.

RX:After 40 years, get an annual mammogram. Make regular breast self-examinations and alert your doctor to any changes, including pieces, skin fouling or nipple inversion.


You raise the symptoms of ovarian cancer

Doctor or teacher points of ballpoint pen on ovaries on anatomical model of internal female sex organs

Ovarian cancer is known as the ultimate silent killer because a routine screening test has not yet been developed. According toAmerican Cancer SocietyMost ovarian cancers develop after menopause, more than half for women over 63 years old. It is therefore important to know the possible symptoms.

RX: If you feel balloon, pelvic or abdominal pain, or if you feel fully filled, consult your doctor. If you have a family history of ovarian cancer, inform yourself to your doctor.


You did not tell your doctor about your family history

Fill out the family history section in the medical questionnaire

There are many factors that determine whether you develop a disease; Genes are not everything. But you have a higher risk of developing cardiac disease, certain cancers and conditions such as diabetes if your parents or family members had these conditions. According to the searches published in the journalTrafficMen with family history of heart disease had a 50% increase at the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

RX: Make sure your doctor knows your family history of serious illness. Ask if screening tests are justified.


You think a stroke can not happen to you

Doctor attentively examines the MRI scan of the patient.

A stroke, or "brain attack" occurs when the brain is deprived of blood or oxygen by an obolute or broken artery. The risk of stroke increases as we get older. Good news: theNational association said that up to 80% of the blows are preventable.

RX: Keep your blood pressure and weight in a healthy beach. If you have high cholesterol, diabetes or unfib, get the treated - all are risk factors for strokes. Do not smoke and limit your alcohol consumption to less than two drinks a day.


You accept sleep problems like "just part of age"

hispanic woman at home bedroom lying in bed late at night trying to sleep suffering insomnia sleeping disorder or scared on nightmares looking sad worried and stressed

If you think you need less sleep as you get older, think about it again. You should not have insomnia problems at any age; You deprive your body from the rest, it must repair and recharge, put you at risk of cancer, heart disease, dementia and more.

RX:If you have chronic difficulties to fall asleep or stay asleep, talk to your doctor. He or she can provide a reference to a sleep specialist.


You had three drinks last night


Experts say women should not have more than one alcoholic beverage per day and men should be limited to two. More than that, and you put yourself in danger for cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and more than a dozen forms of cancer.

RX: If you drink more than that on a regular basis, talk to your doctor.


You recently asked: "What is the point?"

Sad and lonely woman feeling depressed

The times are difficult for many - it was always so - and we all go down. But if you find yourself with a piercing bad mood, frequent feelings of despair, or lack of interest for the things you have used, you might encounter a depression. Untreated, this could increase your risk of heart disease and other chronic diseases.

RX: Talk to your doctor. Many treatments are available.


You are self-medicated with alcohol

woman holding head from alcohol - how does alcohol affect the brain

As we get older, problems like chronic pain and depression can slip. Similarly, treat them with a drink or two can lead to alcoholism. The effects worsen as you agitate, according to theNational Institute on Agingand can lead to "some kinds ofCancer, Hepatic damage, immune system disorders and brain injuries. "

RX: Remember that alcohol is not a medicine. If you are a woman who needs to have more than one drink a day or a man who regularly drinks over twice a day, talk to your doctor.


You could have a STI-and not know it

therapist and patient talking
Shutterstock / Blurryme

"The worst health error that a person can do not search and receive appropriate screening for sexually transmitted infections. Many TSIs are silent and without screening, you may cause permanent damage to your body," says Shannon Brown Dowler, MD, a family medicine doctor in Asheville, North Carolina. "Screening is recommended for extra-genital sites where exposure has occurred because infections can be very subtle in these locations."

RX: This can be embarrassing, but talking to your doctor about your sexual health, safer sex practices and if you should be examined regularly for STI. (Spoiler alert: If you are sexually active, you should).


You have more than 45 years and I have not received colonoscopy

Doctor gastroenterologist with probe to perform gastroscopy and colonoscopy

The main risk factor for colon cancer? Be over 50 years old. And the disease starts with more frequently in the youngest. TheAmerican Cancer Society I have just lowering its recommended age for the first colonoscopy of 50 to 45 years (for people of average risk; those with family history may need to be examined earlier). The data show that it saves lives.

RX: Get this first colonoscopy, if you have not already done so and follow the guidelines for tracking procedures. Currently, it is advisable to repeat the test every 10 years.


You take antacids for stomach burns

pile of chewable antacid acid reducer tablets with fruit flavor in pastel colors

Stomach burns, or acid reflux, is more than a pain. Over time, that the backup of the acid of the stomach can damage the esophagus, leading to a precancerous disease called the barrett esophagus. This could grow in esophagus cancer, a particularly fatal form of the disease.

RX: If you suffer from regular stomach burns, talk to your doctor. He or she could recommend additional medications or testing.


You did not have a diabetes test this year

Doctor making blood sugar test in clinic for diabetes

Although type 2 diabetes can strike at any age, your risk of developing the disease significantly increases after the age of 40. It remains unfortunate, the condition can lead to serious complications, including heart disease, vision problems, even low traffic may require amputation.

RX: TheAmerican Association of Diabetes Recommends regular diabetes screening for all adults over 45 years old.


You release your diabetes medicine


If you have diagnosed diabetes, it is essential that you follow your doctor's recommendations, including any drug plan. Here's why: diabetes causes the construction of sugars in the blood. Over time, it damages the arteries, which can lead to heart disease, stroke, eye problems and circulation problems that can lead to amputation.

RX: If you are in medication for your diabetes, stay compliant. Follow all recommendations for the diet and exercise.


You did not have a dental assessment in six months

Dentist chair

Does think that dentist tours are things for children? Dental care is particularly crucial after 40: daily wear can lead to cracking, cavities and accumulation of plates, which can progress to retreat gums and teeth loss. That's what your dentist is there to prevent.

RX:Get regular dental reports and practice good oral hygiene every day. Use a fluoride rinsing twice a day, to help strengthen your teeth and keep gum healthy.


You do not know the symptoms of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

Thigh pain or muscle twitching or muscle cramp.

Here is a real deep state, you must worry. The risk of developing deep vein thrombosis, or a DVT, increases with age. It's when a blood clot is deeply formed in your veins, usually in the leg. If a piece breaks down, it can go to the lungs or heart, a potentially fatal complication.

RX: According toMAYO ClinicThe best ways to prevent the DVT from not yet long for long periods, keeping your weight in a healthy beach, not smoking and getting regular exercises.


You do not know the signs of aneurysm

Woman with headache

Many of us consider aneurysm as a random phenomenon, the equivalent to a lightning strike. In reality, you can take steps to prevent it. During an aneurysm, a vein in Montgolformation - in the brain, the heart or in arteries throughout the body - can burst, causing serious complications. According toNational health institutesThey are the most common between 30 and 60 years old.

RX: Keep your blood pressure in a healthy fork, take a healthy diet for the heart and manage stress.


You have 10 hours of sleep last night

Asian woman sleeping in a bed in a dark bedroom

We hate to break that, but you can, in fact, sleep too much. Studies show that more than nine hours of sleep can increase your risk of heart disease and dementia.

RX: Display sleep as an all-new-eating buffet or open bar mode is needed. The latest recommendation of sleep experts, including the National Sleep Foundation, is that adults should have seven to nine hours of sleep one night.


You canceled plans last weekend

Woman sitting on bed looking at phone bored and in a bad mood

Solitude and social isolation can increase the risk of having a heart attack, according to a study published in the newspaper.Heart. People who reported mediocre social relations have had a higher 29% coronary disease risk and a risk of 32% higher stroke than those with robust friendships. Why? Researchers believe that loneliness increases chronic stress, a risk factor for heart disease.

RX: Do this part of your routine to enjoy hobbies, take online courses, calls or skype with friends or family. If you feel socially isolated or depressed, talk to your doctor about the best action plan. You could also benefit from a discussion therapy.


You drank sweet-sweet soda today

Man is dangerously eating junk food and cold drink while driving his car

These are all empty calories, but sweet sweet drinks like sodas and sports drinks are not an empty threat. They contribute a major role in weight gain, diabetes and heart disease. A March 2019 study published in the magazineTraffic Discovered that the consumption of sweet drinks of drinking was associated with increased risk of death, particularly cardiovascular disease.

RX: Exchange sweet drinks and food drinks with H20 classic water, selertzers or homemade spa. To stop easily, read:I was addicted to soda. This is what helped me stop smoking.


You drank Diet Soda today

Woman drinking diet coke
Sean Locke Photography / Shutterstock

Diet sodas are in no way a healthy choice. Studies show that people who drink dietary sodas and artificially sweet drinks have a higher risk of metabolic syndrome, weight gain, osteoporosis and decline in renal function.

RX: Somprate this soda for water or selertzer without artificial sweeteners.


You have picked up pasta sauce with added sugar

Kids pasta marinara

The added sugar can hide in products that you are at least, including tomato sauces, yogurts and low fat breads. Consuming too much added sugar - sugar that manufacturers add to food to soften or expand their shelf life - is a major risk factor for heart disease. According to the National Cancer Institute, adult men consume 24 teaspoons of sugar a day, the equivalent of 384 calories! "The effects of added sugar consumption - superior blood pressure, inflammation, weight gain, diabetes and foie gras disease - are all related to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke" , Dr. Frank Hu, Professor of Nutrition at the Harvard e Chan Public Health School.

RX: The American Heart Association advises that adults do not consume more than 150 calories (about 9 teaspoons, or 36 grams) of sugar added daily. This is about the amount in a 12 ounce soda can.


You wear an extra weight

Woman measuring waist with measuring tape

Additional kilos come with additional health risks. Science found that being overweight correlate to various health problems, including heart disease, diabetes and stroke. But you do not have to drop to the supermodel size to get his health: the research has shown that overweight people who reach even modest weight loss (such as 5 to 10% of their total body weight) Reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease.

RX: Know your healthy weight range. Eat a vegetable diet. Reduce your consumption of empty calories and processed foods. To exercise.


You bought potato chips, cookies or pizza again

Slice new york pizza unhealthy guilty pleasure foods

We know that a key to heart health consists of eating more whole foods and less transformed joncheces, but experts have identified a new enemy: "Ultra-transformed food". Two May 2019 studies published in the BMJ Link of highly transformed food with aIncreased risk of cardiovascular disease and an increased risk of early death. What will "ultra-transformed"? The researchers listed "sausages, mayonnaise, potato chips, pizza, cookies, chocolates and sweets, drinks and artificially sweet whiskey, gin and rum." In other words, you know you should avoid anyway. In other studies, highly transformed food consumption has been correlated at higher risks of obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol - all risk factors for a heart attack.

RX: Limit the proportion of ultra-transformed dishes you eat and increase unprocessed and processed foods - like all foods recommended by consumption of eating, not that!


You did not throw your shaker salt

Salt spilling from salt shaker

Studies show that most Americans consume about 3,400 mg of sodium daily on the recommended 2,300 mg (which represent about a teaspoon of salt). The high salt intake is a major risk factor for high blood pressure, which is aware of your chances of having a heart attack.

RX: Stop adding salt to your meals (according to the American Heart Association, ¼ teaspoon salt is 575 mg of sodium) and limit your consumption of fast food and processed foods, which tend to be Sodium loaded.


You stress right now

sad woman near window thinking

If you think that chronic stress is not a picnic for your life right now, science has found that the freakout of today is really bad for your body in the long run. "When stress is excessive, it can contribute to everything from high blood pressure to asthma to ulcers with irritable intestine syndrome," said Ernesto L. Schiffrin, MD, PhD and Professor of Medicine at the University McGill.

RX: Relieving stress by exercising, socializing and regular engagement in relaxation techniques such as full consciousness. Do not self-medical with alcohol. If your stress has become incomparable, talk to your doctor.


You have filled your basket with low fat foods

woman wearing protective face mask holding shopping basket and choosing food can product

For decades, we have been taught to fear all kinds of fat in food. These days have been revolving for a long time. Food marked "low fat" are often high in carbohydrates and sugar that does not fill you with, allowing you to consume more calories.

RX: Make sure to go home from your next shopping trip with "good" fat - fat fish, olive oil, walnuts and lawyers - instead of Snackwell's.


You have not eaten fish this week

woman refusing plate of fish

High protein, fish is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been demonstrated to reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke. The researchers believe that omega-3 facilitate inflammation throughout the body.

RX: Eat fish like salmon once or twice a week, the Harvard T.H. The Chan Council Public Health School. Choose wild fish caught in the wild. Grill, pan-roast or steam; Do not fry or jump. Add leafy green vegetables, nuts and linen seeds to your basket for more omega-3 action.


You looked at your phone an hour before last night

Girl in a dark room on the bed with the phone

The shiny screens that keep us so connected to the world could finally shorten our time on it. Looking at the blue light emitted by TVs, computers and phones disturbs your natural circadian rhythm, which can lead to insomnia. The bad sleep has been correlated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

RX: Turn off TV, phones, computers and tablets at least 60 minutes before light. "For the best night's sleep, plan to pretend that you live in an earlier era," advises the National Sleep Foundation. "Setting by reading a book (paper), writing in a newspaper or chat with your partner."


You took a dormant pill last night

Man sitting on bed about to take sleeping pill or night medicine. Suffering from insomnia

You should not need to rely on the medications to fall asleep, even especially medications. Some studies have linked the use of hypnotic drugs (sleep incidents) with increased risk of cancer and death. Do not researchers know why this can be, but why the risk?

RX:There are many strategies you can follow before applying for a prescription, including meditation, relaxation and avoidance of screens. Talk to your doctor.


You lied to your doctor at the last visit

Doctor and senior man wearing facemasks during coronavirus and flu outbreak

According to a survey conducted byZocdoc, near the quarter of people lie to their doctors. The most common reasons? Embarrassment and afraid of being judged.

RX: Stop it now! Your doctor is not there to judge you. "Sugar coating The bad habits or symptoms of harassment Naggurigique does not help" advises David Longworth, MD, of theCleveland Clinic. "Your doctors are confidential partners for your care. They need all the information available to help you make smart decisions. This includes all of your habits to all the medications you are taking, including especially medications, herbal products, vitamins and supplements. If you do not systematically take medication, talk to your doctor why - including if you can not afford it. "


You have drunk a sports drink after a workout

african american woman in sportswear with energy drink in gym

Their marketing could suggest that they are healthy, but sports drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade contain the equivalent of 8 teaspoons of sugar, as well as sodium. Too much in your diet can cause hypertension, says Morton Tavel, MD, Clinical Professor Emeritus at the School of Medicine at the University of Indiana and author ofHEALTH TIPS, MYTHS AND TIPS: COUNCIL OF A doctor. "Unless someone exercises or competes in a sporting event for more than 90 minutes, there is no reason to drink something with an excess of sugar and electrolytes," he adds.

RX: "Even if you are an athlete and do exercise regularly, I would not recommend sports drinks at any time that when you are doing exercise," says Tavel. "Just go water and maybe a quick and biting snack like fruits or nuts."


You ordered Viagra from a foreign online pharmacy

Hand of man holding blue pill.

You may be embarrassed with your doctor about your sexual health - including erectile malfunction symptoms (ED) - order drugs like Viagra of Sketchy Online Pharmacies based abroad is not the solution, whatever the amount of costs they promise. (Which is usually wrong; Viagra is covered by many insurance companies at this point, for a small Copay which is generally cheaper than a pharmacy online.) "The risk that these imported drugs are counterfeit, contaminated or Deputy Chiefs are high; and quality assurance is a major concern, "says the National Association of the Boards of Directors of the Pharmacy.

RX: Substitute the shame of your health and your happiness. Speak openly to your doctor. (And know that some online pharmacies and ED-MED services are legitimate; the database can tell you who.)


You obsender looking for the next Keto regime

Woman holding plate of keto foods at a table

The last fashion trend regime will not make the imprint of principles in honor of good nutrition and health. "Trying a new life of health whenever you have just moved on to inconsistent personal care," said Rachel Franklin, MD, family medicine doctor at Oklahoma City.

RX: "You need good sleep, good food (but not too much) and regular exercise, in this order," adds Franklin. "Repeat every day." And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

Categories: Health
Tags: News / Unhealthy
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