10 COVID-19 warning signs is at home

Follow these guidelines to keep your shelter truly away from coronavirus.

Even if the weather warms and loosen locking restrictions, it is important to remain aware of the potential modes of coronavirus transmission. Some of the most common are at home. Here's what you should pay special attention to you and keep you in good health and your family.


Your shoes

Pairs Of Shoes On A Welcome Mat

At the end of April, a study revealed that Coronavirus can live on the soles of shoes. Although it is an improbable method of transmission, just to be safe, you may want to exit your shoes outside or just inside your front door instead of following everything you've brought from outside in your home.


Your child

Young girl sneezing at home with paper towel prepared to blow her noise

Initially, researchers thought that children were not seriously affected by COVID-19. We now know that this is not true; Although very rare, some children have developed serious complications after being infected by coronavirus. Experts say much more common that children can serve as asymptomatic carriers of the virus, infecting seniors at home.


Your partner


Like children can serve as asymptomatic COVID-19 carriers, other adults can also. It is estimated that about 25% to 80% of infected people are not aware that they have. That's why it's particularly important to pay attention if someone close to you is symptoms: a high fever, coughing, shortness of breath or loss of taste or smell. If possible, they must isolate in a separate area of ​​the house, wear a mask and avoid sharing dishes or towels.


Your dog

Woman wearing a protective mask is walking alone with a dog outdoors because of the corona virus pandemic covid-19

Could your pet transmit Covid-19? Coronavirus has been detected in a small number of animals. The CDC says that the transmission is unlikely, but it notes that the original virus seems to have jumped from an animal to a human and we learn more about it every day. If someone in your household knows symptoms, make them isolate family domestic animals, just to be safe.



woman doing chores in bathroom at home, cleaning sink and faucet with spray detergent.

Your housekeeper, super or baby-sitter could be a source of viruses, even if they do not have symptoms. That said, it's a good idea to be as cautious as possible: Ask them to stay at home if they feel sick or have fever.


Affected surfaces


Although in recent days, experts said that human transmission to the virus man is more common than contracting surfaces. But this can happen, if you touch an infected surface, then touch your eyes, nose or mouth. To be safe, regularly erase highly affected touches such as light switches, stove buttons and remote controls, and wash your hands.


Handle handle

hand opening the public doorknob with tissue paper

The experts believe that Coronavirus can live on plastic and steel surfaces up to three days (although the amount of viable virus begins to degrade almost immediately). But do not take a chance: Make sure you often wipe these super-touched surfaces.


Your keys or your bag

40 Things You Should Never Touch Due to Coronavirus

If you touch items in public, your keys, then your face, you can contract the virus. Wash your hands or use a hand disinfectant at any time you manage. And avoid putting your handbag, your backpack or sports bag on your bed, a sofa or kitchen table (which is a good peak rule to follow during an old cold season and the regular influenza).


Your phone

Hand of Woman cleaning smartphone screen with alcohol, prevent infection of Covid-19 virus, contamination of germs or bacteria, wipe or cleaning phone to eliminate, outbreak of Coronavirus.

Make it a practice to disinfect your mobile phone regularly. Some experts advise to do this daily during the cold season and the flu. Use a disinfectant wipe or a homemade mixture of 50% alcohol to rub and 50% water.


Your mask or your gloves

Elegant young man with protective mask standing on city street and using ATM machin with protective gloves on hands. Virus pandemic prevention and healthcare concept.

Say you take ultimate precautions: you wear a disposable plastic mask and gloves on your weekly trip to the grocery store. But if you do not throw your gloves before touching your car door, steering wheel or handle handle at home, you can bring the virus to your home. If your wear gloves in public, mix them. If you do not do it, use a hand disinfectant before touching objects in your car. Wash your hands frequently and wash any cloth mask you wear after each use.

And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these Things you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus .

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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