Here's how your coca can be a first signal of a coronavirus epidemic

Scientists say that wastewater could advance advancement of future COVID-19 clusters.

You wash your hands, you wear a mask. And soon, you may be able to help your coronavirus laser city without deviating from your daily routine. The researchers say that the wastewater test - more precisely, CACA - for the signs of coronavirus could provide early alert of a CVIV-19 epidemic in a community up to seven days earlier than the current methods.

This new comes from scientists from the University of Yale, which has hypothesized that because coronavirus has been found in stool samples, test wastewater for the SARS-COV-2 virus (the specific coronavirus that COVID-19) can give an overview of infection rates in a particular locality.

They tested "primary municipal purification sludge" - aka what has been rinsed on the toilet - a local wastewater treatment plant, and the verified theory: viral RNA density in wastewater. An area has identified the arrival of the virus and spread in a community.

The study, which is preliminary and has not yet been examined by peers, could provide epidemiologists and local officials a new management tool for future coronavirus epidemics. It was believed that Coronavirus was widespread by infected but asymptomatic people. And in fact, the researchers found that the rise in coronavirus infection rates preceded the official accounts up to a week, once asymptomatic persons could be in the infecting community of other people. Officials can therefore be able to test wastewater to detect an outbreak, allowing them to mitigate its gravity.

From the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, the researchers felt that the incubation period of the virus (the time between the infection and the appearances of symptoms) may be five to 14 days. This has been the source of a lot of trepidation among health officials, because many states are starting to loosen their municipalities, reopening of restaurants, bars, retailers and offices. Contact person to no one is considered the main path in which the virus has spread and that the stealthiness of the jumping virus of a person without symptoms to others increases the risk of second and third waves of infection this year .

Therefore, any anti-detection system of an epidemic would be welcomed and the discovery of Yale's scientists quickly progressed an interesting theory to a partial light at the end of the tunnel. "It's real hope that this can be a sensitive and early warning" If Covid-19 begins to spread again, Peter Grevatt, CEO of the Nonprofit Water Research Foundation, "said Stat News Thursday. Its group works with local laboratories to determine best practices for a national test network. "We hope to have results from this laboratory comparison in the laboratory by the end of the summer," he said.

And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss theseThings you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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