This only thing increases your chances of dying from Covid, says a study

According to new research, a good health insurance policy contributes greatly.

If you are infected by coronavirus, there are a variety of factors that can affect your chances of developing a serious illness and possibly death. Researchers have found that all kinds of age, blood type and skin color in all pre-existing health conditions can considerably have a major impact on how your body responds to the virus, but your probability to get the help you need.

Now, a new study also found that people who do not have a certain type of card in their portfolio-for health insurance - are also at a significantly higher risk of dying highly infectious virus. On ato studypublished in theJournal of General Internal Medicine,The uninsured or subservative - which represents about 18 million Americans - are at increased risk of developing a severe coronavirus.


"Our study shows that the minority communities face a double danger of COVID-19: on the one hand, they are higher of serious complications of coronavirus and, on the other hand, they are more likely to be uninsured and sub-races, and therefore avoid care or cope with potentially ruinous medical invoices, "Dr. Adam Gaffney, the main author of the study which is a pulmonary and critical care doctor at the Cambridge Health Alliance and Harvard Medical School, saidNewsweek. "Our dysfunctional health care financing is an important factor contributing to pernicious racial health inequalities in American society."

Researchers at Harvard Medical School in Cambridge, Massachusetts and the University of New York City in Hunter College in New York analyzed the 2018 data of disease control and prevention centers (CDC). They identified the population "increased risk of COVID-19" based on 65-year-old and older CDC-individuals and non-aged adults from COPD, asthma, heart disease, obesity Serious (BMI ≥ 40), renal disease and diabetes. A heavyweight of 18.2 million people who fell in this category were uninsured or subsured.

They also reported April 23analysisBy the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) estimating that 5.1 million Americans at high risk for a serious coronavirus disease lack insurance.

A double disadvantage for a lot of

The researchers also pointed out that "traditionally disadvantaged groups - racial minorities, low-income people and rural residents" are more likely to suffer from pre-existing conditions that make them more likely to have severe infection. In addition, they are less likely to have sufficient assurance. Both factors put them even larger disadvantage.

For example, Native Americans are 90% more and more likely than the high-risk whites of CVIVID-19 and 53% less likely to have appropriate health insurance.

"To control this pandemic continuously, people must be not accused for care when they need it, whether for testing or treatment. But a Gallum survey can noted that 14% of Americans would avoid health care because of costs even if they had COVID symptoms. If people stay at home with symptoms because they are afraid of a giant bill, they put their own health at risk, "said GaffneyNewsweek.

"This could also prevent efforts to reduce viral propagation. This pandemic is asked the weaknesses, gaps and inequalities of the American health care system," he said. To protect yourself and protect others, continue to wash your hands frequently, practice social distance, wear a face covering and watching your health. And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss theseThings you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
By: tania
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