If you catch this new strain of Covid-19, you could have a big problem

The researchers discovered something scary on Covid-19: it can be mutated.

For months, you heard about coronavirus and I learned what it can do (infect your lungs and orgues, among others) and how you can protect yourself. This is what makes this new search for all the new works of eye: scientists may have found a mutation that could make Covid-19 even more infectious.

Nearly 10 times more infectious

"The researchers of the Scripps Research Institute in Florida stated that the mutation affects the SPIKE protein - a structure outside the virus it uses to enter cells. If the results are confirmed, that would be the first Time that someone has shown that changes in the virus have meaning for the pandemic, "reportsCnn.

"The researchers said that the Spike D614G mutation, which has proliferated around the world, has spikes of sturdy - the projections of the virus body through which it attaches to the cells and which give the virus its" crown "or "corona", "strain," addedIsrael's times. "Virus particles with mutation are tended to have 4 to 5 times the number of functional tunes, allowing them to bind more easily to the cells."

"Viruses with more functional spikes on the surface would be more infectious," said Dr. Michael Farzan, who co-directed the study, said. "And there are very clear differences between the two viruses of experience." He added: "These differences have just come out."

Virologist Search Scripps Hyereun Choe, who also led the study, says it could mean that the virus could be exponentially easier to transmit. "Viruses with this mutation were much more infectious than those without the mutation of the cell culture system we used." He added that they were "almost 10 times more infectious in the cell culture system we used".

The virus can adapt to humans

It is necessary to note that the study has not been examined by peers. However, "Choe and his colleagues sent their paper to William Haseltinne, a virologist, a biotechnology entrepreneur and a president of Access Health International", reports CNN. "Haseltine believes that the conclusions explain the easy propagation of the coronavirus through the Americas." "It's important because it shows that the virus can change, goes to its advantage and possibly our disadvantage," Haseltine said to the network. "It has done a good job so far to adapt to human culture. You can see in some places that it does not become very far and in other places, it has a day of land."

In some states, including Florida, where the study was conducted - COVID-19 cases were mounted. Other states - like Wisconsin - seem to contain it, despite the reopening earlier than other regions.

Scientists remain cautious until the study holds water under review. "Kristian Andersen, Genetician looking for Scripps, La Jolla, said D614G analyzes and other variants in Washington and California had not found any differences in the speed or variant of the variant on another ", according to theNY TIMES. "That's the main reason I'm so hesitant for the moment," said Dr. Andersen in the newspaper. "Because if we could really spread much better than the other, we expected to see a difference here, and we do not do it."

As for yourself: stay safe in your city, do not miss theseThings you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
By: ted-lang
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