A new scary coronavirus now infected millions, said the study says

A mutation works even faster than the original, a new study confirms.

Just as we deal with a coronavirus epidemic, researchers find that the virus mutated to become an even faster infection machine. "A global study has found strong evidence that a new form of coronavirus has spread from Europe to the United States. The new mutation makes the virus more likely to infect people but does not seem to make them more sick than the earlier variations of the virus, an international team of researchers announced Thursday, "saysCnn.

"It is now the dominant form infecting people", Erica Ollmann Saphire of the Institute of Immunology of La Jolla and the Coronavirus immunotherapy consortium, who worked on the study, said CNN. "It's now the virus."

How they discovered the mutation

"The study,Published in the newspaperCell,relies on some previous work that the team did it wasreleased on a pre-expression serverearlier in the year. The information shared on the genetic sequences had indicated that a certain mutant version of the virus took over, "CNN reports". The team has now registered more genetic sequences, but it has also managed experiences involving people, animals and cells in laboratory dishes that show that the mutated version is more common and is more infectious than other versions. "

Beet Bette Korber, the theoretical biologist of the National Los Alamos laboratory and the main author of the study, noted: "The variant D614G came to our attention in early April, because we had observed a repetitive scheme struck. Without the world, even when the local the epidemics had many cases of the original form in circulation, shortly after the variant D614g was introduced in a region, it became the widespread form. "

"It's remarkable for me," said Fischer from Los Alamos, author of the study, according toScience daily", at the time that this increase in infectivity has been detected by a careful observation of sequence data alone and that our experimental colleagues could confirm with a living virus in such a short time."

Focused on the immune response

"We are focused on the human immune response because LJI is the seat of the coronavirus immunotherapy consortium (COVIC), global collaboration to understand and advance antibody treatments against the virus," said Saphire, who directs the Foundation of Gates supported at Covic. "Saphire explains that viruses regularly acquire mutations to help them" escape "antibodies made by the human immune system. When a virus acquires many individual changes, it" drifts "of the original virus. Researchers call This antigenic drift of phenomenon ". "Antigenic drift is part of the reason you need a new influenza shot each year," reportsDoctor-express. "It is extremely important that the researchers followantigenic driftAs they design vaccines and therapeutics for COVID-19. "

No matter the coronavirus strain that we are fighting, it is essential that we present a united front: wear your face mask when you come to housing, practice social distance, you wash your hands frequently, watch your health and to pass Through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss theseThings you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus.

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