Here is what the oxycontin socket every day makes your body

The powerful opioid works as pain relief but comes with risks.

As you probably know, Oxycontin has always been in titles - first as a powerful and effective pain relief, then as a dangerous and overwhelming substance.Now, with the pandemic coronavirus, the opioid again makes headlines again, because opioid dependence increases in some states (like Wisconsin) - and all last month, June 30, Jonathan Sackler, co-owner of OxyContin Maker Purdue Pharma , is dead.Says his obituary onNBC News: "Society is looking for bankruptcy protection as part of a setting effort of nearly 3,000 prosecutions against it by state governments and local governments that blame society to generate the opioid crisis that killed more than 400,000 Americans since 2000. " Yet opioids are always prescribed by some doctors. Here's how OxyContin works on your body if you take it every day and why it may not be for you.


It reduces long-term pain

Moody young woman holding her neck

"Oxycontin, like other opiates, can bind to the brain and nervous system receptors causing inhibition or blocking of pain routes, so modifying the way we hate and respond to pain", declaredShadi Vahdat, MD. "Because Oxycontin frees its active ingredient from oxycodone over a twelve hour period," saysDr. Daniel Lanzer, "This is an effective and effective medicine for people with chronic pain."


In fact, the response to brain pain changes

Neurology Consultation Woman

"Oxycontin replaces or changes how your brain meets some signals. When it is metabolized in the liver, it becomes able to easily pass in your brain," saysDr. Amy Baxter. "It is designed to stimulate the MU receiver, the part of the brain that reduces the pain and causes positive responses to endorphins. It is this positivity that makes it so addictive."


It increases dopamine levels

woman walking in park

"Opioid drugs, such as oxycontin, work mainly by their interaction with the mu-opioid receptors, especially in the brain and spinal cord," explains Dr. Lanzer. "It raises levels of neurotransmitter dopamine in brain paths that control the experience of pleasure."


Your production of endorphins slows down

woman celebrating during a beautiful sunset

"When you take opioids several times over time, your body slows its production of endorphins," says theMAYO Clinic. "The same dose of opioid ceases to trigger such a flooding good feelings. This is called tolerance. One of the reasons for opioid dependence is so common is that people who develop tolerance can feel dose. so that they can feel good. "


But you have a tolerance to lower pain


"Chronic opioids also produce a modification of the distorted part of the nervous system that causes a lower pain threshold or opioid-induced hyperalards," explainsKeith Heinzerling, MDSpecialist in internist medicine and addiction. "As the opioids initially reduce the pain, the sensitivity to opioid-induced hypergusia is not increased unconditional."


It slows other body functions


"It is also known to do a somnorance, creates delayed reaction times, constipation and in the case of overdose, can reduce breathing to the point of death," saysDr. Jason Levine.

"In other words, Oxycontin permeates what we feel and we can not react to what we can not feel," saysMichael Lowenstein, M.D.


It can be the usual training

man in red shirt pouring pills from prescription pill bottle

"Similar to other medicines in this category of drugs, OxyContin can be forming from the habit and therefore caution must always be taken during use," saysMeghan Marcum, Psyd."If taken continually, over time, physical dependence can evolve the meaning of the person may experience problems such as withdrawal symptoms if the drug is immediately stopped."


You can develop cardiovascular problems

Man with chest pain

"Using opiates can slow down your heart rate and drop your blood pressure and make you feel stunned and you faint episodes with a quick change of positions," saysMedhat Mikhael, M.D.


You can experience hypogonadism

worried senior man in tension at bed.

"Chronic use may result in a decrease in sex hormones that may result in loss of libido, reduce sexual relationship, fatigue, anxiety, impotence among men and menstrual and hormonal irregularities at Women, "says Dr. Mikhael.


Your body will have higher carbon dioxide levels

Elderly woman feeling unwell,she's headache and painful around chest area.

"Oxycontin may require our natural response to increase the levels of carbon dioxide. Normally, if we breathe slowly, carbon dioxide increases to stimulate our cerebral rod to stimulate respiration," says Dr. Mikhael. "Unfortunately, that moves and the defense mechanism is affected a great deal."


You will experience a period of energy and concentration - so abused

young businessman with coffee in hand sitting at his desk

"Drug attackers withdraw the candy coating from pills, crush them and cook them with water, then sniff or inject the mixture, in substance, taking 12 hours of pills in a fast burst," saysDr. Susan Julius. "This version really helps concentration and concentration and give the user an energetic feeling. For a moment."


You can not experiment with trauma healing

Depressed Man with Problems sitting alone head in hands on the bed and Crying

"The oxycodone is a powerful anti-anxiety medication as well as an analgesic of pain. It will give people anxiety, especially anxiety related to psychological trauma, a false feeling that everything is fine and that they are Security ", declaresDr. BENNET DAVIS. "The trauma changes how DNA is read and transcribed and causes mental and possibly physical health problems. Opioids do not prevent this prejudice, only the hard work of the treatment of trauma can. OxyContin allows the effects of the Trauma to ravage the millions of people who have experienced psychological trauma and use these medications to feel good instead of getting the problem of the root. "


What about withdrawal symptoms?


"Race thoughts, high and respiratory heart rates, flowing nose and eyes, and diarrhea are all common weaning symptoms," says Dr. Julius.


What to know before taking opioids

Doctor and senior man wearing facemasks during coronavirus and flu outbreak

"Anyone who takes opioids is at risk of developing an addiction", reports theMAYO Clinic. "Your personal story and your time that you use opioids play a role, but it is impossible to predict who is vulnerable to the possible dependence and abuse of these drugs. Legal or illegal, stolen and shared, these drugs are responsible of the majority of the dead overdose in the United States today. "

"If you take opioids and you have developed tolerance, ask your help doctor," continues. "There are other safe choices available to help you change and continue to feel good. Do not stop opioid medications without the help of a doctor. Exit these medications can suddenly cause serious side effects, including the worst pain that was before you start taking opioids. Your doctor can help you reduce opioids slowly and safely. "

As for our current pandemic: to succeed in the success of your health, do not miss theseThings you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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