Dr. Fauci says you catch coronavirus of these people

The expert of infectious diseases again spoke about COVID-19.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the first expert on infectious disease of the nation, said today that the current pandemic could be as bad as the 1918 Spanish flu. Here is what he warned from otherwise, when A Georgetown Global Health Initiative Webinar, including where the virus is Spiker.


On recent epidemics

A paramedic returns to their rig after responding to an incident.

"So, of course, we are in the middle of a global pandemic and more than 200 countries and more than 200 countries more. It really respected a lot, many parts of the world. We have a serious situation here in the states -Unis. It's a bag mix in the United States. We have areas that have been very affected, as the New York metropolitan area is going well now and getting the epidemic under control and trying so Prudent progressive to open and seem to do so successfully. The numbers are totally involuntary. You know we had more than 135,000 deaths in this pandemic for the United States. We have more than 3 million cases . If you look globally - nearly 600,000 deaths in about 13 or 14 million infections, so this is a historical proportion pandemic. "


On how it's like the 1918 Spanish flu

Walter Reed Hospital flu ward during the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918-19, in Washington DC

"I think we can not deny this fact. It's something I think that when history looks at it, it will be comparable to what we have seen in 1918. The situation that is the current challenge we are Confronted right now is the resurgences of infections in the southern and southwestern part of the country with, especially in areas such as California, Florida, Arizona and Texas, they see a record number of cases . Interestingly young people, strongly suggests the link between attempts to open and in many ways, while we have seen photos of and, photos and movies of most young people [who] have been observed at the bars have gathered in congested places - many of them without masks, which really adds fuel to fire. So our challenge today and tomorrow and next week is trying to contain these epidemics and we bring back on the right path of power not only to contain, but also to open, to open safely. "


On how the United States is a mixed bag

Guard in PPE suit uses infrared thermometer measuring temperature with African male worker scanning for Coronavirus or Covid-19 symptom at office elevator International medical healthcare system

"It's a global serious situation. This is a serious situation in the United States, the United States being a very large country and very heterogeneous, both geographically demographically and other means, it's a mixed bag . Certain regions of the country are really well, and others are being challenged by the states that I have just mentioned that I have just mentioned. If you look at the magnitude of the 1918 pandemic where from 50 to 75 to One hundred million people died in the world. I mean, it was it, you know, the mother of all the pandemics and really historical. I hope we do not even appropire that with that, but that's the possibility From the possibility of being, you know, approach this gravity. I hope that the types of interventions we "will you be and that the implementation would not allow this to happen, but he has strong similarities with that in that it was the emergence of a new infection that was in Fluenza ".


On how this virus is unusual

Sick man sleeps covered with a blanket lying in bed with high fever, resting at living room. He is exhausted and suffering from flu with cup of tea with lemon, medicaments. Influenza season.

"And even if he has a wide range of 20 to 40% of people who have no symptoms for individuals who become moderately ill, very sick, quite serious to go to the hospital, quite serious for a Ventilation of intensive care and even death is therefore a very unusual virus in this. The range of gravity is so large and wide, resulting in confusion on the part of people as to whether it is really serious. Like some People say it's, well, it does not matter for some people, but it's serious murder for others. "


On cases and rising mortality rates

Doctors inspecting patient in hospital.

"So, the first question is that it's just an increase because of the essay in relation to an increase? Well, there is no doubt that it is at once. I mean, bigger than you Test, the more you will look for, more to increase the tests will give you increases, but there is no doubt that there are more infections. And we know that because the percentage of attack cases, Tested business that is positive is therefore unequivocal that you really see more new cases. In addition, we now see more hospitalizations, which are lagging behind infections and we start. And we will see, however, not as much as we have most likely seen more dead. So, so there are more infections. [With regard to mortality rates]: Well, we have to pay attention, because remember that the high peak of mortality rates that we saw was the terrible situation they crossed at New York, a metropolitan area in situations of Chicago and New Orleans and Detroit, and that the mortality rate passes with joy. What will happen is that we will probably see more deaths as people are hospitalized, but I doubt that it will lead to the extent that we have already seen. "


On the virus being in the air

with sneezing at city street, woman without protective mask while spreading flu,cold, Covid-19

"It remains questionable. In fact, two minutes before my arrival, I just read a summary analysis of that. And there is almost certainly that there is a degree of aerosol. The degree of aerosol of sage transmission is very Unclear. Most people think it's not the dominant modality of transmission, but the definitive proof has not been put in place, I do not think it's dominant. I think it really happens . "


On what America hurts


"It's always easy to look back and say that if we did it that, would have been different? Some of the things I believe to have an impact on differences. And I do not think we can explain fully It is that in Europe, for example, and in some Asian countries, when they are closed, essentially locked up, they locked up about 90, 90 plus percent. They really locked. We have a very Large in a very heterogeneous country with different risks in different places, geographically and demographically, even if we locked up considerably, we are only locked up, the estimate is somewhere around 50, 55% approximately. So when we add the epidemic and Europe, they climbed, they culminated, then they came to the departure. "


On how young people would prefer to have margaritates right now

Friends drinking spritz at cocktail bar with face masks

Fauci can see how young people might think: "" No matter for me. I prefer to be there by sipping my margarita in a bar in a crowd. "Well, to me, it's understandable. I do not blame it - it's innocent. However, what they need to understand is that even if you are infected and you do not have symptoms at all and do not fall sick, you inadvertently propagate the pandemic. You are part of the problem and not the solution because propagating the pandemic - I mean, it may not interest you, because you probably do not go Not getting symptoms, but chances are likely to go infect someone who will then infect someone who will then be a vulnerable person who could get sick, who could be hospitalized, who could even die. So, not only You spread the epidemic, but you actually put the other people in danger. So I hope you could use young people to not only take individual personal responsibility, but think about your societal responsibility. "


On how we all are in this set

medicine doctor wearing face mask and blue scrubs standing corporate in health care work concept

"That's what I mean when I say we're all in this set, everyone has a place and a role in controlling this epidemic under control. And you do not worry if you are infected or not , is not a good way to get the epidemic under control to get it under control means that you do not let yourself be infected and you have not spread to anyone else. And again, I say That with a certain trepidation because I do not blame anyone. And I think people do this innocently. They do not want to be part of the problem, but inadvertently, they are part of the problem. And this is the message we need to to cross. "

As for yourself: no matter where you go, or how do you get there, wear your face mask, the social distance, wash your hands frequently, monitor your health, avoid crowds (and bars) and to cross this pandemic to your healthiest, do not miss these37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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