It's a most dangerous place # 1 to catch Covid-19

Consider the risk before going.

You can be forgiven to feel like coronavirus hides behind every corner corner. But in fact, some activities are more dangerous than others. Recently, a team of doctors of theTexas Medical AssociationClassified near all activities - to open your mail to a bar by their level of risk and assumed in their calculations that everyone would wear masks and social distancing. Read it to discover the four most risky things you could do, each winning a scale of 1 on a scale of 1 (the safest) to 9 (the routest) - with the worst at the end.


Attend a big music concert

What are all the most risky places in this list have in common? They all attract large crowds. Most concerts with large exploration heads have been moved online or canceled, as some under-constrained, as the event scheduled for Vanilla Ice in Texas, has stopped only after being damaged. publicly planning during an epidemic. Yet some producers insist on the show. For their series of summer concerts in a stadium, the Chamber of Commerce of the Norwich region, for example, in Connecticut, implements social distancing and guaranteeing that the crowd does not exceed 500 people. They pay attention; Before going, so should you yourself, and ask you: Is it really worth it?


Go to a sports stadium

The shortened seasons and empty stages make this a strange year, even if the teams come back healthy (many are not, with players and infecting coronaviruses). Even if you wanted to catch a game, most do not allow crowds. To be careful when they do it.


Attend a religious service with more than 500 worshipers

Young woman is worshipping at a service in a church

More than 650 cases of coronaviruses have been set for services at the Church, with organizations that find epidemics even when practicing security measures. "In case of uncertainty, as if we live now, it is understandable that people are looking for community activities like going to church, but unfortunately, we reached yesterday the most coronavirus death in more than a month With 993 people who die: "Dr. Leo Nissolasays eating this, not that! Health. "The country is not ready for mass gatherings."


And the most risky place you could go is ... a bar

Avoid "three CS": closed spaces with low ventilation, crowded places and narrow contact parameters - all that could describe bars. (You could add a fourth "C" -Too many cocktails, which could make you forget security protocols.) A bar is the place 1 for not going now. "The congregation in an indoor bar is a bad news," recently said Dr. Anthony Fauci, the first infectious disease expert, recently said. "We must really stop that. At the moment."


So what can you do to stay healthy?

Man washing hands.

According to doctors, the opening of the mail is the safest thing you can do - but click here for the complete list of37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirusTo make sure you understand the risks so you never catch COVID-19.

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