13 the most common health problems in your 70s
Do not miss this invaluable opinion of a Yale doctor.

As we get older, we get wise, but, wise health, we also have more complex. Over the years, life accentuates our differences. See 100 years and older are similar in health. But 100 children aged 70 will have many differences. Your genes, the environment in which you live, your economic situation, your education, your behavior, especially exercise, nutrition, smoking, alcohol and drugs all these factors affect your health and the likelihood of Develop diseases in your 70s and beyond.
Here are some of the most common health of people living in their eighth decade of life and some suggestions on how to avoid or reduce their effects.Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

HypertensionOr high blood pressure is known as the "silent killer" because there are few or no symptoms. Having important arterial blood pressure damage and increases the risk of serious health problems such as heart attack, stroke and peripheral arterial disease. If you are a man or a woman in your 70s, you have a 60% chance of having or developing high blood pressure.
RX: Ask your doctor for arterial pressure at least every two years. But, it is important to know that what constitutes for people of 70 years "good blood pressure" remains a bit controversial. A study shows that the latter, up to 120, lower is better, but other studies suggest blood pressure in the 120s can increase the risk of kidney problems, passing through, and down. Thus, the message to remember is: we are not quite sure what is the best blood pressure for children aged 70, but you have your doctor monitor you to monitor changes over time.
The best bets for healthy blood pressure: start by decreasing your salt intake, the increase in physical activity and healthy diet, especially fruits and vegetables. Then, if it does not work, your doctor will probably recommend arterial pressure medications.
High cholesterol levels

You can not know if you have or hyperlipidemia-hypercholesterolemia high levels of grease in the blood until a blood test reveals. It is almost completely asymptomatic. Most often hyperlipidemic-the best term because it is more than just cholesterol is the chance of the genetic draw. But Cheeseburgers, stamped milks and other foods that contain high levels of fat certainly do not help and may aggravate. If untreated, high cholesterol can lead to heart attacks and stroke.
RX: High cholesterol (hyperlipidemia) can be managed by diet, exercise and medicines. More physically active things you like tennis play do, walk, hiking or swimming. The exercise at least 30 minutes a sweating day a little suggests you do fairly four days a week. And follow a healthy diet, eat low fat foods and saturated fats. The good news is that some poly-unsaturated-mono- and-found acids in chocolate, black and walnut lawyers are good for you. But limit rapid restoration, junk food, and processed meats. These steps will help you maintain a healthy body weight, which is really important for your cholesterol and overall health.

It's not life in danger, but arthritis can make you quite miserable, affecting your quality of life, including how much the pain you have and how much activity you can take part in. Arthritis grows more frequent with age. There are many types of arthritis. Wear, associated with aging, is the cause of osteoarthritis, The most common form, when the cartilage inside your joints begins to decompose, which causes changes in the bone that worsen over time. Another type, rheumatoid arthritis, is linked to inflammation, when the attacks of the immune system of body joints.
RX:If you feel pain, swelling, stiffness and tenderness in your joints, the first thing you want to do is talk to your doctor. Depending on the type of arthritis you have, you can hurt in the morning or all day. Mobile is one of the best treatments it is. In addition, bodybuilding exercises help because strong muscles protect the joints. There are a variety of pain medicines, both in the form of topical pills and creams, which help joint pain. Ask your doctor what combination is good for you, they all have adverse effects. If a clinician suggests that it is time for articular replacement due to the pain of arthritis, it is intelligent to get at least a second opinion. Total joint replacementis the most common elective surgery in the United States, and the number of these surgeries is on the rise. Some believe that the operation is running too often these days. Joint replacements should not be done too early or too late!

Over time, light lentils in your eyes can become cloudy and harm your vision. While several conditions of vision affect the elderly, including macular degeneration and glaucoma, the one that is the most common is cataract. unsightly not only cataracts, but they can get in the way of living your life better, making it difficult to see clearly, especially at night.
RX: The good news is that cataract is one of the most vision problems that can be treated for the elderly. Get your cataracts extracted can be a game changer; The operation makes it possible to resume night driving because it decreases the glare caused by the headlights of cars coming in the opposite direction. People who have had cataract surgery are also less likely to fall. Although not everyone gets cataracts, the vast majority of seniors do. They are more common in people who are in the sun many, suffer from diabetes, or take steroids for any reason .. But, at some point in our lives, most of us will eventually extract cataracts. One of the benefits of fringe: If you have spent glasses most of your life, your remote vision can improve to have the cataract removed. I am almost impatient to be because I wear glasses for distance since I'm in kindergarten!
Uncontrolled blood sugar

A new disturbing trend is the increase in the number of people 70 years old get a diagnosis for the first time with Diabetes. We do not know if the risk factors for diabetes in the 1970s are the same as for people diagnosed at a young age. In addition, doctors find that the tight control of your blood glucose (hemoglobin rate A1C) in the elderly sometimes leads to blood glucose levels too low that is almost as bad as too high.
On the one hand, it is important to keep your blood glucose, and what is called your hemoglobin level A1C, under control to reduce the likelihood of negative health effects to your vision, kidneys or nerves (one Condition known as neuropathy when you can not feel your feet or get pain in the feet, and uncontrolled diabetes, it can even lead to an amputation). But you also want to avoid blood sugar complications too low, which can cause fading, breaking a bone or brain injury.
RX: To reduce the chances of developing diabetes in your 70s, maintaining a healthy diet and getting a lot of physical activity, both help keep your weight in the healthy range. Obesity, after all, is associated with the development of diabetes. And, if you get a diabetes diagnosis in your 70s, make sure your treatment is neither cheap or too much like gold buckle.
Hearing loss

The frequency of hearing loss in people is in the 70 years, and many devastating underestimities it can be. Studies show that hearing impairment is itself a risk factor for dementia, depression and other conditions. I guess the generation growing wearing headphones in the ears all the time will experience an even bigger problem with hearing loss in the coming years.
The key is to really recognize how important hearing is the quality of life. It is a determining factor in social isolation. I hear my patients all the time: "Well, I really do not want to go because I can not hear what I do not want to go to the theater, I do not want to go to this dinner .. Party. "
RX: Number one, make sure you do not wax in your ears. The second thing is to get an auditory test. If hearing aids are recommended, recognizing that the quality of auditory prostheses enhance considerably; These are not the hearing aid of your grandmother. I recommend getting the best that you can afford quality hearing aid. Keep in mind that you need to test and may need to repeat visits to get them adjusted to make sure they work properly.
People who can not afford hearing aids may find that listening devices can be useful too, and they are much cheaper. Some, especially useful in situations like a one-to-head in a relatively quiet place, can be bought for about $ 50.

As we get older, we lose bone density and a condition called osteoporosis, weakening bones, can occur. It puts you (especially women) at risk of fractures. Although post-menopause is one of the main risk factors for osteoporosis, bone loss can touch anyone. While in your 20 years, you make new bones every few years, as you reach your 70s, you do not do many new bones at all.
RX: To avoid fractures, displacement is the best thing to do. To enjoy your bones, the movement against the resistance, as on a sidewalk, it is very useful to walk in the water or swimming will not do it. In addition to the activity, give your bones a good amount of calcium. If you do not consume dairy, take calcium supplements and Vitamin D supplementsSince vitamin D is also important for bone health. Although we can still absorb some of the sun as we get older, it becomes more difficult to absorb vitamin D from sun exposure.
In addition, if you are on bisphosphonates, a class of drugs taking to prevent bone loss, keep in mind that they should only be taken for five to seven years, after which you should take a vacation. If you take them too long, they can cause bone problems. So ask your doctor: "How long have I been about it and should I continue to take it?"
Memory loss

I see a lot of worried people they can have dementiaIt is therefore important to know that some symptoms occur in what we call "usual aging". In the usual aging, it takes more time to learn new tasks, such as computer skills. It also takes a little more time to retrieve information that you finally remember. (This is the "tip of the language" phenomenon. For example, names are more difficult to remember. You know this person, and you know where you know it, and you can probably remind you what color of dress they wore it five years ago, but you do not remember their name. Or, you enter a room and you do not remember what you came to do.)
These are all normal memory problems that come with aging and do not necessarily mean that you are more likely to get any dementia that anyone. However, dementia can be the problem if memory loss begins to interfere with your function: you do not remember paying bills, forget about important appointments or lose yourself when you drive to places where you have been several times.
RX:There are many applications that promise to boost memory; We do not know if they help. But the best recommendation I can give is to remain physically, socially and intellectually active, to do what you like to do. Read if you like to read. If you like to do crossed words, do crosswords. It is not clear that everything is better than another. To be socially involved-volunteering, go out with friends or all you love - help. Sleep is important for cognition, so being mentally and physically active during the day will help you get tired.
Sleep problems

As we get older, despite how long you go to bed, the time you are asleep - and stay asleep. What is called sleep efficiency - the percentage of time you are in bed and sleeping - decreases with age. It's a normal part (although frustrating) aging. But the changes in your normal sleep in your 70s are really not a problem unless you are tired during the day. It's a clue that there may be a problem to see a sleep specialist.
RX: Whatever you do, stay away from sleep medications especially. They all have bad effects and not much good. The only reason they are available without a prescription are because they were on the market before the FDA starts assessing drugs. With the exception of melatonin, all all contain a chemical that operates directly against the major chemical in the brain for memory. All that says that PM is in the same class of medication as Benadryl, an antihistamine that is anticholinergic. The cholinergic nervous system is part of what keeps the memory.
If you have trouble sleeping, my number one number one number one has a regular sleep schedule. And if you're in bed and you're not asleep in half an hour, you should get up. Research in a moment when you feel sleepy.

Most cancers increase with age: prostate, colon, lung and breast cancer all become more widespread than we get older. However, it is proven that death rates for cancer have a general decrease and have been for the 26eYear in a row.
RX:While screening will not prevent cancer, catch earlier gives the best chance to successful treatment. Talk to your doctor about the recommended screening tests for you, depending on your family history, your medical, age, sex, and other risk factors such as the history of smoking. Regular mammograms and colonoscopies are effective screening tools for detecting early cell changes before becoming cancer or can spread. But, according to screening guidelines, your health system follows, it can be recommended to stop breast and colon screening after 75 years. Indeed, the benefits diminish (the test will not help you live longer) and harm the harmful effects (the adverse effects of subsequent tests or treatment).
Chronic pulmonary disease

Chronic pulmonary disease increases and we see it more for women. According to U.S. Human Health and Services OfficeThe number of women diagnosed with pulmonary disease in the United States is on the rise, as well as the number of stye women in pulmonary disease.
By far, the main risk factor for chronic pulmonary disease is smoking. And there are very good proofs that no matter what your age, which is certainly true in your 70s, where you have another possible 20 years of life - smoking should be smoking.
RX: If you have problems with coughing or wheezing or shortness of breath with normal activities, it is important to ask your doctor a test of lung disease. There are a number of treatments that can help you breathe more easily. (Have I mentioned that it's almost never too late to stop smoking?)

About one in three seniors will fall normal activities. The fall can cause a considerable amount of stress, discomfort and even disability. Fall injuries, such as hip fractures or head injuries, are as common and devastating as times.
RX: The things we know we can more contribute to avoidable falls include muscle weakness and bad balance - both can be improved by being physically active and exercise, as well as physical therapy. Drugs are a major contributory to falls, especially drugs that work on the brain or traffic. Medicine of blood pressure, depression medicine, sleep medicine and pain medicines are part of the main categories of drugs to reflect on fall prevention. You want to be on the lowest dose and take as little drugs as needed. Some studies suggest that vitamin D can decrease the risk of falling and definitively decreases the probability of a fracture if a fall occurs.

We should not think of depression differently from cancer or heart disease or blood pressure. It is a disease caused by an imbalance of chemicals in your brain. We can adjust the balance between these chemicals with drugs and conversation therapy. If you feel shot down and hopeless and you did not appreciate the activities you have made, talk to your doctor of the screening tests easily carried out as part of the depression.
Because depression can be both out-treated and too extended, it is important to ensure that there is a diagnosis of depression and monitoring the response to treatment and duration of your time. After a year or more, you and your doctor should assess whether to continue on the medicine or go out.
RX: Physical activity is one of the best preventive therapies of depression. If only you could biberte the advantages of the movement - I do not call it exercise, I call it a physical activity because it incorporates it in your daily life rather than: "I'm going to sit on the couch for 20 hours a day and then I will exercise for half an hour. "It's really important to move as much as you can and go out outside in the fresh air and the sun. These types of things can really help people's mood.And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.
Mary Tinetti, MD, is a geriatric and head of the geriatric section of the mine.