Dr. Fauci just said when it's okay to remove your mask

Even the first expert on the country's infectious disease sometimes takes its mask in public.

The port of a mask has become a fundamental must-do with the battle against Covid-19. Depending on the research, masking is effective in slowing the spread of highly infectious virus because it protects not only yourself, but others, to get in touch with virus droplets. While health experts, in particular Dr. Anthony Fauci, the expert in infectious disease of the nation, continue to exercise their minds that wearing a mask is essential, even the key member of the working group of the coronavirus of the coronavirus White house sometimes takes. Thursday, during an interview with Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo, Dr. Faisci gave us everything on the disassembly in specific situations. Here's what you need to know about it, as well as other important councils in coronavirus safety, and to go through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Of the five fundamentals to send children safely to school

Teacher and children with face mask back at school after covid-19 quarantine and lockdown.

Dr. Faisci maintained that there were five or six fundamentals to slow down the propagation of the virus. As far as the school is concerned, he explains that there are five essential things that need to save classrooms. "We wear a mask," he said. "Social distancing to the extent that you can, and if you can not assure you to have a mask avoiding the congested congregation. Outside, always better than from the inside. Good ventilation. If you can Keeping the windows open, if time permits, if time allows it. When you have children outdoors, try to make sure they do not gather very closely together, allow them to become aware of distances in all security. "


How to avoid a superscreading event

eating outside

Fauci continues to reiterate that the outside is better than inside. "I would be so outdoors as you can possibly," he said. "If you look at the supermarket events that happened, I think it's incorrect to call SuperPanders people. The event is [the] super widespread. They are almost always inside the super spreaders - in houses retirement, meat packaging, prisons, choirs in churches, marriage congregations and other social events where people come together. It's almost invariable. Nothing is 100%, but it is almost invariable that it is to The interior. So you have a mask when you are outside, keep the mask on. "


Stay safe in a car

male taxi driver wearing face protective medical mask driving car with passenger

"When I'm in a car now, I keep the window open," said Fuci. "Even if the person drives the car and me, both have masks, I keep the masks on and that the windows are open."


On when to take your mask

man walking on beach

While wearing a mask is one of the fundamental principles of Fauci, there are times when you can remove them safely. "When I see people on a beach running with person around them, good for you, you know, do it. You do not need to be locked outside," he said . However, if there are many people around, hide you. "If you think you're getting closer to people, you know, turn a mask back. But if you walk with your dog or your wife or husband or someone you're in the house with anyway, and you" will not stay separate from them and do it. "He also explained that there was no need to go to the extreme." You could see your friends, "he says." I want say, what I'm doing myself right now, I'm very careful to wear a mask, but every night, and it's now late at night, because when I go home, my wife and I go out For a Jog mile, walk, everything you want to call it. And I do that, "he explained, pulling his mask around his chin. "That's like that. And I'm talking with her. If I see 50 meters ahead, someone came, I'm going like that," he continued, returning his mask on his face. "We pass them." Hello. How are you? 'And then I'm outside. You can do it. You can do it. "


How to stay safe where you are


As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent recovery and spreading-Covid-19 in the first place: Mask Up, do you test if you think of coronaviruses, avoid crowds (and bars and bars and The evenings of the house), practice social distance, only during essential races, wash hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to cross this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these 37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus .

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