CDC Changes this large coronavirus rule for schools

The CDC wants to bring children back to school safely and quickly "with new guidelines.

While the summer takes place, parents face the beginning of the school year - and seek the authorities to help determine if it is prudent to send students to learning in person. Friday, theDisease control centersRevised its guidelines to emphasize the importance of face-to-face instruction. "We listened to the children of our country to take personal responsibility to do everything we can to reduce the level of COVID-19, so that we can all go back to school safely," said CDC Director Friday , said Friday. Read a summary of its changes and stay safe and stay safe during this pandemic, no matter where you live, do not miss this essential list of theWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


The CDC now says that schools do not need to be fully closed on one case

"The new guidelines deal with how schools can work with public health officials if an infected person has been on campus", reportsKtla. "Rather than closing all this time before a long time, the guidelines said that an option is an initial short-term class suspension and a cancellation of events and activities after school. This would give officials. public health The time needed to determine how spread the infections are. "


The CDC recommends more striking children's masks

Child face in a mask and goggles.

"Teaching and strengthen the use of fabric face coatings or masks", they recommend. "The use of fabric coatings or masks is one of many important attenuation strategies to prevent the propagation of CVIV-19. Fabric coatings or masks are intended to protect from other people In case the carrier is infected without knowing it but does not have symptoms. "

The Agency also offered enhanced advice on cleaning and disinfection, shared objects and ventilation, as well as modified provisions and school lunches.


The CDC now says that the risk of teacher was to "reflect" the community

Teacher and children with face mask back at school after covid-19 quarantine and lockdown.

"The many benefits of enrollment in person should be weighed against the risks posed by COVID-19," said the new guidelines. "The available evidence of countries that have reopened schools have shown that Covid-19" poses low risks for school-aged children - at least in areas with low Community transmission ""Cnn. "This adds that in general, children are less likely to have serious symptoms than adults. The risk of teachers, school administrators and other staff", however, that other adults of the community "if they are sick, the guidelines said."


The CDC now says that the goal is to open as quickly as possible.

School child wearing face mask

"Everyone aims to give priority to the reopening of schools safely and as quickly as possible given the many known and established benefits of in-person learning," said the Agency. "In order to allow this and help schools with their daily operations, it is important to adopt and implement with diligence actions aimed at slowing down the propagation of CVIV-19 inside the school and in The Community. Vigilance to these actions will be moderate the risk of school transmission regardless of the underlying Community burden - with the lowest risk if Community transmission is low and there is a loyalty to the implementation of strategies proven attenuation. "


The CDC reports promising results from a child care center

Student in protective face mask in empty college indoors

Meanwhile, "areportPosted by disease and prevention control centers suggests that childcare centers can safely reopen in areas where the virus is low ", reports theNew York Times. "The published report of Friday's documents only 52 coronavirus infections in the Child Care Centers in Rhode Island over a two-month period during which hundreds of centers have been allowed to reopen. In a call with Journalists on Friday, CDC. Director of Dr.. Robert Redfield, membership credited to measures such as mandatory adult masks, the daily screening of symptoms in adults and children and cleaning in depth and physical distancing. "


The head of the CDC advises how you can stay safely

family with dad, mom and daughter staying at home wearing facial masks

As for yourself, listen to the orientation of Redfield - pay attention to the spread of your community before sending your child to school and do everything you can to prevent the propagation of CVIV-19. "We do not have to close the retail business, you do not have to lock," said Redfield. "We really need to wear face coatings when we can not keep the social distance, wash your hands and be smart on the crowds. Perfect obvious overcrowding that occurs in bars and interior restaurants, and we can Get this epidemic under control. " And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

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