5 sure signs that you had coronavirus

A new chronic symptom study has lasted for months.

With all discussions in case of coronaviruses and deaths, some of the intermediate cases tend to be subcomponed - so far. The researchers interviewed 219 patients to which we were hospitalized with coronavirus, then unloaded and found "most patients requiring hospitalization for Covid-19 had symptoms ... for an average of 111 days after his return home, on asearch letterPosted yesterday in the newspaper of infection, "ReportsThe Center for Research and Policy of Infectious Disease. Here are the symptoms that the patients had, classified as common to the most common. Read on and stay safe and stay safe during this pandemic, do not miss this essential list ofAll the sure signs you have already had coronavirus.


20% of the patients interviewed have suffered hair loss

losing hair

... and 20 of those who have made women. "Doctors say Telogen Effluvium is to blame, a temporary condition in which people are experiencing excessive hair loss after a disease, surgery, high fever, a stressful life event, extreme weight loss or birth, reports theSee today.


27% of the patients surveyed suffered a loss of concentration

businessman taking off glasses rubbing dry irritated eyes

"Many" patients "lengths or COVID-19 patients who continued to show symptoms for months after the successful initial infection, report neurological problems such as confusion and the difficulty of concentrating (or cerebral fog), as well as headaches, extreme fatigue, mood changes, insomnia and loss of taste and / or smell, "reportsMarketing.


31% of the patients surveyed have suffered experienced sleep disorders

Middle aged woman lying awake in her bed at night, worrying because of an uncomfortable pressure in her chest and an irregular heartbeat

Anxiety on the pandemic has caused sleep problems in those who have not even been infected with the virus; Those who are infected also declare insomnia or disrupted sleep.


34% of respondents experienced experienced memory loss

Moody aged man feeling unhappy.

This is because the coronavirus affects the brain. "A study of 60 CIVID-19 patientsPublished inLancet this weeknotes that 55% of patients still had such neurological symptoms during follow-up visits three months later, "ReportsMarketing. "And when doctors compared the cerebral analyzes of these 60 coovidants with those of a control group that had not been infected, they found that the brain of CIVID patients showed structural changes that are correlated with the loss of memory and the loss of smell. "


42% of the surveyed patients had experienced shortness of breath

adult male in face mask receiving treatment at hospital suffering respiratory disease lying on bed

"Cara Schiavo, a 31-year-old woman living in New Jersey, had a fever, chest pain and shortness of breath, and she tested positive for the new coronavirus on March 10," ReportsAdvisory.com. "Four weeks after having tested positive for the virus, his symptoms started to replace." I felt like I'm coming back to my old me, "she said. But her symptoms returned a week later."


55% of the patients interviewed were fatigued


By far, the most commonly reported symptom for length lengths, fatigue can come in many forms. "More than 90% of long-term lengths" -David Puttrino, a neuroscientist and a rehabilitation specialist at the Mount Sinai Hospital worked with also "post-exertion malaise," in which even light wives physical or mental effort can trigger a serious physiological accident, "reports theAtlantic.


The symptom that surprised the most

Attractive Asian woman serious about her brush for presentation hair loss problem and looking at comb.

"Researchers said they were surprised by the high percentage of patients, particularly women - who reported a substantial hair loss, which they indicated may be caused by the remuting of telogen, a type of loss of Temporary hair triggered by stress, shock, trauma or viral infection, and / or stress of being sick and hospitalized, "says Cidrap." But overall ... most who had a job Before their illness returned to work. "


How can you avoid coronavirus

Woman with medical mask to protect her from virus

The best expert in infectious disease of the nationDr. Anthony Fauci strongly recommendsWear your face mask and avoid crowds, social distance, only manage essential races, wash your hands frequently and cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus .

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