I am a doctor and here is how to avoid coronavirus outside

In order to beat him, each of us must make an effort.

I am a doctor, and if you think it's just another post on social distance and how to wash their hands of vital importance because they are you wrong. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

How can we put coronavirus?

I'm sure I'm talking for us all when I say we want it to be anymore.

America is carried away terribly in the pandemic. TThere are many new cases reported every day continues to climb, as homes to tear Florida, Arizona, Texas and California, among others. In recent days, for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 60,000 new cases have been diagnosed a day. There were 3.22 million cases told in all the United States and 136,000 deaths. It is clear that the virus is far from under control.

We have all witnessed the devastation she has caused. For those who are infected, there is suffering, and sometimes death, but for the population as a whole, the social and economic effects have led to loneliness, isolation, job losses, financial ruin, and wreak havoc on family life and relationships. Our lives have been changed so that we would never have imagined.

Now we have to deal with the truth. This virus will not disappear. If we will beat him, each of us must make a huge concerted effort.

We desperately need a vaccine, butVaccine testsTaking the time, the virus is intelligent, and although we are ardently hopeful that this will happen, we must be realistic. We can never have a vaccine.

We need an effective form of treatment, but the same. Thousands ofclinical testsFor possible treatments of COVID are in progress, research primarily the effects of antiviral agents and immunomodulators. However, these take time, and although there has been some progress, there are still no magic medicines on the horizon.

RELATED:All that Mr. Fauci said about Coronavirus

What in East-Herd immunity?

Most recent statistical models suggest the immunity of COVID flocks,43%of the population must be a welcome immune review of the previous 60% figure. If this can be realized, it would be amazing. However, the situation is aggravated by the fact that most research seems to suggest after a COVID-19 infection, the antibody response can be low, and often it is not long. There is no guarantee of having the infection will necessarily protect you in the future.

The immunity of the flock is based on a large number of people with sufficient antibodies to stay safe. We do not just know when it happens with COVID-19. Or how long it will take. We can be waiting for a very long time.

Where do this leave us?

So that lets us come back to the essential. It's time to become a germaphobe! This does not mean:

These activities are mandatory to stop this little virus.

After all,100 million virusesCan stand on a pinhead! WHO has published recommendationson how to protect yourself and protect others from the propagation of COVID-19. At the moment, it is also time to take care of your physical and mental health, eat healthy diet, stop smoking, and be the best parent possible.

What happens if we are not compliant with COVID infection control recommendations?

If this is the case, the virus continues to spread. Statistics predict more than 30 days, a COVID-19 infected person can potentially infect403 people. It is an extremely high figure.

Can we learn from other countries?

If we look at the countries that have achieved better results, what advice can we take? In Switzerland, strict cellular isolation and the first cases were quickly circumscribed meant. However, since Lockdown softened, they have a small second peak of cases. Their approach was to test easily get early and use aTest and trace application. They also imposed the use of masks as mandatory in public transport.

So, here's how we stop coronavirus


The port of a mask is something practical that you can do to protect yourself from infection, but also to stop transmitting the virus to someone else.45/50States have produced rules to wear masks, but only from these with a degree of authority. Five states have no rules on the wearing of masks at all.

remember that80%People with COVID-19 do not have any symptoms. And that people with asymptomatic infection are theinfectiouslike those with symptoms.

There aregood medical reasonsTo carry a mask.

  • They have been shown to reduce the transmission of other types of coronaviruses.
  • A2020The meta-analysis, including 6 randomized controlled trials, concluded that the use of the mask was as effective as the use of N95 respirator masks for the prevention of the transmission of the influenza virus among health workers.
  • Some authorities describe the port of fabric masks in public as potentially "rescue".

Only on July 8th,WHOOfficially recognized that more COVID than it was previously, can be spread through aerosols, tiny particles floating in the air. Until now, they believed that most of the virus was extended by respiratory droplets, expired when breathing, coughing or sneezing, which fall quickly out of the air.

Additional evidence is reviewed to see how to change the recommendations for medical staff and the public.

Use test and trace applications

Contact tracing applicationsWe always think about having a significant potential to help control Covid-19. However, problems have had problems of use of them largely due to privacy concerns.

A publication from an Oxford University in the newspaperScience (May 2020), concluded that for the contact tracing application to be effective, at least 60% of the population is part of. This can be difficult. So far, in countries where the application has been introduced, such as Iceland, only 38% of the population has registered. To date, the contribution of the application to the propagation of control of the virus has not been as effective as the hope.

However, Apple and Google continue to support the evolution of the application, and three states, Alabama, North Dakota and South Carolina, have declared their intention to use them, as well as some European countries.

Once we have enough reinsurance and we can trust technology, we can all join, register for the application and make our ILO to help control the pandemic.

Get people to follow the rules

I can not help but noticed the person who rushes in front of me in the supermarket, without mask, does not seize the freeze distributor, barges around the store without any hesitation reaching other customers for Take their product and be far too close, not following the yellow lines, picking up products and put them back on the shelves, leaning and breathe far too close to the cashiers.

Is it a rule for the whole world, but a rule seemingly different from this other person?

There are various reasons that some people do not respect the rules.

  • Refuse

To be denied is common these days, just about a lot of things. For example, in England, 64% of adults are now overweight or obese. Despite this, participants inmedical studiesDoes not generally identify correctly as overweight. Many, classified as obese, believe they are "pretty much". How can this be?

PsychologistsBelieve that sometimes we can not recognize the bad things under our nose if there are other major difficulties of our life. If you were already in an unfortunate relationship or crossing a breakdown, live in poverty, or maybe have other serious medical or social problems, the Pandemic of Covid can simply be overwhelming - the last straw.

  • "It will never happen to me"

Many people live life with an inherent feeling "It will never happen to me." Are they optimistic or just very unrealistic?

  • Fear

FearCan also act in two ways - intensify and do what is needed, or mass panic. A bad way to calm fear is to make sure we all receive accurate information. There have been a lot of inaccurate reports in the media, such as conspiracy theories on the cause of the pandemic and erroneous treatment claims. You can check all the rumors you have heard at FEMACoronavirus Rumor Control.

People who can not engage with pandemic rules will require help for the other underlying stress they know. Once the resolution, they can then start accepting the details of the current pandemic and the party they must play.

So, if you know someone who does not conform, they may not need hard words and compassion and kindness will go a long way.

Take individual responsibility

We must all take responsibility for our own health. If someone does not comply with pandemic rules, why are not they able to do it?

Sometimes people feel helpless, they feel that the problem is so immense that they are inclined by it. They react by blaming others around them and get angry.

We can all take control of their own life. Instead of waiting for everyone to get rid of the virus for them, each of us must be able to get involved and take steps to protect ourselves and those we love.

If you meet someone who did not engage with current pandemic regulations, what can you do? A suggestion is to give them the right tools? Give them a disinfectant of the hands and masks. Help them find relevant information about controlling infections online or elsewhere. Rent them when you see them using them. People need to feel that taking these steps are useful - what they are without a doubt. Each, and each of us, by our own actions, contributes to the success or disappearance of this virus.

RELATED: The symptoms of COVID usually appear in this order, study

Change your health behavior

Do you know one of the most difficult things that doctors are required to do in their professional life? No, it's not a diagnosis of cancer or give someone from CPR - he tries to change peoplehealth behavior.

People have deep health beliefs, sometimes they do not realize. And these can be impossible to move. Even if you explain the cause of grass, persuasive medical research, shocking facts and numbers, some people can often stay bellily on the wrong track.

People have the right tomake their own decisionsAbout their health, and finally sometimes you have to accept the decision they made, even if it's not what you are as a doctor believe is just for them.

A good example is a smoking. We all know how dangerous tobaccoism for health, but many committed smokers, despite knowledge of the facts, would prefer to continue to continue. And if I'm for them, as there is so much help out there, these days and now has never been better time to quit! - I have to accept their decision. Remember,smokingIncreases your risk of severe covidation infection.

But with regard to the pandemic of Covid-19, if you choose not to dialogue with the rules of infection control, all carefully formulated with good scientific evidence, it may affect so many people outside of yourself . The virus tends to strike the oldest, the weakest and poorest the most difficult. There are so many things to handle to engage with the process, feel proud to make a difference and provide a good model.

Experts suggest that people have a health problem and they have to make changes to handle it, they are going throughdifferent steps-Contemplation (taking into account the facts), preparation (reflect in advance and proper for change), take action), then maintenance (the new health behavior has become a habit).

The key question they must ask, is what is likely to occur by not respecting Covid infection control guidance? None of us wants to see this result.

Avoid crowds


Health inequalities should be addressed

Save a thought for those living in poverty, in overcrowded houses or who are homeless. They may have little choice on social distancing and have limited access to resources, including running water, which means that it is unable to wash your hands.

A disproportionate number of groups of black and ethnic minorities is found in this position. And we know that these groups have the poorest results if they are infected. This virus has brought the problems ofsocial inequalityright to all first.

Final thoughts of the doctor

We must shoot together as a community and a nation. We have the responsibility for ourselves and for friends, family and the rest of the county to do everything we can do anything to stop the spread of this virus. We must help ourselves.

It's time to consider the rational pandemic and make sure we all do our ILO.

The examination of others, the provident, planning and accession to the recommendations are all crucial. What can you do to help you, your family and your community?

Please think about the points I raised in this post. In fact, it's time to wash and wash my hands ... again! As for yourself: go through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

Dr. Deborah Lee is a medical writerDr. Fox Online Pharmacy.

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