The disinfection error n ° 1

There is a good chance that you clean your all wrong house, according to an initiate.

COVID-19 can be broadcast mainly a person-to-person via respiratory droplets.However, because of the fact that the virus can live on surfaces for a period of time from time to cleaning days and disinfection is essential. Early in the pandemic theUnited States Centers for Disease Control and PreventionRecommended cleaning cleaning of affected leaves, including doors, wells, toilets and counters - often. While many of us have increased our cleaning game in recent months, a cleaning expert says many of us make a massive mistake. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Error # 1 is disinfectant without cleaning

In short, if you disinfectant without cleaning, you commit yourself to a misstep. "The most important step is the cleaning step", Cory Chalmers, CEO of the professional cleaning serviceSterling, RecountInternal business community.

Chalmers, who specializes in the cleaning of biohazard for sites contaminated with infectious diseases, spent last month cleaning and sterilizing coronavirus contaminated places, including houses, cruise ships, offices, factories, factories and fast food restaurants. And, it emphasizes that the method of spraying and cleaning does not work due to the fact that contaminated surfaces are covered with bunches of biofilm, disinfectant resistant germs. In order to kill a virus like Covid, they must first be deleted.

"Many people vaporize a surface and wipe it right away," Chalmers said. "But you do not let the disinfectant do his job."

Instead of starting with a disinfectant, he suggested putting soap on a napkin in a fir or paper, to bend in quarters and attack the biofilm on the surface. Once you have completed a small area of ​​a few square feet, you are ready to approach the next one. But do not forget to return the towel over, turn it off upside down and use the uncontaminated side to clean.

"People will sometimes walk around the house with the same cloth, cleaning all the surfaces. This does not do anything because now they simply spread the germs," ​​Chalmers said. "Once this towel or the sheath you use is full of germs, it does not get absorbed."

Once the surface is clean, you can apply a disinfectant spray or wipe.

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Pay attention to the beautiful impression

In addition, he suggests paying attention to fine impression. Each cylinder of disinfectant is marked with a "attachment time" which indicates the duration necessary to sit on a surface to effectively kill the germs.

It also requires the importance of disinfection of these types of surfaces regularly, despite the insistence of the CDC as the chances of contracting the virus via Touch are very low.

"When you are dealing with a new tension like this, we really do not have all the answers," he said. "I do not think we have enough factual data to know that the closure of a building or desk or a room will kill this virus."As for yourself, avoid germs as much as possible and cross this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

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