This facial mask does not stop Covid after all

Remove one now and use the other carefully.

Two types of popular face coatings may not adequately prevent the propagation of coronavirus, a new study has been found.

Shields of the plastic face and the masks with expiration valves can allow the virus to slip them in front of them, according to aVisualization described Tuesday in the newspaperFluid physics. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

The droplets can slip into

This model showed that face shields - clear plastics visors that envelop the faceCan block some droplets from a simulated cough, but small droplets can slide around the sides of the visor and spread widely in the surrounding area.

And masks with expiration valves (face coatings with a plastic plug on the front that allows easier breathing) are in the same way defective - they allow a flow of breathing droplets to cross the valve. If these droplets contain coronavirus, they can be infectious.

The results "indicate that the face shields and masks with expiration valves may not be as effective as regular face masks in the limitation of the propagation of aerosolized droplets," wrote the authors of the study.

The best face mask is ...

Knowing that face coatings are more effective and which can provide a potentially false sense of security, is important on a number of fronts. Eight months in the coronavirus pandemic, it has become a truism that wearing a facial mask is more protecting others than to protect yourself. Up to 40% of people infected with coronaviruses are asymptomatic and some never develop symptoms. If you are infected and you do not know it, exit in public without adequate facial protection could allow you to broadcast the virus to others via respiratory particles when you exhale, talk, cough or sneeze - especially to people vulnerable to a Violent cases of Covid-19, such as the elderly and persons with pre-existing conditions.

As important as it is to protect others, research also shows that wearing a facial mask considerably reduces your risk of contractual coronavirus. Dr. Anthony Fauci, Top Infectious Sickness Expertise of the Nation, said that risk reduction is between 50% and 80%.

RELATED:All that Mr. Fauci said about Coronavirus

According to the CDC,The most effective face masks Have two or more layers of washable and breathable fabric and you secure firmly around all your mouth and your nose without deviations.

What not to wear (Face Mask Edition)

The types of masks that should be avoided, according to these recent studies, are:

  • Masks with expiration valves. On August 6, the CDCadvised officially that masks with vents or valves should not be worn.
  • The gaiters of the neck (or the neck lights), which are worn around the neck and have risen to wrap loosely on the nose and mouth (kind of tube roof for your head). A study by the University of August Duke revealed that this type of mask is reallyworse than no mask at all.

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Face shields can be a good protection option - but only in combination with a facial mask. Last month, Fuci said that because coronavirus enters the body through mucous membranes, it might be helpful to protect your eyes as well as your nose and mouth. Therefore,Wear glasses or face shield Could protect the eyes of the airborne droplets of the virus. But as this study shows, face shields can be inadequate to protect others against your own respiratory droplets. Thus, at this point, the shields of the plastic face are not the best choice for a primary face coating without a support mask. (And the CDC does not yet recommend the shields of the plastic face for routine use.)

So, all you can to prevent recovery and spreading-Covid-19 in the first place: Wear the right mask, do you test if you think of coronaviruses, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of The house), practice social distance, only run essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to cross this pandemic with your healthier, again, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus .

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