This only thing could reduce your risk of covidation of 75%

They protect not only others from your potential COVID-19 infection, but on their part.

The bearing mask has never been considered more essential to stop the coronavirus to spread. "A new long-term forecast provides a significant increase in CVIV-19 deaths in La Nouvellen," ReportsBloomberg. "Under the latest projections of the Institute of Metrics of Health and Evaluation at the University of Medicine Medicine at the University of Washington, the death of Covid-19 could reach 410,451 by The end of 2020. In the worst scenario, there could be 620,029 mortalities, according to estimates. "

"The difference between the projected scenarios and worst cases boosts how the diligent authoritiesare in Masks and social distancing, according to thereport. "

While most experts strongly encourage everyone - even those who do not show any symptoms of Covid-19-to wear a protectorfacial mask In public in order to prevent propagation, there are always people who refuse to do so. However, a new to studyProvides evidence that the mask port can significantly reduce the non-contact transmission rate of highly infectious and potentially fatal virus. Read what he said and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Airborne particles plunged 75%

According to researchers from the Department of Microbiology at the University of Hong Kong, in the medical newspaperClinical Infectious DiseasesThe COVID-19 transmission rate via respiratory droplets or airborne particles dipping up to 75% when facial masks were used at least with at least hamsters.

"In our Hamster experience, it shows very clearly that if hamsters or infected humans, especially asymptomatic or symptomatic - put on masks, they really protect other people. This is the most powerful result we have shown Here, "Dr. Yuen Kwok-Yung, a microbiologist leader of the university and the leader in the study, explained.

Before laughing: researchers chose rodents as a test subject due to the similarity of their enzyme receptor to humans. The hamsters were divided into two distinct cages, a group that was in good health and another that had been infected with the virus. The researchers then played three separate scenarios. In the first, where mask barriers have been placed on the cages holding infected rodents, the second, the masks covering only healthy hamsters and the third, which did not concern any mask at all. There was also a fan blowing virus particles between cages, to ensure exposure.

In the third scenario,When no mask was used at all, -66.7% - hamsters were infected with COVID-19 within a week. When the barrier was placed on the cage housing infected hamsters, the infection rate dropped to 16.7%. And, interesting enough, when the masks covered the cages of the hamsters of health, the rate of infection fell to 33% - that we know that wearing a face cover is only doing your part to prevent the spread of the virus to D Other people, if you are unconsciously wear, but you also get a decent amount of protection from others.

The authors of the study also noted that the hamsters that were infected despite a mask barrier, had less Covid-19 in their bodies to those who were without masks.

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The effectiveness of facial masks is "huge"

"The conclusions involved in the world and the public is that the efficiency of the mask wearing the coronavirus pandemic is huge," said Yuen, according toSouth China morning position.

Yuen, who claims to have seen a drop of mask in recent weeks, hopes that his conclusions motivate people to continue to wear masks when they are in public - even as temperatures increase - to calm transmission invisible virus.

"I know that wearing masks will be difficult during the summer. My advice is especially when you are in an indoor or closed environment where there is no free air exchange, in congested places or on transport in common,You have to wear a mask, "he suggests. And to cross this pandemic at your best health, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

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