Dr. Fauci Gave this warning just Grim for the winter

Here's what you need to do to avoid a "Twindemic".

Cold and meeting flu season The pandemic of Covid, things could get dirty, we could have a possible "Twindemic. " However,Dr. Anthony Fauci, High specialist in infectious diseases of the nation, stresses that there are precautionary measures we can take to mitigate potential damage. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Get your influenza shots or there could be a twindemic

"We must continue to encourage people to be vaccinated with the influenza vaccine," heJudy Woodrufffrom PBS yesterday. Fuci also pointed out that if our trends follow those observed in the southern hemisphere, where they were a much softer cold and the flu season "It would be a very good thing and favorable. "We believe that people have done public health measures to avoid coronavirus infection - namelymask, Detanciation, avoid crowds, wash your hands - we had the side effect that there are fewer infections of influenza "he explained. In fact, in Australia this year for this influenza season, which goes from April to September, they had one of the lowest rates of infection influenza in memory. So, if we can do it, I think it would be very favorable ".

However, there could be several problems when Covid converges with the cold and the flu, the first being in general. "When you have winter and inside, you can expect a slight increase in any type of respiratory disease. If we have a growing influenza season, which I hope we do not do it, and we are not control over the coronavirus, you can have several challenges, "he says.

The first one? "The distinction between Covid and the flu because there are drugs for influenza and we receive more and more drugs for Covid," he says. " Number two. We do not want to see an overwhelming majority of the health care provision system, for example, hospital beds and intensive care unit beds, and even health staff, "he continued. "It would really be a very serious problem if we start to see an overwhelming of that. And that's why when you have two coexisting infections during the winter months, it becomes problematic. »

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"We will come to a natural end to this"

Calling the chances of a vaccine per day of "very unlikely" elections, Dr. Fuci insists on the importance of being "vigilant" on the virus despite the "coronavirus fatigue" that many feel the approach of the year Brand of coronavirus. "It is clearly a risk when you have been, you know, exhaustingly involved in something now eight months," he confessed. "One of the things I do, and I think it can be effective is to remind people that there will be an end to that. We will put an end to this crisis that we live right now, from the point of view of public health and from a scientific point of view, for example, vaccines and treatments, when people know there is a End in sight, they can hang a little longer. He is when they throw their hands into exasperation and say, "It's never going to the end. So, to the devil, why not we have just obtained with our lives and do what we want to do? This can be a very dangerous conclusion to reach because it leads to negligence and even more infections and the spread of the pandemic. But when people see that, if they just hang there a little more, we will arrive at a natural end about it. And that's what I'm trying to focus on people when I speak ".

As for yourself: go through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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