Dr. Fauci just said how you will probably get Covid

The latest facts on coronavirus of the infectious impulse expert of the nation.

It's time to "drop". Two modes of coronavirus transmission are significantly higher than thought. An underlying state of health is the worse. And the government does not handle some things wisely. The best infectious infectious expert of the nation,Dr. Anthony Fauci, spoke with Harvard's medical school for hisTower Video series on Thursday, and it all took us at school by sharing the latest information on the important facts surrounding Covid-19 and what it predicts for this fall and winter. Here's all he thinks you should know. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Coronavirus is "much more" aerosolized than thought

Ill man wearing grey sweater, yellow hat and spectacles, blowing nose and sneeze into tissue

The theories about the extent to which coronavirus is transmitted through the respiratory droplets (the substances produced by coughing, crimping and respiration, which fall quickly to the ground) compared to aerosols (smaller particles that can linger. the air). "There was a real misunderstanding on the respiratory droplets and so-called aerosolized particles," he said. "The physicists of the aerosol and particles that approached us have now told us that we really have been wrong on many, many years. The bottom line is, it's a lot more aerosol than we pensions. "


The transmission of surfaces is not included

cleaning checkout station

"Infected surfaces are clearly occurred," said Fauci. "The degree to which they contribute to the transmission is unclear."


The virus is not only in breathing droplets


"The virus is in multiple body fluids," said Fuci. "Once again, what role in transmission is unknown".


Animals can be infected

Woman in protective surgical mask holds dog pet in face mask

"Animals, domesticated animals and zoo can be infected," said Fauci. "And yet, we do not know and do not doubt if it is a major source of human infection."

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Events, not a person, are super-spreaders


"They are really much more common during events than super-gaps of people," said Fauci. "We used to think that a single person can be particularly prone to spreading it a lot. It is much more likely that it is the circumstance in which this person is, as opposed to something specific on the specific person . "


The asymptomatic transmission is greater than that previously thought

Friends in the Pub

"The thing about this epidemic that is very puzzled to be able to follow and our weapons around are the fact that about 40 to 50% of the infections are asymptomatic," says Fauci. "If it is not serious enough, we know that now - and there was a doubt about it until it is really clarified - it is likely that up to about 50% of the transmissions offered by people who do not have symptoms. "


What "more puzzled" about Covid

Female doctor with a patient who is complaining of chest pain during coronavirus epidemic.

"What is the most confusing for me as a doctor is the extraordinary range and the spectrum of the gravity of diseases," said Fuci. "About 80% of people have a mild moderate disease. About 15 to 20% have a serious or critical illness. The case mortality rate varies considerably from the age and the underlying condition."


The worst health problem underlying to have

obese woman

"We see that obesity is probably one of the most important conditions of the conditions that are strongly associated with an increased risk of serious illness," said Fauci.


His criticism not so subtle of Washington

An American woman wears a mask and goggles at the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C. to protect herself from the COVID-19 coronavirus.

"There were some, I would say a disagreement in the people who were talking about Washington, not to appoint today's presentation, who believe that one of the approaches may not protect the inhabitants of the retirement home because they are those who are those who are sensitive to severe disease, "said Fauci." If the others are infected, there may not be a problem. Well, we know that this is not the case, because there are enough people who have underlying conditions that are not in retirement homes, which clearly have a predisposition to a serious illness. "


It's "The Holy Grail" of Covid

Doctor filling syringe with medication, closeup. Vaccination and immunization

Fauci said that a vaccine is what "we all feel the Holy Grail and really the intervention that will bring us back to normal, that we all hope to do."


He expects several vaccines

Nurse administering vaccination to students arms in a high school.

"We plan that at the end of this calendar year, say November, December, we will know if we have a safe and efficient vaccine, and I would say vaccines, plural," said Fauci. "But again, with vaccines, you never say ever. And you never always say, there is nothing guarantee. We will just have to see, but these tests are progressing very well."


Why some people have serious Covid and some do not

"It must be multifactorial," said Fauci. "He must have something to do with the person transmitting and the burden of the disease and the viral load. He probably has something to do with the host and receiver and receiver and the density of the receivers in the recipient, then The proximity of contact and what is the closure of this contact. "

RELATED:11 signs that you have already had COVID-19


The number of cases depresses

Doctor wearing protective gloves holding Flatten the Curve chart, sitting at the desk in front of laptop computer

"When we get with the working group, we go on the data of the previous night, and I continue to look at this curve and I am more depressed and more depressed on the fact that we never really go down to the base I would like As."


These states are currently surprising

People line up at a mobile Coronavirus testing site at Martin Luther King Jr. Community Hospital

"If we try to open and if we do not do it properly, we will see these surges we have seen in the southern states and the Midwest," said Fuci. "And now, if you look at the map, it's Montana, North and South Dakota, Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, are those who are going out. I think, as We enter the fall and we do more interior things, will probably see highs from Covid-19. "


Why do we want Australia's recent influenza season

"I do not know what will happen and I do not predict, but ... what we said could happen, actually happened in Australia," said Fuci. "And that's because they had the lightest season in the influenza in memory. They can not remember a season of this light. And the reason is that they are ... wearing masks, They distanced physically, they wash their hands and they avoid crowds. "


It's time for "hunper"

Handsome man with beard in trendy formal suit wearing a medical face mask

"I hope that with a combination of all those who should be vaccinated with influenza and public health measures we do, prevent us from having a bad influenza season and we do not have a massive resurrection From Covid. Because I would like to see, it's keeping the lid on it, keeping the base line until we get a vaccine. "

He added, "I just think we need to need hunper and get through this fall and winter, because it's not going to be easy."


What "concerns" him on the distribution of vaccines

An asian woman in a protective suit and mask holds an injection syringe and vaccine

"We have left our local public health system have deteriorated for decades and decades. If we had the way it should be, we would be in a much better position "to distribute the vaccine, said Fuci. "I have a lot of concerns about the vaccine. At present, the issue of the supply chain and distribution is put in the hands of the army. It's good because they have a lot of experience in the supply chain and anything. But in general, it's a CDC problem. "


What he learned from COVID

science, chemistry, biology, medicine and people concept - close up of scientist with test sample making research in clinical laboratory

"Do never underestimate that it evolves. And do not try to look at the pink side of things," said Fuci. "Number-two, we can do - and should always do good, ethically sound, scientifically solid research during the epidemic. This idea of ​​throwing everything to someone, because it is desperate, does not work. It has become trouble with other diseases. So let's not forget the fact that even if you want to have the best intervention to someone as quickly as possible, that there is a major role for ethically sound controlled clinical trials , we need to. "

As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent you from installing and spread-Covid-19 in the first place:MaskBe tested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, do only run essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to cross this healthiest pandemic, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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