Dr. Fauci reveals your chances of symptoms of Covid

If you have already coronavirus, there is a good chance that you have no idea.

There is a very good chance that if you have been infected by Covid-19, it has gone not detected. According toDr. Anthony FauciThe best infectious doctor of the nation, nearly half of the people infected with the virus never have a single symptom. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Nearly half of the infections are "asymptomatic"

"It is now clear that about 40% -45% of the infections are asymptomatic", "Fauci, Director of the National Institute of the Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Key Member of the Coronavirus Working Group of the Coronavirus Blanche, told a virtual crowd of critical care clinicians gathered by the critical care medicine company (CSCM) as part of their conference, "COVID-19: what happens next / preparing at the second wave ", last week.

Fauci added that the impact of the virus is once a generation. "This virus literally exploded the planet pandemically that is unprecedented all we saw in the last 102 years from the 1918 pandemic," he said, according toMedscape.

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He also touched the way the virus affected the Americans more and more. "Unfortunately, the United States has been stronger than any other country in the world, with 6 million reported cases," he said. He said that while the countries of the European Union have seen a case at the beginning, they managed to reduce their baseline base. However, it predicts that their numbers increase. "Unfortunately for them, as they try to open their economy, he finds himself," he said.

The United States, on the other hand, placed in approximately 20,000 cases a day, before the summer surges of Florida, California, Texas and Arizona have spided up to 70,000 per day. Currently, we are about 35,000 to 40,000 a day.

The reason our figures have to do with our response and our resistance to closing the economy - including parks, outdoor spaces and grocery stores, as was the case in Spain and Italy.

He added that the failure of social distance has also led to large epidemics, including the practice of the Washington Skagit County State Choe choir in March, where an infected member has spread the virus to 87% of the 61 people during the repetition.

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Fauci remains "cautiously optimistic"

The good news is that Fauci predicts that "by the end of this year, namely November / December, we will know if we have a safe and efficient vaccine and we are carefully optimistic that we will succeed, on the database promising the model animal as well as good immunological data that we see phase 1 and phase tests 2. "As for yourself: go through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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