The last myth of Covid not to believe

No, this group is not immune to coronavirus.

At the beginning of the pandemic, it became clear that young people are not also affected by COVID-19 as seniors or pre-existing conditions. However, in recent months, it has become clear that no one is immune to highly infectious and potentially fatal virus. Not even those under 18 years old. Read it and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

It is wrong that the virus "assigns almost no one" under 18 years

At a night campaign rally from Monday night in Swanton, Ohio, President Donald Trump stated that Covid-19 "does not affect almost no one" under the age of 18, adding that the virus is mainly a risk For seniors with cardiac problems and other pre-existing conditions.

"This affects the elderly, the elderly with heart problems and other problems. That's what it really affects," Trump said. "In some states, thousands of people - young person. Less than 18, like, nobody. They have a strong immune system, who knows? Take your hat to young people because they have a hell of an immune system. But that affects practically anyone. It's an incredible thing. "

However, this is not the case, according to multiple studies, experts and even prevail.

During an interview of March 19 withWashington Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward The Chairman confirmed that "many young people" had been infected with the virus, even confirming that it minimized the risk of viruses. "Now, it ends that it is not just older people, Bob," Trumpward said. "But just today, and yesterday, surprising facts came out. It's not just old, older."

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Cases in children under 18 increases "regularly"

Although we continued to learn more about how the youngest virus affects, it has become clearer than months spend that children and young adults are far from immunized. In August, disease control and prevention control centers published areportindicating that the number of infections among children under the age of 18 had increased from March to July. Another CDCto study Stressed that children of color were hospitalized more than white children for COVID-19. There were also several reports of children infected with the virus that arise with an illness induced by inflammatory disease, have doubled the pediatric multi-system inflammatory syndrome. In addition, several studies have confirmed that children carry a higher viral load of the virus, giving them risk potential.

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A new study explains why children can have a better immune response

Although cases among young people are increasing, researchers are studying why children seem to have more immunity to the virus. A new study, published MondayScience medicine translation By scientists from Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Children's Hospital of Montefore (Cham) and University of Yale, examined adults and children infected with the virus - 20 who had the new multi-system inflammatory syndrome.

"Our conclusions suggest that children with CIVID-19 are better than adults, because their stronger innate immunity protects them against SARS-COV-2, the new coronavirus that causes the disease," said the co-senior author Betsy Herold, MD, Head of Infectious Diseases and Vice President of Research in the Department of Pediatrics at Einstein and Cham.

"These results suggest that the more serious COVID-19 disease observed in adults is not caused by a failure of their adaptive immunity to mount the T cell responses or antibodies," addedKevan C. Herold, M.D., C.n.h. Long professor of immunology and medicineYale School of Medicine, the other co-superior author of the study. "Rather, adult patients respond to coronavirus infection with an adaptive immune response too vigorous likely to promote the inflammation associated with the products."

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How to stay in COVID-19 security

If you know or care of a young person, use caution - they can catch coronavirus, they can get sick of coronaviruses and they can propagate coronavirus. As for yourself: stay safe during this pandemic, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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