Mr. Fauci says that here "normality" returns

The expert from infectious disease has made a prediction "cautiously optimistic".

Normality. The word did not have the same exciting ring in front of the coronavirus pandemic. But after eight months of deep disturbances on their usual routines, many Americans wonder when life could come back to something that looks like normal.

Dr. Anthony FauciThe top expert on infectious disease of the nation, made a "cautiously optimistic" prediction: that there will be a coronavirus vaccine in November or December and "a form of normality" is in sight. Read on, to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Fuci feels "cautiously optimistic"

"I feel carefully optimistic ... Given the preliminary data we had at the beginning of the test and some of the animal studies, which we will have an effective vaccine," said Façi at ITV News on Friday.

"To what extent will it be, it's totally an open question, but we believe that we will have some kind of effective vaccine by November or December, we hope.

"But we have to say for honesty and transparency that is not a guarantee, but I think it's a reasonable projection."

Fauci predicted that this by the third or fourth quarter of 2021, "you will begin to see people and the economy and other aspects that begin to come back to a form of normality".

He called that a conservative estimate, saying "theoretically, it could be much earlier", but that sufficient number of Americans would probably not be able to receive a vaccine and any shot required before the second semester next year. Several vaccine candidates require two shots to weeks delivered, which could complicate the distribution.

Several vaccines during the final phase of the tests

Several potential vaccines are currently in clinical trials. On Friday, Johnson & Johnson announced that its potential dose vaccine has led to a strong immune response in 98% of a trial of 1,000 people, producing neutralizing antibodies that could defend against coronaviruses. This vaccine will conduct a phase III test of 60,000 people, the results expected by the end of the year or at the beginning of 2021.

Vaccines by at least five other manufacturers are currently in phase III tests, according toa trackermaintained by the Society of Regulatory Affairs professionals.

But get used to your face mask

The Director of Fauci and the CDC, Robert Redfield, warned that even if a vaccine is approved and distributed in 2012, additional public health measures such as masks and social distancing may be necessary for a time. "Face masks are the most important and important public health tool we have," said Redfield in a hearing from the Senate of September 16th. "I could even go so far as to say that this face mask is more guaranteed to protect me from Covid than when I take a Covid vaccine."

In the meantime, do everything you canTo avoid becoming and spreading-covid-19 in the first place: mask, test if you think of coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, do only Essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and crossing this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

Categories: Health
By: joe-reid
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