Dr. Fauci has just prevented a new mutation of Covid
"If it's more communicable, you have to double on your public health measures."

Just when you thought things could not be worse - and in a week in which the associated death of Covid-19 in America climbed 204,000 years, the title came: "The massive genetic study shows the coronavirus mutating and Potentially evolving the speed of the United States. . "Mutation? Yikes. What does it mean for you? AIDS activistPeter StayleyinterviewedDr. Anthony FauciAbout Covid-19 and asked him for the mutation. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.
The mutation can be more transmissible
The mutation, mentioned in the scientific newspapers earlier this summer, has splash in theWashington PostLast week after new conclusions. "Houston's scientists have published a study of more than 5,000 coronavirus genetic sequences that reveals the continued accumulation of the mutations virus, one of which could have made it more contagious," said the paper. "However, the new report did not find that these mutations made the virus or modified clinical outcomes. All viruses accumulate genetic mutations and most are insignificant, say scientists."
Fauci wanted to clarify what exactly this story meant. "I think in this story was a manifestation that we want to make sure that people are not misinterpreted," he said. "And that is, it is an RNA virus and RNA viruses tend to mutate easily because they do not have a good proofreading mechanism when they reproduce and continue to develop These mutations. Most times-most times - most times - these mutations are not associated with any functionally relevant change in the virus. The most recent that has been highlighted in this article was a mutation of the amino acid number 614, which, when examined, they discovered that it was kept better receptors. And therefore most likely would be better transmitted. They then examined epidemiological curves and they found that the evolution of this mutation coincided with large spikes in the number of cases. "
RELATED:Dr. Fauci says you can catch Covid this way after all
Fauci says "You have to double" on public health measures
Fauci was asked about the new coronavirus mutation and he said "there are many evolving viologists and others who say you know, wait a minute, be careful, we do not know what the trolley of What the horse is "" he did not know if the mutation was more contagious or if people fell ill because we reopened the economy too early. "I did not exclude the possibility of the possibility of making it more transmissible, What brings me up, again, a subject we have discussed in the past privately is that it says almost why it is even more important to do things we are talking about, "said Fuci. "Masks Distances, outside, more than inside, avoiding crowds, wash your hands. Cause if it's more communicable, you have to double on your public health measures".
How to avoid Covid-19
As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent you from installing and spread-Covid-19 in the first place:Carry a face maskBe tested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, do only run essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to cross this healthiest pandemic, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

Dr. Faisci has just said how long you should wear your mask

A new scary coronavirus now infected millions, said the study says