I am a doctor and you should be afraid of these symptoms of Covid
Find out if you could have had potentially deadly disease.

The Covid-19 pandemic has obviously changed so much from our normal life. From dinner outside, hybrid teaching, and even sporting events, our lives have been completely changed by this virus. The other interesting aspect of this pandemic is the constant concern we are going to succumb to the disease. The squeaky throat that would have been removed from last year allergies is now a reason for people to be concerned that they have been exposed to the pandemic.
As an emergency doctor, the symptoms that people are concerned about are very varied. This is a constant evolution virus, the constant evolution of knowledge on the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19. There are symptoms that are more likely to be associated with a worst result than others.Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.

As in any viral syndrome, a patient who is altered or confused needs fast medical treatment. Confusion or changes in the mental state may be due to hydration or even because of other organs do not work. This will often require intravenous hydration and blood tests to determine the reason for the patient's condition.
Low persistent oxygenation

There has been a lot of discussions in medicine on what oxygen saturation is most about Covid-19. Normal oxygen saturation is generally greater than 95%. Some experts believe that patients with COVID can tolerate a number greater than 92%, while others think it is much lower. No matter what school of thought, it is recognized that the level of oxygen that does not improve with treatment is the most worrying.
bilateral pneumonia

Although Covid-19 is a virus, it can present on the X-ray chest with the appearance of pneumonia. This is one of the difficult aspects of CVIV-19 treatment as antibiotics that can be useful for pneumonia, are useless with viruses. The only fact that we do not know is the appearance of pneumonia in both lungs is associated with a more serious coronavirus case.
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Blood clots

There are currently data that suggests Covid-19 damages the wall of the blood vessels. Any damage inside a blood vessel can cause blood down slow and clot. This is currently an understanding of the increased risk of blood clots with COVID-19. Therefore symptoms such as swelling at one leg or arm, or even acute breathing of shortness of breath could be a sign of a blood clot and must be evaluated immediately by a doctor.

Hemoptysis is the act of spitting blood. This is not a symptom that patients tend to neglect. It is in Covid-worrying 19 but for a number of reasons. First of all, it can be a symptom of pneumonia. It can also present in patients who have blood clots in the lungs, call pulmonary embolii.
Hypertrophy of the heart

Although it is difficult to know if you have heart hypertrophy, you can know some of the warning signs. It can present swelling at both legs, or the worsening of breathlessness to effort, and sometimes even a feeling that you need to sleep sitting right on some pillows. These are symptoms similar to congestive heart failure, but in the viral period of Covid-19, they can be a sign of heart hypertrophy.
RELATED: I am a doctor and here are signs you have already had Covid
Low White Number

Since these are cells that combat infection, it may seem logical that your white blood cell number would be high with COVID-19. White blood cell figures Many CVIV-19 patients are actually normal, with some of the worst cases have much lower levels. Although it is difficult to determine without laboratory tests, it can be a sign of an weakened immune system.
Renal failure

Infections can cause any organ to close, with kidneys being one of the most common. It can be caused by direct damage to renal cells by the virus or dehydration because it is difficult to eat and drink when you do not feel well. Renal insufficiency is very about symptoms for CIVID-19 patients, which can lead to dialysis for some patients.
Stroke as results

There are some data at the moment that Covid-19 can damage the wall of the blood vessels of the body. These damages can cause blood clots that can present in the legs, or even in the lungs. It can also cause brain stroke, such as cloth results that go to the brain. Strokes are a finding regarding independently, but in combination with COVID-19, it is a very worrying and serious conclusion.
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Increased respiratory rate

It is a finding that can be very normal even for a patient without Covid-19. If you run a mile, you can have an increased breathing rate while you run and for a few minutes later. The concern for patients with COVID-19 is that they have a high respiratory rate. It can also be linked to other conclusions regarding the results of COVID-19 such as an expanded heart or blood clots, even after your initial symptoms have appeased.
No improvement with proning

Proning a patient, which means that they wore them in front of the bed, has been used in IUI patients for several years. Sufficient research has been made that it has also been used for COVID-19 patients. This can prevent patients from being intuated, which means having a tube placed in their throat to help them breathe. It has been extremely useful with Covid-19 patients and has helped to minimize the number of patients on fans. If a patient does not improve with the pronounce, whether before or after intubation, it's a serious discovery.
How to avoid Covid-19

As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent you from installing and spread-Covid-19 in the first place:Carry a face maskBe tested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, do only run essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to cross this healthiest pandemic, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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