This state has just broken an indicative registration of COVID

As experts warn of a national surge in cases of coronaviruses, a state is already in the middle of one.

Over the past week, nearly half of the American states reported spikes in COVID-19 infections, an indicator that deaths and hospitalizations will soon follow. Dr. Chris Murray, Director of the University of WashingtonInstitute of Metrics and Health Assessment, also warnedCnnWhich by the IHME model, a "huge surge" of COVID-19 infections should explode in October and accelerate in November and December. "Now, a state of the Midwest broke one of its coronavirus archives, meaning that things are likely to worsen earlier than later. Read it and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Record of Covid Wisconsin

According toWisconsin Health Department ServicesThe state reported 2,817 new cases Saturday - their highest increase increases the cases of the same day. The previous registration was fixed on September 18 with 2,533 cases. By responsible, the increase is due to a huge increase in business among the youngest residents aged 18 to 24 years.

"What we see here in Dane County is that nearly 90% of young people who get positive test results show some symptoms and, unfortunately, many of them are not aware of the consequences In the long run that this disease can have, "Joe Parisi, director of the County of Dane de Wisconsin, said Jim Sciutto of CNN.

"But as far as it is concerned, is the fact that in my community in the county of Dane, the university is an integral part of the city of Madison. It is not separated somewhere. So, these young people interact with people in the whole community. They have relatives and grandparents and go to the store, so we are incredibly concerned about the tip we see "

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A new phase of the Covid pandemic

AtlanticAlso reports that Wisconsin "crashed by its own coronavirus records, reporting more cases and more COVID-19 hospitalizations than at any time because the pandemic has begun," according to their COVID monitoring project.

They emphasized that it currently ranks in the main states of new cases per capita, according to disease control and prevention centers, and also reports new cases "in absolute terms" than all states, but California , Texas, and Florida.

Although some states have relaxed their coronavirus restrictions, Wisconsin tightens the position. Last week republicanGOV. Tony Evers has published an executive order, Mandate the face coatings.

"We continue to learn more about this virus, but what we know is that we are confronted with a new dangerous phase of the Cvid-19 pandemic here in Wisconsin," he said in a Press release.

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How to stay safe

"We see an alarming increase in the case of our state, especially on campus. We need people to start taking that seriously and that young people especially - please stay at home as much as you can, ignore bars , andmask whenever you go out. We need your help to stop the spread of this virus and we must all do this together. "And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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