The new most frightening symptoms of COVID-19

Doctors discover new terrors every day.

Health experts are always studying the symptoms of short and long term health, health complications and damage that may occur both a serious and severe Covid-19 infection. Initially, believed to be more of a respiratory infection, ravaging damage on the lungs mainly, we came to understand that it can also devastate other organs, including the heart, the brain and the vascular system.

Here are some of the most frightening things that Covid can make to your body, according to a new analysis of the permission ofAxiosAnd to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Lungs: pneumonia

Doctor check up x-ray image have problem lung tumor of patient.

In December 2019, when Covid-19 was first identified in Wuhan, China, he immediately became clear that the virus attacks the lungs in a major way. Many patients suffer from pneumonia following the virus, which can damage the air bags in their lungs. As a result, their scar tissue becomes a majorly damaged and can suffer long-term breathing problems.


Heart: myocarditis

Male patient wearing face mask and feeling chest pain while being at the hospital during coronavirus epidemic

Even those who suffer from lightweight CVIV-19 infections suffer from cardiac damage after the virus. A recent study by Germany found that 78% of those who found themselves from an infection were left with cardiac abnormalities at least two months later. A total of 60% showed signs of myocarditis. Because the virus is so new, it is still unclear if the damage defends or it is permanent. However, previous research has identified that covidation-induced myocarditis has resulted in the sudden death of people suffering from victims.

RELATED: 11 COVID signs is in your heart


Vascular system: blood coagulation

blood clot

Another potentially dangerous impact of the virus occurs in the blood vessels. Blood coagulation has been a common occurrence in COVID-19 infections of the struggle, which, if severe, can lead to a group of other health complications of the vascular system, including heart attack and stroke. A review of COVID victims' autopsies revealed microclots in the lungs, while other studies have identified coagulation in the heart, kidney and liver.


Neurological symptoms: stroke


As a result of blood coagulation, features have become the most common neurological symptom of the virus - but not the only one. Even those who suffer from light infections are facing neurological complications. Benedict Michael, Neurologist at the University of Liverpool, the United Kingdom, recentlyRecountNaturethat "younger people without conventional risk factors" have timeps.


Neurological symptoms: brain lesions

Doctor attentively examines the MRI scan of the patient.

In July,The Washington Post Analyzed several autopsies of Victims of Covids, find extended brain damage as a result of oxygen deprivation.

RELATED: Covid-19 signs are in your brain


Neurological symptoms: memory loss

Moody aged man feeling unhappy.

Even people with light infections suffer from the loss of memory resulting from COVID-19.Case studieshave identified patients who undergo cognitive damage - including memory loss - or even months after an infection.


Neurological symptoms: psychological

Depressed young woman sitting on floor at home

Dr. Michael also revealed that patients know "changes in mental state treble that are not explained otherwise". As for yourself, to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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