Be careful around young adults. They spread most COVIDs, declares the study.
The largest contact tracing study of its kind has identified cupidspreaders.

While everyone, regardless of age, can spread COVID-19 in recent months, it has become clear that specific age groups transmit the virus at higher rates than others. And, according to a great new study, young adults are the main source of coronavirus propagate, however, young children can also easily disseminate the virus from each other easily and quickly. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.
Children and young adults are the main spreaders - and are likely to spread to others their same age
The extremely important contact tracing study published this week inScienceInvolved more than 3 million people in India and was led by Ramanan Laxminarayan of the New Delhi Disease, Economic and Policy Dynamics and Policy Center, as well as the University of Princeton. Researchers have identified and tested 575,000 people exposed to nearly 85,000 cases of confirmed coronavirus from March until August, making it the largest contact for tracing in the world, by laxminarayenne.
Not only do children and young adults broadcast the virus at an alarming rate, but they are also more likely to disseminate it to people in their age group, says the study.
"Although the role of children of transmission has been debated, we identify a strong prevalence of infection in children who were case contacts around their own age; this conclusion of increased risk of infection in persons exposed. At similar ages was also apparent in adults, "the study is read.
According to the conclusions, the people most likely to spread to their peers were under 14 years old.
This, despite the fact that schools closed in the country in March.
"School closures and other non-pharmaceutical interventions during the study period may have contributed to the reduction of children's contacts. Nevertheless, our analyzes suggest social interactions in children can be conducive to transmission in this context . "
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The Cords-Creaders propagate the virus
Interestingly, he also noted that the overwhelming majority of infected people - 70% - has infected no one else. Instead, 8% of patients were responsible for 60% of all new infections.
The researchers also identify that the first patient of a chain of transmission, was generally adults aged 20 to 45.
One thing to keep in mind is that the study was conducted in India, a country with savings and demographic data drastically different from the United States. As for yourself, no matter where you live, do everything you can to prevent you from installing and distributing you in the first place: wear afacial maskBe tested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, do only run essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to cross this healthiest pandemic, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.