This side effect of Covid that anyone can catch, says study

This new disorder is damage to those who have never been infected with the virus.

In recent months, researchers have identified a bison of long-term health complications that can occur as a result of COVID-19. Although most of them involve people who have already suffered from infection, there are also people who are experiencing chronic health complications because of the impact of the pandemic itself. "Coronaphobia" is a new term researchers uses to define long-term mental illness - including fear and emotional and social strain - associated with the pandemic. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Mental manifestations can be harmful

According to a new relationship with the courtesy ofMedscape, "Obsessive behavior, distress, the reaction of avoidance, panic, anxiety, hut, paranoia and depression" are just some of the mental manifestations of the pandemic, which can be "distinctly sick and harmful "to those who suffer from the disease.

"Simply put, I think what we're looking at is the adjustment disorder"Gregory Scott Brown, MDFounder and Director of the Center for Green Psychiatry in West Lake Hills, Texas, revealed to them. "It's probably how the DSM would define it."

SpeakNih, an adjustment disorder is a group of symptoms - including stress, feeling sad or hopeless and physical symptoms - it can occur after crossing a stressful life event, such as the death of a loved one, divorce , illness or other life changes. The symptoms occur because of a difficulty face. "Your reaction is stronger than expected for the type of event occurred," they explain.

According toNih has published researchCoronaphobia may likely occur in those who feel more vulnerable to the virus, suffer from general anxiety or have pre-existing mental health conditions.

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They come because of "uncertainty"

Paul Hokemeyer, Ph.D., author ofFragile power: why all this is never enoughexplainsEat this, not that! Health that he has treated a growing number of patients who correspond to the invoice.

"While most of the medical and media focused on the physical aspects of COVID-19, those of us in the field of mental and behavioral health have had trouble managing the raft of psychological questions that the pandemic has brought into the life of the patients and the families we deal with, "said Hokemeyer." These problems are for the most part of the fear, uncertainty and eternal nature virus. "

Dr. Hokemeyer reveals that one of his patients, a mother of three young children, describes the virus as "an invisible molester who lives in my attic. I know he's waiting for he's waiting to hurt my family, but I can not take any action arrested. "Another, a professional man in New York, described the pandemic as a" slow 11/11 movement ". He explains that, in the heart of these two patients, the experience is", "a feeling of imminent misfortune on which They are powerless to escape ".

Of its experience, the symptoms related to these feelings of "coronaphobia" are equally extreme as other serious phobia, including disturbed sleep patterns, a crowd of compulsive behaviors - such as silver spending, eating, making doomscrolling, sexual acting and drugs and alcohol abuse from. "Many communities are growing suicides and other self-damaged behaviors such as cutting," he adds.

It emphasizes that the stress of Covid-19 causes an increase in physical and emotional abuse, infidelity and magnification of personality disorders such as narcissistic personality disorders and at the border. According to recent reports, the divorce rate is significantly higher than previous years.

Dr. HokeMyer suggested that the most effective treatment for most of these disorders occur from very effective intervention and traditional psychotherapeutic modalities for treating mood disorders, including DBT, CBT and Rebt.

"These modalities address the thinking schemes that give rise to emotional reactions," he explains. If the symptoms become extreme, psychopharmacological interventions such as SSRIs can be effective in reducing the intensity of mood dysregulation and negative emotional states.

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How to handle this trauma

"It's also essential to see that people are looking for help in their primary relationships," he adds. Ask for help and provide support to others in these very stressful and uncertain times is of crucial importance.

Finally, he notes that it is important to remember that even though Covid-19 is unprecedented, this is not the case. "The precedent in the pandemic is in the healing that comes from the very adaptive and tribal nature of the human race," he explains. "We gathered instinctively to combat a common enemy and heal in supporting and nourishing relationships with other human beings. These instincts will allow us to transcend the challenges presented by the pandemic and move our relations and our world to a higher and healthier. State to be. "

And do everything you can to prevent recovery and propagation-Covid-19 in the first place: Get your influenza vaccine, wear afacial maskBe tested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, do only run essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to cross this healthiest pandemic, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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