I am a doctor and here is the bad news for Trump

It could still be in danger despite "light symptoms".

Just when we thought things here on Planet Contagion could not become chaotic, President Donald Trump was tested positive for dreaded virus. As a doctor, I hope for a speedy recovery for anyone infected with Covid-19-Trump had only "light symptoms", like a cold, just as I worry for those at high risk. And Trump is high risk. Read to find why his diagnosis could be a bad news for his health and cross this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


He is a man

Men toilet signs on a white wall

Numerous studies have reported that men are more likely to have a low COVID result than women - the risk for men is about twice the risk for women. The ratio of fatality of infections (IFR) for men over 80 is 11.6%, compared to 4.6% for women, according toNature. This seems to be due to biological differences in the masculine and female immune system.


He is older

group of doctor and nurse wear protection mask checking and takecare infection people from covid-19

The age group of 64 to 74 is five times more likely to be admitted to the hospital with a COVID infection and 90 times more likely to die, than those aged 18 to 29, by theCDC. For each 1,000 people admitted to the hospital with COVID in the mid-1970s, 116 will die, byNature.

RELATED: Dr. Fauci says you are most likely to catch Covid here


He is obese

A recent review of medical literature inObesity Reviews, which included 1,733 studies and 399,461 participants, concluded that obese people are 113% more likely than those of normal weight, to be admitted to the hospital with COVID, 74% more likely to meet. ITU and 48% more likely to die.

There are several reasons whyObesity increases the riska bad result of Covid.

  • Obesity causes chronic inflammation, alters the immune response and increases the risk of a cytokine storm - the cause of adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
  • Obesity is associated with altered glucose tolerance, insulin resistance and type diabetes.
  • Excess fat is under the diaphragm and in the thoracic wall, which makes it harder to breathe and exit.
  • Too much fat is "lipotoxic" -Fat literally poisons other organs such as heart, kidneys and liver.
  • Obesity increases the risk of venous thromboembolism.


He is american

United States Flag in a breeze

America and Brazil have the highest covid moral rates around the world.

A recent statistical reanalysis of the data concluded that deaths in Europe were in fact 28% lower than those of America. Economists believe that if this excess mortality had been prevented, 57,800 US lives could have been saved. The authors point out that the United States has 4% of the world's population but is responsible for 21% of COVID's global infections and deaths.

RELATED: Worst things for your health - according to doctors


Trump has a stressful job

President Donald Trump talks to the media

Trump is in an unprecedented situation, infected by Covid-19 and only three weeks of the American election. There is no doubt that its stress levels are high.

Chronic stress seems to be a risk factor for a mediocre result of COVID infection. Stress results in an increase in hormonal cortisol levels. This then triggers certain responses from cardiovascular and immune systems.

In a recent article inEndocrine todayThe researchers compared Cortisol levels of 533 people admitted to the hospital with COVID infection. They found that a doubling at the cortisol on admission increased the risk of death by 42%. High levels of cortisol on admission have been found in the sickest patients and predicted the worst results.


Final thoughts of the doctor

Women hands holding hand sanitizer with alcohol spray and surgical mask.

Trump has medical risk factors that it can not change right now. And if even the president can become infected, could you. Do everything you can to prevent you from installing and spreading-Covid-19: wear yourfacial maskBe tested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, do only run essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to cross this healthiest pandemic, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

Dr. Deborah Lee is a medical writer Dr. Fox Online Pharmacy

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