21 ways to tell you that Covid

The most common symptoms include "farfelu" side effects.

With President Trump fighting coronavirus, you may be wondering that I also have it? While discussing the case with your professional from your medicine and that you have tested, it's the only way to know certainly, there are signs of warning and theNY TIMESAllow a story this weekend on the identification of how Covid is different from the flu. Read to discover the safe signs of coronavirus and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Strong fever

Sick young woman at home on the sofa, she is covering with a blanket, taking temperature and blowing her nose with a tissue

"Fever is one of the main symptoms of coronavirus disease, as well as coughing and shortness of breath. These symptoms may appear two to 14 days after exposure to coronavirus, according to the CDC," advisesAdvention. "If you or a member of the family has a fever, defined by the CDC as 100.4 ° F or 38 ° C or more; cough; or breathing difficulties, call your doctor."



woman covered by a blanket on the sofa with high fever and flu

"The chills generally precede a fever, even if people do not always perceive when their temperature sprinkle, Dr. David Aronoff, head of the Infectious Disease Division at the Medical Center of the University of Vanderbilt," saidNPR. "Sometimes these chills can be accompanied by jerking, because shivering is the way of generating heat and lifting our temperature, he says."


Dry cough


"Cough was the second most common symptom after fever, although coughing was not always there,"Charitini Stavropoulou, an associate professor in research on health services in the city, from the University of London in U.K., "said NPR." So, while we think it's a main symptom, it appears only twice in three for patients with COVID-19. "That said, cough remains a very common symptom of pneumonia that the virus can cause, says Aronoff. Given this fact," if someone has a new cough or shortness of breath that is cropped during the three Last days about, they should certainly be tested. ""



Woman suffering from cold, virus lying on the sofa under the blanket

"Thousands of coronavirus patients, including many people who were not sick enough to be hospitalized, suffer for months of fatigue and a range of other symptoms", reports theBBC. "My chest was really bad. I fought to breathe and I could not get out of my bed," said a patient to the network. "My fatigue was not like I've ever lived before."


Sudden loss of sense of smell

Portrait of young woman smelling a fresh and sweet nectarine

"If someone knows this symptom" known as anosmia - "" I would say they should consider yourself in quarantine and contact their health care providers, "explains Dr. Carol Yan, an otolaryngologist and a Surgeon at the head and neck at UC San Diego Health, the NPR. "Most people who suffer a loss of smell or taste also have other symptoms, fluent in fever, fatigue and the Malaise, she says. "But there is certainly a subset of people we know how to have a smell and loss of taste and no other symptoms" who does not finally test positive. "

RELATED:CDC warns new COVID syndrome


Irritated throat

sore throat

"A sore throat can be a symptom of Covid-19. At this point, it is not well documented when exactly a sore throat occurs during the infection", reports reportsSatellite. "In other respiratory diseases, such as colds, a sore throat is often an early symptom. Because the respiratory viruses are inhaled, they enter your nose and throat. They can reproduce early, leading to pain and to an irritation of throat. "


Congestion or flowing nose

Ill person blowing his nose with closed eyes

"With the sweetness of Covid-19, which arrives in at least 80% of people, the symptoms may include congestion or a flowing nose", reports reportsTo marry. "During this epidemic, it is better to assume that all the symptoms could be Covid-19 and isolate others. Same sweet Covid-19 can be transmitted to someone else who could develop a more severe form of the infection."


Vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain

Middle aged woman suffering from abdominal pain while sitting on bed at home

"In a recent study interpreted by the US Journal of Gastroenterology, researchers found that 50.5% of the 204 patients who analyzed have reported a kind of digestive symptom, including the loss of appetite, vomiting, the diarrhea and abdominal pain, "ReportsOchsner health. "The study also noted that the gravity of COVID-19 has increased for the patient, digestive symptoms have become more pronounced."


Feel somewhat out of breath when exercising

Young man having asthma attack at home

"Shortness of breath, dyspnea or dyspnea or shortness of breath is caused by a drop in pulmonary function to a threshold that can produce symptoms"Haala K. Rokadia, MD, FCCPwritten forMira. "The gravity of shortness of breath depends on your basic pulmonary health and your extent of Covid-19 disease. Consider these questions: Do you have a shortness of breath to do a task that you would not have normally any symptoms to do ? Theft of stairs or go from one room to another more difficult today that it would have been a month ago? Do you have a shortness of breath when sitting? "


Red eyes or itching

"Covid-19 can cause pink eyes, orconjunctivitis- Inflammation of the clear fabric covering the white part of the eye and the lining inside the eyelids - but only in about 1% to 3% of infected people, according to AAO. The symptoms of conjunctivitis include redness of the eyes and irritation, "reportsAll about the vision. "The virus can be extended to the eyes by touching or rubbing eyes with fingers that have become contaminated with coronavirus."

RELATED:11 symptoms of Covid you never want to get


Redness or ampoules on the fingers or toes

Woman holding feet toes

So-calledCovid toes, who looks likechilblains, can be painful. "The condition can grow on your toes, fingers or both. From what we know, it seems that most people do not develop what on their toes, which explains the name 'Covid Toes", "reportsThe American Academy of Sermatology Association. "Swelling and discoloration can start on one or more toes or fingers, according to Amy Paller, MD, FAAD, which is a pediatric dermatologist certified by the board and a dermatology chair in the north-west of the School of Medicine. At the beginning You could see a bright red color that is gradually turning in purple. Covid toes can also start with a purple color. "



Woman having headache migraine. Stress and depression.

"The results of an observation study of more than 100 patients show that the beginning of the head can occur during the presymptomatic and / or symptomatic phases of the progression of COVID-19 and sometimes voltage or migraine voltages," reportsOptometry time.


Muscle pain

Woman holds her belly with hands with closed eyes due to pain

"Articulation ills occur in 14.8% of cases", reportsCentral. "The areas you feel may vary from person to person."


Serious problems

Female doctor in mask making notes in medical card while talking to patient at hospital

If you encounter the following conditions, contact a health professional immediately because they are signs of serious coronavirus.

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Difficulty of serious breathing

woman with oxygen mask at hospital

"For some diagnosed with COVID-19, shortness of breath is a more severe symptom," reportsHealth.com, "and can be treated in a hospital frame with additional oxygen," saysSubinoy DAS, MD, the doctor of Tivic Health Inc. "The additional oxygen helps to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood of a patient." In rare cases, an oxygen under pressure through a mechanical fan is necessary to force oxygen through severely inflamed lungs in the blood, "Dr. DAS indicates to the website.


Pain or pressure in the chest

Man having chest pain - heart attack, outdoors

Covid can affect your heart and lungs. "Once in the chest, the virus begins to affect a person's respiratory tract - causing inflammation", according to Dr. Tim Connolly, a pulmonologist atHouston Methodist. "As inflammation increases, an barrier dry cough, which sounds and feels like asthma develops. In addition, this can cause thoracic oppression or deep pain during breathing."


Blue lips or blue face

Dark purplish lips color in congenital cyanotic heart disease girl patient.

"Blue lips occur when the skin on the lips takes a hue or a bluish color. This is usually due to a lack of oxygen in the blood or at extremely cold temperatures," reports reports.Healthgrade. "When the skin becomes a bluish color, the symptom is called cyanosis. Most often, blue lips are caused by a lack of oxygen in the blood."


Confusion or response incoherent to simple questions

Woman has a Migraine and headache after wake up in the morning.

"Many US documents reported having examined a high number of CVIV-19 seriously ill patients who describe as" Happy Hypoxics ", which means that those admitted would not complain of severe breathlessness, vertigo or confusion, even when their blood oxygen levels were dangerously - sometimes, even reports on life, "reports"Central. "So, if you are sick at home with this virus, make sure to regularly check your ownBlood oxygen levels with a pulse oximeter, that you can buy online or in any pharmacy. "

RELATED: Covid-19 signs are in your brain


Collapse or loss of consciousness

Young woman, blond hair, fainted in bed.

"Patients also have peripheral nervous problems, such as Guillain-Barré syndrome, which can lead to a paralysis and respiratory failure. I think at least half of the patients I see in the units of COVID -19 have neurological symptoms ", reports reportsRobert Stevens, M.D.Johns Hopkins.


Blood clots

blood clot

"The addition to the frightening nature of the disease is that it can cause blood clots that cause cardiac damage, brain damage and pulmonary damage," reports theTimes.

RELATED: 11 COVID signs is in your heart


Cardiac damage

Woman having bad ache and pain heart attack health problem.

"Even some cases that seem light or asymptomatic create signs of what doctors believe may be sustainable cardiac damage," reports theTimes. "Patients with myocarditis often feel symptoms such as shortness of breath, thoracic pain, fever and fatigue, while some have no symptoms at all," reportsAmerican scientist.



Doctor check up x-ray image have problem lung tumor of patient.

"Another unusual aspect of Covid is that people sometimes develop pneumonia without getting sick they are sick," reports theTimes. "Doctors do not know why; a theory is that the lung air bags are damaged in a way that does not cause the accumulation of carbon dioxide, which creates a" desperate for air "feeling. Of Many doctors recommend buying a pulse oximeter, a finger device that measures oxygen levels in the blood. The multiple readings of less than 92% should trigger a call to a doctor. The anterior pneumonia is caught, better the results. "


How to avoid Covid-19

woman put on a fabric handmade mask on her face

As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent you from installing-covid-19 in the first place: wear a face mask, make yourself test if you think they have coronaviruses, avoid crowds (and bars and bars and The evenings of the house), practice social distance, only manage essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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