Dr. Faisci warns of a "darker period" in front of

Covid is his biggest nightmare, but there is a "hope" if we follow the fundamentals.

Tuesday lastedStudent Forum with Holy Cross,Dr. Anthony FauciThe first expert on the infectious disease of the nation revealed that its greatest nightmare in life had become reality with the Pandemic of Covid-19. In just 10 months, we have raised a number of deaths over 1 million worldwide and 210,000 in the United States. Fauci explained that what keeps it at night when it comes to coronavirus especially to do with the virus ability to spread easily from person-to-person and reality that a large part of the population - including The elderly and those with pre-existing conditions - are more sensitive than others. However, he does not want to propagate a message of imminent misfortune. Depending on Fauci, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Read it, and to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

"It will finish"

"It's historic," he explained in his closing statement to students. "The thing we need to make sure we appreciate is that it will end. One of the things we need to pay attention is despair."

"You know, we crossed a terrible end of winter, in early spring. There was hope that when the summer came, it would go better. In fact, that worsened and now we enter a Another darker period, "he continued.

He explained to the students he knows what it sounds like to get up in the morning and to meet cold and dark. "You are superimposed on that, the situation we live in a really difficult situation, do not give up the hope," he exhorted.

"It will finish. We will have a vaccine. We will get it within a reasonable time. And when we do it with good public health measures, let's go."

RELATED: Dr. Faisci follows the warning on Thanksgiving

Get back against fatigue

During the discussion, he discussed these public health measuresmask, Social distancing, avoiding crowded places like bars, stay outside instead of entering and practicing hand hygiene.

But his last remarks have exhorted the importance of not giving coronavirus fatigue.

"We must protect ourselves from throwing our hands and saying," My goodness, there is no end to that. This does not make any difference what we do, "he said." And then you enter in really better, bigger problems that we are already right now. "As for yourself, to cross this pandemic at your healthier, stay outside more than from the inside when with people you do not edit, wear yourfacial mask, the social distance and do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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