Experts warn more COVID restrictions
Everyone "must do its part to stop the spread of Covid-19", let's say to the authorities.

As politicians and health experts disrupting the validity of the locks to prevent the propagation of COVID-19, a fact is more difficult to debate: ten states of Friday reported their highest case account of one day, according to Johns Hopkins : Colorado, Idaho, Indiana, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Note, hospitalizations also increase in some states. Read to see what restrictions may be necessary and do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.
What covid restrictions are needed?
"While the infections have increased, so, also have hospitalizations of the virus. The new Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham said that the hospitalizations of his state increased by 101% this month," reportsCnn. "More hospitalizations will probably be followed by an increase in coronavirus daily death, says Dr. Francis Collins, Director of National Institutes of Health."
Locking on the side, simple fundamental precautions must be taken to save lives, a lot warn. "Experts say that Americans can help control the virus under control of the surprise guidelines by officials for months" Continue CNN: "Avoid congested settings, keeping a distance, keep small gatherings outdoors and wear a mask . "
"It's a good time for people to stop and wonder:" What can I do to try to be sure we limit subsequent infections that seem to have cold problems like a cold weather and that People are inside and these curves go up, in the wrong direction? 'Collins declared Friday on Friday, depending on the network.
"Every new Mexican can and must do its part to stop the propagation of Covid-19 by staying at home, limiting their interactions with others and carrying their masks"Grayham has tweeted.
Kentucky has also intensified the application of masks with masks and New York has restrictions applied in some "red zones". Nebraska asked hospitals to keep 10% of the beds available for COVID-19 patients.
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Will there be a lock due to Covid?
These fundamentals do not mean that the whole country must lock. "What's the size of things that things should have to defend a national lock?" Dr. Jon Lapook askedDr. Anthony Faucito60 minutes. On Friday before the segment broadcast, Covid-19 cases has reached a daily total of 70,000, a high no seen since the July increase.
"They should be really, really bad," said Fauci. "First of all, the country is tired with restrictions. We therefore want to use public health measures, not to open the economy, but to be a sure gateway to open the economy. So, instead of Have an opposition: open the economy [to] recover jobs, or turn off. No. Stop "Stop" and say, "We will use public health measures to help us safely where we want to go. "
It was not the first time that Fuci says that locks should not be necessary.
"I want the opportunity to repeat it, because unfortunately with the division we have the people who come out of the context: I believe and the overwhelming majority of my colleagues of public health, my colleagues who participate in infectious diseases, consider that we should use public health deaths and public health activities to help us open the economy, "he said on October 1st." Do not interpret it as an obstacle to the opening of The economy ", he continued." Because if you do things like we prescribed, namely a Phase 1 gateway, phase two, phase three, without skipping on these points of As a reference you need to search, you can get people at work, get the economy go. That's what you do in the extremes. You think either everything is cut or you know, cautious the wind and we can not do that. It puts you in trouble. "
So, do you practice the fundamentals and do not have problems: wear yourfacial mask, avoid crowds, avoid interior spaces with people you do not stay, practice good hand hygiene and do not visit any of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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