Dr. Faisci has just given the best reason to wear a face mask

Coronavirus is not only transmitted into cough and sneezing, a spectacular video.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top infectious expert-disease of the nation, calledA video demonstration of Youtuber A "graphically beautiful" reminder of why the bearing mask is so important to protect themselves from coronavirus.

Gavin free from the video of slow misson video that count four, backlit, 4k and slowdown. The particles spit out with each syllable and linked in the air. When he repeated by wearing a facial mask, barely particles were visible.

"What you just show is a nice graphic demonstration of the importance of wearing masks and face coatings," said Fauci after viewing the pictures.

"One of the reasons it is so important to wear a face blanket is that we now know that about 40 to 45% of infected people do not have any symptoms," said Fauci. "And we know that a substantial proportion of infections are transmitted from someone who has no symptoms."

Talk, sing can expand the virus

Fauci said people do not fully understand that simply breathing and talking can send infectious virus particles suspended in the air. "People have an understandable but incorrect interpretation that the only time you transmit an infection is when you touch and sneeze on someone," he said. "What they do not appreciate is that if you speak, even if you do not speak hard, and if you sing, which is even worse than talking, you have these particles that come out who can stay in Air for a period of time.

"Some of them fall on the ground, that's why we say they keep six feet away. But some of them are aerosolized and can suspend the air," added inaccu."For this reason, it is so important to wear face coatings, especially when you think you are in a situation where no one would stop or touch - does not matter."

RELATED: 7 side effects to wear a face mask

Coherent mask could save 100, oOo saw this winter

A modeling study published on Friday by the University of Washington's CVIVID-19 forecasting team revealed that if 95% of Americans wore masks in public, more than 100,000 lives could be saved by February.

According to the study, only 49% of the people of the United States say "always" wearing a mask in public.

Yesmask It remains at this level and the States continue to loosen the social restrictions of distancing, the number of American coronavirus convicts could reach 1 million by February 28, the researchers said.

As of October 23, Coronavirus Pandemic caused more than 223,000 people with the United States, with more than 8.4 million people infected.

As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent you from installing-Covid-19 in the first place: mask, make yourself test if you think they have coronaviruses, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, only run essential races, wash hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and cross this pandemic with your healthier, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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