New epidemics of Covid 'American epidemics

"This virus has not just left because we are tired," said a governor.

For a week in which President Trump swore that we would "turn a nice corner" on coronavirus, "saw new cases, just 39 shy cases of therecord of all timewhich has been reported on Friday, "ReportsCnn. "We will easily hit six figures in terms of the number of cases," Michael Osterholm, Director of the University of Minnesota Infectious and Political Disease Center, "said on Friday night. "And deaths will rush in every three to four weeks, usually following new cases of about two to three weeks." Read to hear about cities that will be the most affected and to guarantee your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Among the bad news throughout the country:

New Jersey, Once an epicenter of the virus with New York, reported 1,994 new additional cases on Saturday, the largest total since May. "We are still at the heart of a pandemic and need everyone to take seriously", has tweeted Murphy. "Wear a mask. Social distance ... This virus has not left simply because we are fed up," says Murphy.

Pennsylvania Reached 2,043 new cases on Saturday. "Daily increases are now comparable to what we saw in April 2020," said the State Health Department in a statement.

"Dr. Joneigh Khaldun,MichiganThe Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Health Deputy, said the data showed "alarming increases" in new infections, "reports CNN". If the rates will continue like this, we risk overwhelming our hospitals and getting much more michiganders, "said Khaldun a statement.

"new York Reported more than 2,000 new cases of COVID-19 for the second time this week Friday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Saturday, "ReportsABC7. "In addition, the number of hospitalizations has eclipsed from 1,000. This number has slowly crawled as health leaders and the authorities continue to work to fight several state clusters."

"AWisconsin The Court of Appeal published a temporary block on the restrictions of the Hemocratic Government Tony Evers on the internal gatherings Friday, even as the number ofCOVID-19 [FeminineHospitalizations in broken state archives for the second day of continuation, "ReportsFox News. "We will once again defend our limit on the public gatherings and I ask again the people to get up over the decision of tonight, to stay at home and hide so we can spend this weekend End and this pandemic together, "Tweeted the governor. "This crisis is urgent, people. Please stay at home."

Cases are in place in rural areasMinnesota; It's not just a great city's disease. "As the fatal virus rolls through the Mid-West, heads of cases collapse in rural communities like never before. Once considered a more serious threat in urban areas, where social distance and avoid crowds may be more difficult, the virus now strikes many small towns. and hamlets who had previously dodged part of the worst of that, "reports theTribune. "The Minnesota Ministry of Health states that the recent increase in coronavirus affairs includes all parts of the state, but Grand Minnesota counties consider a faster increase when new cases are adjusted for the population."

How to avoid Covid-19

Globally,35 states Let's see dramatic increases in cases and, in many hospitalizations. As for yourself, no matter where you live, wear yourfacial mask, avoid bold, hang out more than interior, practice good hand hygiene and to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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