10 ways of Biden plans to fight Covid

The elected President Joe Biden has already revealed his plan to conquer coronavirus

Saturday, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were elected to the next president and vice-president of the United States. During their campaign, the team promises to fight against the fight against CVIV-19 one of their main priorities, as they enter their rules in the management of the country and, although the presidency is always disputed, They were wasting as much time for business. Monday, the Biden-Harris team revealed their projects to beat Covid-19.

"The American people deserve an urgent, robust and professional response to growing public growth in public health and the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)," he wrote on the page " Covid-19 "of their newSource of transition biden-harris. "The President elected Biden believes that the federal government must act quickly and aggressively to help protect and support our families, small businesses, first responders and key caregivers to help us cope with this challenge, those who are the challenges. More vulnerable to the impacts of health and economy, and our broader communities - not blame other or corporate bonding. "

Here are the plans of Biden Administration. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


They just announced a new COVID working group

US surgeon general Vivek Murthy

Monday, the transition team of Biden announced the newmembersof hisCoronavirus Advisory Board, to lead by the former Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, former US Commissioner for the US Administration and Drug Administration Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith from Yale University. Dr. Luciana Borio, Rick Bright, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, Dr. Celine Gawande, Dr. Julie Morita, Michael Osterholm, Dr. Robert Rodriguez and Dr. Eric Goosby are the other members.


They will listen to science

Dr. Anthony Fauci wearing face mask
Courtesy of "stuck with Geoff"

During his campaign, Biden promised to listen to scientists and create COVID-19 policies accordingly. This will include "public health decisions being informed by public health professionals" and will also promote confidence, transparency, common goals and responsibility in our government. "

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They will increase the tests

Staff testing a driver for coronavirus

"The elected president Biden and the Vice President-Elected Harris have a seven-point plan to beat Covid-19," reveals the document. This includes that "all Americans have access to regular, reliable and free tests." They will do so by doubling the number of driving test sites and investing in "New Generation Tests" - including at home Tests and Instant Tests ", so we can increase our test capacity by orders of magnitude. " They will also create a

"Pandemic Test Council as the Roosevelt War Production Council", he revealed. "This is how we have produced tanks, aircraft, uniforms and supplies in record time, and that's how we will produce and distribute tens of millions of tests."


They will make mandatory masks

woman is putting a mask on her face, to avoid infection during flu virus outbreak and coronavirus epidemic, getting ready to go to work by car

During his campaign, Biden expressed the intention of making confidential masks and coverings.


They will also increase contact tracing

female doctor or nurse wearing face protective medical mask for protection from virus disease with computer and clipboard calling on phone at hospital

Their plan includes the creation of an American public health body ", to mobilize at least 100,000 Americans across the country with the support of local confidence organizations in the most at risk of executing Competent culturally competent approaches to contact tracing and protecting at risk ".


They will invest in vaccines

Biden previously promised that he would invest $ 25 billion to make free and distributing vaccines to all the United States. It also promises to make more affordable therapies and drugs.


They will hierarchize EPP

Corona virus prevetion face mask protection N95 masks and medical surgical masks at home .

The plan prioritizes the setting of personal protective equipment (EPP) problems for good. "The President-elected Joe Biden takes responsibility and gives the United States, cities, tribes and territories of the essential supplies they need," they explain. They plan to use the Defense Production Act "to increase the production of masks, face shields and others so that the national supply of personal protective equipment exceeds demand and inventory. In particular in difficult areas that serve disproportionate populations of vulnerables - are fully reconstructed. "They will also start investing in" flexible American source capacity and manufactured to ensure that we do not depend on other countries in the event of a crisis. "


They will help communities do their share

People standing in line front of bank/store due to coronavirus pandemic safety guideline

The Bidene Administration will help "provide clear, coherent and evidence-based indications for how communities should navigate the pandemic - and the resources of schools, small businesses and families to succeed." The Biden administration notes that "social distancing is not a light switch" but "a dial". As a result, the elected president "will lead the CDC to provide specific evidence-based indications on how to transform the numbering number to the level of risk and the degree of viral propagation in a community, including to open or close some companies, bars, restaurants and other spaces; when to open or close schools and what measures they must take to make classrooms and facilities safely; appropriate restrictions on the size of the gatherings; when to issue restrictions of stay home. "

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They will also support communities

Teacher back at school after covid-19 quarantine and lockdown, disinfecting desks.

The Biden administration will also support these communities so that they do not fall into financial ruin. They plan to establish "a revolving fund for state governments and the region to help prevent budget deficits, which could assert states to cope with escarped cuts to teachers and first responders." They will also work with the Congress to pass an emergency set "so that schools have the additional resources needed to effectively adapt to Covid-19" and also provide a "restart package" to help small businesses to cover Safety operating costs, including things like plexiglass and EPP.


They will associate with WHO

WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

During the pandemic, President Trump launched the process of withdrawal from the World Health Organization. However, Biden expressed his intention to restore the relationship. "Americans are safer when America is engaged in strengthening global health. At my first day of President, I will join the@WHOand restore our leadership on the world stage ", bidentweetedin July. During the weekend, Mr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, Director of the Organization, congratulated the newly elected leaders. "Congratulations to the president-elected @Joebiden and the vice-president elected @kamalarris! My colleagues @WHO and I can not wait to work with you and your teams. Crises like the # COVID19 pandemic show the importance of global solidarity in the protection of lives and livelihoods. Together!"

As for yourself, so that the Biden committee will undoubtedly recommend: wearing afacial maskAnd to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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