This major city has just published new COVID restrictions

"We are perhaps tired of Covid, but Covid is not tired of us," said Philadelphia Health Commissioner.

Withcase of coronavirusandhospitalizationsOut of control across America, states like Michigan, Washington and Massachusetts issue couples to stay at home to protect residents. Now, one of the largest cities in the United States joins them: Philadelphia. The positivity rate there is worse than many other major cities, with more new cases every day than in its peak of April, the mayor of Mayor Jim Kenney to apply a new policy. "We are concerned that people are complacent; they see everything is open and life begins to a kind of normal," James Garrow, spokesman for the Department of Public Health of Philadelphia, saidBilly Penn. "By limiting activities, the city will not only close the potential exhibition routes, but will also show significantly that it is not sure to be around others." Read on to see the complete warning and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Here is the complete statement of the city of Philadelphia

As Philadelphia Health Commissioner Dr. Tom Farley says, "We are tired of Covid, but Covid is not tired of us."

In response to the increase in COVID-19 cases in Philadelphia, the City and the Ministry of Public Health have announced changes to business restrictions, events and gatherings, as well as other activities aimed at flattening The epidemic curve, prevent hospitals from becoming overwhelmed and reducing the number of CVIV-19 deaths.

The new "safer at home restrictions" are in effect on 20 November 2020 to 1 January 2021. An extension of these restrictions and / or the implementation of additional restrictions is possible according to the trends of the propagation of coronavirus in the city.

Question companies on how to comply with new restrictions should contact the Office of Business Services of the Ministry of Commerce at [email protected] or 215-683-2100.

To report a company or other institution that does not meet the City's COVID-19 restrictions, residents can call 3-1-1 or submit an application to the Philly 311 website.

The following activities and activities are not allowed:

  • Secondary schools and colleges must proceed to instructions online only, with the exception of clinical education for health science students.
  • Interior dinner in restaurants and other catering companies. (Meals to take, take away and take away can continue. Additional restrictions on the outdoor dining room are detailed below.)
  • Theaters and other performance spaces.
  • Bowling alleys, arcades and play areas.
  • Museums.
  • Libraries. (Those who serve as access centers can continue to work. School drop-out services and customer pickup services are allowed.)
  • Casinos.
  • Leisure activities and sports for young people, community groups and schools.
  • Gymnasiums and classes of interior exercises. (Exercise groups and classes can continue outside.)
  • The services of the Senior Day (main centers and adult day care centers) remain closed.

Changes to events and gatherings include:

  • All gatherings and interior events involving people from multiple households are prohibited, in public or private spaces. This includes private events such as marriages and showers, listed as "celebrations" in the previous orientations, as well as funeral.
  • Religious institutions are allowed to have people inside, but the density must be capped at 5 people per 1,000 square feet or 5% of the maximum occupancy.
  • Gatherings and outdoor events are limited to 10% of the maximum capacity of space, or 10 people for 1,000 square feet for sites with maximum non-defined capacity - not exceeding 2,000 people in any which outdoor area. In addition, all individuals of outdoor gatherings must wear masks at any time and to enhance the use of the mask, nor food or beverage can not be served.

Additional changes in capacity limits and other precautions will be instituted for businesses and activities capable of continuing:

  • The restaurants offering outdoor meals must reduce the size of the four-person table. The guidelines will make it clear that external-to-eat groups are only household members because the mix of different households promotes the spread of the community.
  • Retail stores and interior shopping centers can continue to operate, but with a maximum density of 5 people per 1,000 square feet. The city will need these stores to apply customers' use and distancing of clients and staff.
  • Offices are allowed to have only employees who can not work remotely.
  • Barbershops, beauty salons and similar personal services can continue to operate, but all staff and guests have to wear masks at any time. These companies can not operate on the face or perform services that require masks to be deleted.
  • University sports can continue if their plan is specifically approved by the Department of Public Health and no spectator is present.
  • The zoos can only use their exterior spaces.
  • Parks, trails, playgrounds and athletic fields will remain open for individual purposes. (No group sports.)

The following activities and activities may continue to operate under the current direction of the Ministry of Public Health:

  • Grocery stores and farmers markets.
  • Pharmacies.
  • Banks.
  • Construction.
  • Landscaping.
  • Home construction, renovation, repair and maintenance.
  • Manufacturing and storage.
  • Real estate transactions and transactions.
  • Health services.
  • Home assistance services, such as home health services.
  • Services of taxi and conduct stations.
  • Transit.
  • Trolleys and mobile food trucks outdoors.
  • Hotels.
  • Driving events in which people stay in their vehicles.
  • Care of the old and youth learning centers.
  • Primary and intermediate schools.
  • Centers of access to children in primary and college.

In each allowed setting, make sure to follow our security checklist to reduce the propagation of COVID-19:

  • #Maskupphl to block the propagation virus and requires others to wear them.
  • Use barriers such as sneezing guards or plexiglass screens.
  • Keep people who can be infected from others (ideally at home).
  • Practice social distancing (6 feet!).
  • Reduce crowds.
  • Wash your hands frequently with warm soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Keep clean surfaces (do not forget your mobile phone!).
  • Contact staff, customers and other participants in authorized activities and to ensure that everyone understands and follows this security checklist.


It is more important than ever that each Philadelphian makes these recommendations seriously and follows the guidelines - this is the only way to get through this pandemic quickly and safely!

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How to avoid death during the pandemic

As for yourself, no matter where you live, do everything you can to prevent you from installing and spread-Covid-19 in the first place until there is an available vaccine: wear yourfacial maskTested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, only manage essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas, stay at the outside more than from the inside and to go inside. this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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