I am a doctor and here is what happens after caught Covid

When you feel completely at normal? This doctor can tell you the chances.

Have you just had a positive Covid test? Maybe you're wondering how long you are likely to feel bad? How long does the symptoms last? When you feel completely at normal? Read and discover everything you need to know, and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


How long after being infected, it is necessary to develop symptoms?

Sick woman with fever checking her temperature with a thermometer at home

It takes about 5 days of becoming infected with the Virus Covid-19, at the beginning of the symptoms. In fact, 97.5% of those who are infected, develop symptoms within 11 days, depending on theAnnals of internal medicine.


What is bad Covid infection?

Young sick woman lies tired in bed with a face mask and holds her head because of a headache.
  • Lightweight infection. 80% of people who have COVID-19 have a mild to moderate infection, which lasts about 2 weeks. It is said that Covid infection is light - or could be moderate - if you have symptoms such as coughing, fever and discomfort, but no sign of pneumonia.
  • Severe infection. 13.8% of people infected with COVID-19 have a serious infection, which can last 6 weeks. It is said that the infection is serious if you have disturbing symptoms, such as a rapid respiratory rate - breathing of breaths at 30 respirations per minute - and a low level of oxygen saturation ≤ 93%. Those who have serious infections are more likely to need hospital admission and develop more complications, such as secondary bacterial pneumonia, lung embolism (PE) or renal failure.
  • Critical infection. 6.1% have a critical disease, defined as respiratory failure, septic shock and failure of multiple multiple organs. Those who have a serious and critical infection seem more likely to have long-term symptoms.


How many people get "Long Covid"?

Tired woman lying in bed can't sleep late at night with insomnia

New evidence has been emerging that a number of coovidian patients continue to undergo symptoms for weeks or months after the initial diagnosis. It seems that about 1 out of 20 continues to have long-term symptoms.

AItalian studyreported only after hospital discharge, 60 days from the beginning of the infection:

  • 87.4% of people have always had at least one symptom - most often breathable and fatigue.
  • 13% were without a symptom.
  • 32% reported one or two symptoms.
  • 55% reported three or more symptoms.

About two-thirds of patients reported having a reduced quality of life.

A research team at King's College, London, collects information about the symptoms of COVID-19 using a specially designed mobile phone application. It now becomes apparent from the use ofthose dataWhile most people are sick of Covid for 14 days, around one in ten remains sick for 3 weeks or more.


How long are you contagious with Covid?


One of the biggest problems with Covid-19 is that when you know that you are infected, on average, you will have already infected 3 other people. The virus is very contagious at the beginning of the first stages - even before knowing that everything is wrong. Some people are "super-spreaders" and inadvertently infect a large number of people. This is why the mask-bearing the social distancing and the washing of the hands - are essential to control the spread of the infection. You can find out more about how not to catch Covidhere.


Your infection chronology

Female and male doctors wearing masks and uniforms are visiting to check the symptoms of middle-aged female patients lying in bed.

Information from the first patients infected with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China can be used to map an infection chronology. After being infected -

  • Appearance of symptoms for admission to hospital - 7 days on average
  • Shortness of breath occurs - 8 average days
  • Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome - 9 days on average
  • ITU Admission and Mechanical Ventilation - Average - 10.5 days, according to a review inThe lancet


How long are Covid patients staying at the hospital?

Female patient in oxygen mask sleeping, nurse standing by, surgery preparation

DataDepartments of the ITUWorldwide shows that if you are admitted to the hospital with Covid-19, your stay at the hospital is generally between 4 and 21 days, apart from China, where the duration of stay can be as long than 53 days.

RELATED: Dr. Fauci says that most people did it before capturing Covid


Do patients still suffer symptoms after hospital discharge?

Doctor nurse in protective face mask listening to breath with a stethoscope suspecting Coronavirus (COVID-19).

After a stay at the hospital, most Covid patients are good enough to go home, but some patients will still have unpleasant symptoms. Some of these symptoms concern their medical care at the hospital and will be gradually, but some have symptoms related to their CVIV-19 infection and the duration of these symptoms is unknown. People with persistent viral symptoms are called "Long Covid".


How do patients feel when they leave the ICU?

Depressed woman awake in the night, she is exhausted and suffering from insomnia

After a stay in the intensive care unit, patients can

  • Feel weak - having spent days and weeks in bed, and often with little appetite.
  • Have a sore throat - if they had to have an endotracheal tube in their respiratory tract. This can also make it difficult to swallow. This can also affect your ability to speak because the tube is inserted between your vocal cords. If you had a tracheotomy, there will be a scar on your trembling.
  • Feel tired - after a huge infectious insult, your body needs a lot of rest and recovery. This can last weeks or months.
  • Have stiff stiff muscles - this occurs after being pressed in a bed and unable to move or stretch properly.
  • Have scars on different sites of your body - such as hands, neck or groin, where you had inserted cannulas to give you medicine.
  • Feel anxious and depressed - it's natural after being so sick and not know if you shoot. Turning around normal life is also difficult.
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - When you leave UIT, you can get nightmares and flashbacks on your experiences. This can occur especially if you have suffered from delirium, a confusion resulting from a serious illness, ever, strong drugs and to be in an annoying environment. This may require professional help for recovery, for example, with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).


How long can it "Long Covid" last?

Woman suffering from cold, virus lying on the sofa under the blanket

Long Covid is presented if you had a COVID-19 infection, but I still have symptoms after 8 weeks. Dr. Tim Specter and his colleagues at the Kin's College Hospital haveData collected In regards toSymptoms of COVIDusing a specially designed application. Of that, they discovered that when it is infected by Covid -

  • 1 of 7 had symptoms for 4 weeks
  • 1 of 20 presented symptoms for 8 weeks
  • 1 of 50 presented symptoms for 12 weeks or more.
  • Many still have symptoms after 9 months or more.

They felt that the risk of Long Covid is about 1 out of 20 of those infected.

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The risk factors for Long Covid include ...

Doctor measuring obese man waist body fat.
  • The older age - Long Covid affects 10% of children aged 18 to 49, but it increases to 22% of people over 70 years of age.
  • Obesity - Long Covid is slightly more frequent if you have a high IMC.
  • Sex - In younger age groups, Long Covid is more common in women than men.
  • Asthma - it seems to be bound.
  • Symptoms - having a lot of symptoms at the beginning of the infection.

Dr. Spectrum suggested that Long Covid can be divided into two groups. A group that mainly has long-term respiratory symptoms with chronic cough, shortness of breath and fatigue. The second group has more organ specific symptoms such as brain fog and other neurological symptoms, cardiac damage and renal failure.

At the time of writing, 54 million peoplehave been infected with theCOVID-19 [Femininevirus around the world. If 1 of 20 Long Covid develops, this represents a huge load of diseases around the world.


Final thoughts of the doctor

Safe outdoor activities with face mask

While I write this - November 17, 2020 - There has been just over 11.5 million cases of COVID in the United States and 252,000 deaths. If Long Covid's luck is 1 in 20 (5%), it's already 565,000 people around the world who still have any symptoms and we have no idea how long they will last.

If you have just tested Covid-19, you have a 95% chance of being about normal within 14 days. However, this unfortunate 5% could have symptoms longer.

What can you do to increase your chances of a sweet Covid infection? Try to reduce your lifestyle factors - lose weight, take exercise, eat healthy, stop smoking. Get your body and immune system will be ready for action.

And do everything you can to prevent you from installing and spreading - Covid-19 in the first place until there is an available vaccine: wear your facial maskTested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and parties of the house), practice social distance, only manage essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas, Stay outside the interior. "We have seen what's going on when you do not do that through the very unfortunate experiences that have become very public now in the United States. I mean, it's a positive proof, "says Fauci. And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

Dr. Deborah Lee is a medical writer forDr. Fox Online Pharmacy.

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