I am a doctor and if you have done it recently, get a COVID test

Knowing that you have coronavirus is the key to stop removing it with others.

When should you have a COVID test? Today? Tomorrow? Or if you had last week? As a doctor, even I agree that everything seems very confusing right now. Remember that 80% of people with CIVID-19 infection have very soft, or no symptoms. In addition, infected people are the most infectious in the few days before developing symptoms. This is how the virus spreads in the community. Each person could have infection and do not have any idea that they have. The virus is really a sneaky plastic! Read on to know when you should take a test and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Benefits of being tested

Staff testing a driver for coronavirus

Why be tested at all? If you know you have COVID-19, you can take steps to worry about yourself, quarantine, to prevent propagation to your friends and family and do your part for your community and your country.

Being tested, get quick results and follow the correct tips on your test results, is a game changer to control the propagation of the virus. Do it right and the virus is stopped in its tracks. Get the wrong and worst of cases, you, or someone close to you, could die.

Dr. Eduardo Sanchez, CMO for the American Heart Association, wrote a very persuasive blog about the importance of COVID tests. This is the only way to detect cases early and allow them to the people of their forties to prevent them from spreading the virus to other people. It is also important that public health teams are experiencing community virus levels to plan and act to help others.


When should you be tested?

Nurse holding test tube with blood for 2019-nCoV analyzing. Novel Coronavirus blood test

Here is the problem - it is clear that it is impossible to test everyone, all the time.

Here is the solution - you must recognize if you are at risk. Once you know these situations, you know when to go and get a COVID test. Even if you do not have symptoms, if you have been or you find yourself, in a high-risk situation, you must be tested for Covid as a precaution. Read on and see. Below you will find a list of situations that means you should have a COVID test.

(Take note that, having a COVID test, I mean to have aanti-antigen test, which tests the presence or absence of the virus at the time of taking the test. This is different from aantibody test, who seeks an antibody response to say if you had infection in the past.)


Have a COVID test if you have symptoms

A woman who touches the soles.

Have you recently developed a fever or started coughing? These are the mostCommon symptomsCovid infection, often linked to extreme fatigue. Other symptoms of less common Covids include headaches, muscle pain, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, loss of sense of taste or smell, as well as rash, or zones. discolored on your fingers and toes-aka "Tops Covid."

If you have a serious acute crude, you are likely to feel very unhappy, you can have chest pain and shortness of breath. If this is the case, you do not have to wait for a COVID test, but get urgent help immediately.


Have a COVID test if you have been in close contact with anyone who has recently tested positive

Two young female friends chatting over coffee in cafe.

You must be tested if you have been in close contact with anyone recently tested Covid positive. "Narrow contact" means that if you were less than six feet of anyone recently tested positive for 15 minutes or more, even if you wear a mask.

As you expect the results of the COVID test, you must quarantine. It means staying at home for 14 days since you had contact with the infected person.

You must be tested as soon as you realize that this has happened, however, a negative test a few days in your quarantine period does not guarantee that you are not infected. You should continue quarantine until the 14 full days are completed and try again if you develop symptoms or feel sick.

If you live with someone who has been positive tested, the infected person must isolate as far as possible. They should stay in their own room, use their own bathroom to the extent possible and brought food in their bedroom rather than sharing the use of the kitchen.

Your own quarantine period can be even longer than theirs if you live with the infected person and you can not avoid contacting narrow. In this case, you should quarantine up to 14 days after the other person has satisfied the criteria for ending their isolation.

When quarantineis clearly defined on the CDC website.

It's a shock to know that you may have been in contact with Covid and stay at home for 14 days - or longer. And expensive, if you lose 2 weeks or more salary. The message must simply be that now your best chances are to stay at home when you can and stay safe. Avoid unnecessary trips, visits or meetings. Please, please wear a mask! Wash your hands and keep your distance at any time.


Have a COVID test if you do this for a job

Female doctor in mask making notes in medical card while talking to patient at hospital

If when you do your job, you are in close contact with the public or that you work, for example, in a medical setting where virus numbers are likely to be high or that you are simply exposed every day to the large number People - Getting a Cavidant Test, even if you have no symptoms.

These jobs include:

  • Health agents, in all medical or surgical parameters
  • Workers to care for the elderly or care of disabled anyone
  • Workers in emergency services
  • Workers in adult or child protection services
  • Workers of a correctional unit or a penitentiary service
  • Workers with the termination, or dying, or in a hospice
  • First stakeholders-police, paramedics and firefighters
  • Law enforcement agents - police, investigators, inspectors, transport police, etc.
  • If you live or work in a long-term care facility

Other jobs that mean frequent contact with the public and who are essential to our infrastructure are also on the list. You should have a COVID test if you work in

  • Retail trade or manufacture
  • The agricultural sector, or in food production
  • Public transport
  • Education
  • Usefulness
  • Driver driver / truck delivery
  • Veterinarians and those who work in the animal care industry

These lists are not exhaustive. Use your common sense and if you work in a cluttered, face-to-face or risky environment, look for a test.


Have a COVID test before admission, procedure or operation - or after the output

female doctor holding hands with senior man in wheelchair

This should be done as close as possible to the date of admission / procedure - usually about 3 days before. You should know that the result is negative before arriving on the premises. After the exit, it is reasonable to be tested to make sure you have not recovered more at the hospital than you do not want.

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Have a COVID test if you attended a major event

carolina hurricanes hockey stadium
Andrea Catenaro / Shutterstock

If you attended everythingeventsWhere large crowds of people are considering having a test, for example a mass rally or a great sporting event. These are well known for being "super-spreader" events.

TheBBCReported in September in the United Kingdom, that 300 fans had recently tested positive after attending a charity football game in Burnside, northeast of England. All those who attended the match were then quarantined for 14 days.

The most famous superparage event was thePink garden White HouseEvent on 26:30 am, to which 14 people were infected.

Twenty-eight members of the White House Administration have now been infected.

If you have attended important events in the last 14 days, even if you have followed all the rules for hygiene, social distance and wear distancing, you should have a COVID test.


Consider having a COVID test if you are vulnerable

woman in bed suffering from cancer

Do you have chemotherapy? On steroids? Take anti-rejection medications? Do you have anyChronic medical conditionsWho make you more likely to Covid or have an weakened immune system? Or you could be vulnerable, for example, if you are homeless or live in poverty, or in congested conditions. In these situations, you should have a low threshold to be tested. If you are infected, you are also a higher risk for a mediocre result.


Test higher risk trips

Virus mask woman travel wearing face protection in prevention for coronavirus at airport.

Traveling is a higher risk activity for COVID-19 as it means visiting the airport, mingling with crowds, standing in queues, breathing the filtered air and sitting near others on the aircraft. You may also have visited an area where the COVID infection rate is high. There is a risk that you could become infected and bring the virus home with you.

TheCDC recommendsYou have a COVID test if you are traveling and you have participated in "higher risk activities". This should be taken 3 to 5 days after your arrival at home and stay at home for 7 days after your return. Even if the test is negative, you should always stay at home for 7 days. If you do not have a Covid test, you should stay at home for 14 days.

Higher-risk activities are listed as -

  • Any travel from a country or American territory, the CDC gave a level 2.3, or 3Travel - Health Warning.
  • If you attended a mass gathering such as a wedding, a big party or a burial, or a great sporting event.
  • If you are visited, bars, clubs, restaurants and entertainment sites such as nightclubs, cinema cinemas or cinemas.
  • If you used public transport.
  • If you traveled on a ship or take a cruise.


How to get a COVID test

Medical worker in protective suite taking a swab for corona virus test, potentially infected young woman

You can visit your state and your territorial websiteshere.

RELATED:The symptoms of COVID usually appear in this order, study


Final thoughts of the doctor

Young caucasian woman wearing surgical gloves putting face mask on, protection from spread of Coronavirus

Do not think just because a vaccine is on the way, we can forget all that. It will be several months before the vaccine distribution and the effects are seen. If we do not follow the rules, many other people will become infected and very unfortunately, some of them will die or suffer the misery of post-Covid syndrome that can ruin your life, which can affect 30% of people who get COVID.

It seems repetitive and I remember it every day.mask, wash your hands and keep your distance. We can also add to this list and be tested! My mask is in a plastic bag in the pocket of my coat, my freezing gel is in a pot next to the front door and another tube lives in my shoulder bag. In addition, on my phone are the details of my nearest test center.

Stay suspicious of the virus - and do not let this sneakless flange slide undetected!

Is that time that you had a COVID test?

Dr. Deborah Lee is a medical writer forDr. Fox Online Pharmacy.

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