The "biggest fear" of Dr. Faisci on Covid Vaccine

"My greatest main fear is that a substantial proportion of the hesitant population to be vaccinated," said Fuci.

The first coronavirus vaccines are from the sending of Kalamazoo, Michigan, today, the first real times on the arc of the pandemic. What could happen wrong? Well, a lot. The country has never tried a mass vaccination of this scale or on this chronology, never before.Dr. Anthony Fauci, the main expert on the nation's infectious disease, seems confident about distribution: "We have a long and long history of the distribution of vaccines," he said - but he did this weekend reveals A fear - In fact, its "bigger fear," about the vaccine. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Dr. Fauci does not fear enough people will be vaccinated for this to be effective

"My greatest main fear is that a substantial proportion of the people will be hesitant to be vaccinated," said FaCiDaily beast. "I think there will be a lot of people who do not want to be vaccinated right away. But once you've had, you know, tens of millions of people vaccinated, it seems like it works and it's Sure, then I think we are gaining a lot of the rest of the population, which could have some hesitation on vaccination. "

Fauci previously stated that the return to normality depends on these people surmounting hesitation. "Let's say we get 75%, 80% of the vaccinated population," said Fauci to a"When public health means business"Event sponsored by theHarvard T.h. Chan Public Health School. "If we do that, if we do it quite effectively in the second quarter of 2021, when we arrive at the end of the summer, that is, the third quarter, we could have enough Herd immunity to protect our society than us to go to the end of 2021, we can address a lot of normality close to where we were before. "

"It's not like being like turning and disabling a light switch," he said returning to normal. "99% of people will not be vaccinated, they will not want to be vaccinated. So let's say you have ... 65 to 80% of people want to be vaccinated. You still have a lot of people in society. And take this country as a vulnerable societal unit to be infected. "

"So," he continued, "we will go slowly in a degree of graduated normality."

RELATED: If you feel it, you may have ever had Covid, "said Dr. Fauci

The "worst nightmare" of Mr. Faisci has become reality before

Fauci previously declared: "People have asked me over the years what my worst nightmare was, and I always said, it's a new infection that jumped a new species, it's a capacity to respiratory and has a spectacular capacity. To go from the person-to-person and has a high degree of morbidity and mortality, whether in the general population or in some groups, "he revealed.

Seems familiar? Its worst nightmare is essentially COVID-19. "Well, we are here. You know, I live this thing I feared the most," he confessed.

Fauci pointed out that "it is the worst epidemic we had of a respiratory disease supported in 102 years."

Until we took the vaccine so that it is effective, do what you can stop it from spreading. facial mask, the social distance, avoid big crowds, do not go inside with people that you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others , and do not visit these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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