FDA has just prevented these 13 side effects of Covid vaccine

The FDA has just announced them publicly for the first time.

With the arrival of the first coronavirus vaccine, the arrival of the first side effects reported - two medical workers in the United Kingdom had a bad allergic reaction, leading to the FDA today to warn the Americans only if they have a history of Serious allergic reactions, they should not take the vaccine, either. Other than that, "we did not see any serious adverse events we could be related to the vaccine so far," saysDr. Anthony Fauci, the main infectious infectious expert of the nation. "Security is a very important question," he said, adding that "when you look at the hundreds and hundreds of millions of people who have been vaccinated, long-term adverse events were less than tiny in the Great image of the protection you get from a vaccine. "Nevertheless, they exist. The FDA has just announced them publicly for the first time. Read to read to see their warning and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


First of all, remember the great advantage of the vaccine

Female patient smiling behind the face mask and with her eyes, while getting flu shot

Says the FDA: "In a current clinical trial, the Pfizer-Biontech Covid-19 vaccine has beenshown to prevent COVID-19 Following 2 doses given 3 weeks apart. The duration of protection against Covid-19 is currently unknown. The reported side effects have not been serious, but you should know about them - continue reading.


You could feel pain at the injection site

Uncomfortable young woman scratching her arm while sitting on the sofa at home.

Dr. Fauci described this as a "pain in the arm". For many, it will be paleled with respect to the "a lot of pain", predicted the coronavirus pandemic itself. If you have already got an influenza shot, it's apparently like that - a tenderness that fades. Although for some, it has been reported more painful. After obtaining his second dose, "my arm quickly became painful at the injection site, much more than the first time," wrote a researcher nurse, Kristen Choi, Ph.D., Rn, who wanted to raise awareness of the " Worst case scenario "Side effects of the two-part vaccine, in a test inJAMA internal medicine.


Swelling or redness of the injection site

Woman removing adhesive plaster from the wound after blood test injection

You can also expect a "local swelling, irritation" in your arm, former head of the FDA Dr.Margaret Hamburgtold CNBCSafeThursday.


You could have a fever

woman is looking at the thermometer. She has fever

Fuci said you could expect "a fever". This is likely to be sweet, even if it was not for Choi. "When I woke up from 5:30, I felt hot. Burn. I took my temperature and watched playback: 104.9 ° F (104.9 ° F (40.5 ° C). It was the most High fever that I can remember, and it scared me. I took acetaminophen and drank a glass of water. When the research office opened at 9 o'clock, I have Called to report my reaction to injection. Fortunately, my fever had fallen to 102.0 ° F (38.9 ° C) by then. "


You might feel tired

Woman stressed out in an office

You might feel a "sense of fatigue," says Hamburg. This can mean that the vaccine does its job. "Covid-19 vaccines are more reagogogenic than the influenza vaccine," said Arnold Monto, epidemiologist at the University of Michigan who runs the group of experts who will advise the FDA on Covid-19 vaccine authorization, "According toThe Wall Street newspaper-Reacogenic meaning that something causes an immunological reaction. "But the reactogenicity is perfectly normal," he added and should not be caught by surprise or dissuaded to get the vaccines, who are in two apart apart apart from three or four weeks apart. "


You could meet a headache

Man is having a headache.

Fauci has frequently fever and pain in the arm than the probable side effects. But there are others. Choi says "By the end of the day, I have ... had a divided headache." Some of the reported side effects include "some pain ... sometimes headaches," says Hamburg.

RELATED:The symptoms of COVID usually appear in this order, study


You could have muscle pain

female touching neck and shoulder in pain.

Likely to be located in the arm, but eventually appearing elsewhere, some of these pains may be signs that your immune system is antibodies in response to vaccine viruses.


You could have the chills


Choi said he felt "refrigerated". "In a percentage of patients, they had low-grade shivers and fever," Hamburg said.


You might encounter joint pain

woman holding her hand

You "could have been with fever - including a rarely high fever - fatigue, headache, chills, muscle pain, joint pain, enough for one can miss a working day," Dr. Paul Offit, a Pediatrician at the Philadelphia Children's Hospital and a member of the FDA Advisory Committee evaluating vaccines, tells the NPR.


You might feel nauseating

Woman Suffering From Nausea

Choi felt "nauseous". This can be a common side effect of influenza shot too, but is generally characterized as light.


You might feel "bad" "

woman with hands holding pressing her crotch lower abdomen

Well, if you felt nauseous, cooled and have a fever or muscle pain, you could describe this as "sick". A global malaise can simply be your functioning immune system.

RELATED: 7 side effects to wear a face mask


You could have swollen lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy)

woman touching neck with her hands.

Your lymph nodes filter substances throughout your body and are in your neck, your armpits, your gobt and elsewhere. "An enlarged lymphatic ganglion generally refers to immunological activity after vaccination", reports theFinnish Institute of Health and Wellbeing. "In particular, vaccines containing live pathogens effectively form antibodies in the nearest lymphatic nodes of the vaccination site. An enlarged lymph node is generally detected in a week of vaccination .... EULS Lemandy lymph nodes. do not require treatment, they must be monitored. "


There is a distant chance of a severe allergic reaction

Asian woman having difficulty breathing in bedroom at night

"There is a remote chance that the Pfizer-Biontech Covid-19 vaccine could cause a serious allergic reaction. A severe allergic reaction would generally occur in minutes after a dose of the Pfizer-Biontech Covid-19 vaccine. Signs of a severe allergic reaction may include:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Swelling of your face and throat
  • A fast heartbeat
  • A bad rash on all your body
  • Vertigo and weakness. "


Other possible side effects

Chemist Adjusts Samples in a Petri Dish with Pincers and then Examines Them Under Microscope

"These may not be all possible side effects of the Pfizer-Biontech Covid-19 vaccine. Serious and unexpected side effects may occur. The Pfizer-Biontech Covid-19 vaccine is still studied in clinical trials, "the FDA reports. "If you encounter a severe allergic reaction, call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest hospital. Call the vaccination provider or health care provider if you have any side effects that bother you or do not Do not give up. "


How to stay healthy during the pandemic

Female Wearing Face Mask and Social Distancing

As for yourself, discuss these problems with a health professional if you have a matter of concern, and until we are all vaccinated: wear a facial mask, the social distance, avoid big crowds, do not go inside with people that you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others , and do not visit these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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