Without a sign that you have Covid now, according to the FDA

The agency that approved the CVIV-19 vaccine establishes the most common symptoms.

With the coronavirus vaccine being administered as you read, the "light at the end of the tunnel" is here - the beginning of the end of the pandemic. Make titles with it's theU.S. Food and Drug Administration, who approved thePfizer-BiontechThe vaccine and approves the therapies administered to treat the virus. Who better, then, know the symptoms of COVID-19? The Agency has an investigation for "an evaluation of 14Symptoms related to Covid-19"And we gathered them all here so that you can do quick self-assessment before searching for a test. Read on to see if you have any of these symptoms and to ensure your health and health of others, do not do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You may have a sore throat

A Doctor Performing Physical Exam Palpation Of The Thyroid Gland

"Like cold and ribs, COVID-19 is a viral and respiratory disease that can cause harm to the throat," reports reportsBag care. "A study, commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO), concluded that over 55,000 confirmed cases, 13.9% of people reported a sore throat. Get a COVID-19 test if you are around someone who has been positively tested or exposes other CVIV-19 symptoms, such as cough, the difficulty of breathing and / or fever, as well as Chills, muscle pain, headaches and any new loss of taste or smell. "


You can have a shortness of breath (difficulty in breathing)

Curly woman feeling bad and suffering from strong cough while having flu

"Different people have different experiences with COVID-19," ReportsMedicine of Nebraska. "Some people do not have breathing problems, while others do. The shortness of breath can lead to a very serious case of CIVID-19 requiring invasive ventilation. It is therefore important to get help quickly. If you relate to one of them:

  • Can not fill your lungs with air
  • Inquire
  • I can not hold your breath
  • Each inhale makes you cough
  • Feels like you're choking
  • Sealing or chest pain with breathing. "


You can have a stuffy nose or flow

Woman feeling ill and blowing her nose with a tissue at home.

You can get a poured or clogged nose if you have the cold, the flu or just because you walk in cold weather, irritating from your sinuses. Or it could be Covid-19. "As with most clinical decisions, an in-depth story should be the first step," suggests theAmerican College of Professional and Environmental Medicine. "Was there recent trips or a contact with a person known to be infected with Covid? Has already had seasonal allergies or other environmental allergies? What are their usual symptoms?" In any case, you can not exclude COVID. In an anticipated report on the virus, the World Health Organization found that 4.8% of coronavirus patients surveyed had nasal congestion, based on 55,924 laboratory confirmed cases.


You can have a cough

COVID-19 cover cough Coronavirus reducing of risk of spreading the infection covering nose and mouth when coughing.

Your covidant cough will probably be dry, as in, not the phlegm. To treat it, follow these advice from theMedical system from the University of Maryland:

  • "Drink hot drinks, such as tea or broth. These heat the airways, keep your hydration and break any mucus that you could have in your throat and your upper respiratory tract.
  • Try a honey coffee spoon in hot tea or hot water. A little honey tends to soothe a sore throat. However, children under 1 year should not try honey.
  • Breathe steam. Use a hot shower, a humidifier, a vaporizer or another way to make steam. He will calm the throat and open your airways, which facilitates breathing. "


You can have low energy or fatigue

Tired african American male worker or student sit at desk sigh yawn feeling stressed or fatigue overwork in office

This one is quite common and can be debilitating. "Fatigue is the symptom presenting in many CVIV-19 patients ranging from 44% to 70% of cases", written byDr. Liji Thomas, MD. "The extent and duration of this symptom remain an unknown area, mainly if it represents a post-viral fatigue syndrome triggered by the virus." For some previously healthy people, chronic fatigue can last a lifetime as part of what is called post-Covid syndrome. Take it seriously.

RELATED:The symptoms of COVID usually appear in this order, study


You can have muscle or bodily pain

Woman suffering from backache at home

"Myalgia" -a.k.a. Body pain and pain - "is a common symptom in patients with viral infections such as the new Coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19) and the flu", reports a study in theNature Public Health Emergency Collection. "Myalgia reflects generalized inflammation and cytokine response and can be the symptom of appearance of 36% of patients with CVIV-19 .... Myalgia and fatigue in patients with CIVID-19 may be longer than Other viral infections and do not respond to conventional painkillers and would not respond to conventional painkillers.. "


You can have a headache fractionation of the head

Mature man with bad headache at home

A covid headache can feel like a jackhammer. "I see patients while they are actively sick and also followed, sometimes even months later, after recovering from Covid-19, but they still have post-Covid headache. In some patients, The serious headache of Covid-19 lasts only a few days, while in others it can last up to months, "writesDr. Megan Donnelly, specialist in neurologist headache and certified women toNOVENT NEUROLOGY OF HEALTH AND CMADACHE - SOUTHPARK. "It is presented mainly as an entire head head, an intense pain of pressure. It is different from the migraine, which by definition is unilateral thrilling with a sensitivity to light or sound, or to nausea. It is More than one entire pressure presentation. "


You can feel chills or shivering


"The chills do not usually occur by themselves but are part of a constellation with fever, chills, muscle ills, headache and other systemic symptoms", part of the infectious disease John A. Sellick, Professor of Medicine at the New York State University in Buffalo, saysHealth. If you have them with the other symptoms of this list, "Covid-19 would certainly be a counterpart, as well as the flu at that time of the year," says Sellick.


Feel hot or febrile

Sick man lying on sofa checking his temperature at home in the living room

Ato study, published in the newspaperBorders in public healthAnd led by experts at the Converging Institute of Science from USC Michelson Center in Cancer, found that a fever is most often the first sign of coronavirus. With meaning: it's a main way that your body fight the disease. The CDC "considers that a person has a fever when he has a measured temperature of 100.4 ° F (38 ° C) or more, or feels to the touch, or gives history of febrile sensitivity."


You may want to vomit

Woman Feeling Nauseous

"Many people with COVID-19 are experimenting with gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, sometimes before having a fever and signs of lower respiratory tract and symptoms, reports the CDC.


You could vomit

Tired African-American man having headache after hard day, feeling exhausted

"In a recentstudy carried out by theAmerican Journal of GastroenterologyResearchers found that 50.5% of the 204 patients analyzed reported a kind of digestive symptom, including loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain, "reportsOchsner health. "The study also noted that the gravity of COVID-19 has increased for the patient, digestive symptoms have become more pronounced." Be prepared to answer this question when the doctor asks, by the FDA: "How many times do you vomit (vomiting) in the last 24 hours?"

RELATED: 7 side effects to wear a face mask


You can have diarrhea

Door handle open to toilet can see toilet

If the diarrhea lasts a long time, be warned: "The increase in vomiting and diarrhea can also cause dehydration. You must be aware of your cash consumption. If you encounter a reduction in urination, dizziness or fast heart rate, contact your doctor, "advises your doctor.Ochsner health. Be prepared to answer this question when the doctor asks, in accordance with the FDA: "How many times have you had diarrhea (loose or aqueous stools) in the last 24 hours?"


Evaluate your sense of smell in the last 24 hours

woman smelling spoiled food from pot holding lid

Would you say that your sense of smell is the same thing as usual, less than usual or do you have a sudden lack of an odorate? "The loss of smell (anosmia) or taste (Agetusia) has been commonly reported, in one third of patients in a study, especially in women and younger or older patients," the CDC reports.


Evaluate your sense of taste over the last 24 hours

Although Agenusia can be a symptom of other medical problems, if it happens during the pandemic, suppose you have coronaviruses and take precautionary measures. Ask yourself: "My sense of taste is the same thing as usual, less than usual or I do not have a sense of taste?"


What if you feel these symptoms

Staff testing a driver for coronavirus

If you fear that you have coronavirus, you will immediately separate others and take action to be tested by calling your health professional or looking for local test sites. And to avoid becoming Covid in the first place, follow the fundamentals, no matter where you live-wear afacial mask, the social distance, avoid big crowds, do not go inside with people that you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others , and do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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