Without a sign that you have Covid now, according to the Mayo clinic

"Signs and symptoms ... may appear two to 14 days after the exhibition", reports the medical center.

With the cases of coronavirus establishing world records every day, you might worry that you caught the potentially deadly virus. Fortunately, there are clear indicators that you can have COVID-19. So you can get help if it happens. "Signs and symptoms ... may appear two to 14 days after the exhibition", reports theMAYO Clinic, the famous non-profit medical center. "If you develop symptoms ... or if you have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus, contact your doctor. Also inform your doctor if you have received close contact with those who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 .... Symptoms can include "the next reading and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You can feel a fever

young woman sitting on a couch having a strong headache

Usually but not always, Covid is "associated with a fever", reports the Mayo clinic of a symptom presenting the most common. "Sometimes it is low of 100.3 F more and more high. Some people suffer a much higher fever from up to 102 F or 103f. Individuals may feel shortness of breath."


You can undergo a cough


Patients "may feel a cough. And it can either a dry cough or perhaps above the phlegm", declaresDr. Clayton Cowl,President of the Division of the Mayo Clinic of Preventive, Professional and Aerospace Medicine. If you have one, stay away from others. "The risk factors for Covid-19 seem to include close contact (within 6 feet or 2 meters) with a person who owns Covid-19", explains the Mayo clinic, and "cough or sneezed by an infected person".


You can experience fatigue

Woman suffering from cold, virus lying on the sofa under the blanket

Dr. Greg Vanichkachorn, a professional medicine specialist in the Mayo clinic, said this fatigue can last months for "long lengths", those with post-Covid syndrome. "It's not just like fatigue, like fatigue we receive from a bad night's sleep but rather deep fatigue." He explained: "Patients will say what to do something as simple as taking a dog for a walk, climbing steps to their home, can often train any nap or rest for several hours. . "


The first symptoms of COVID-19 can include loss of taste or smell

Woman smelling flower.

"Covid-19 could cause a new loss of smell or taste - without nasal congestion. It usually lasts nine to 14 days," explains the clinic. "Some research suggests that the loss of smell or taste could be an early predictor of COVID-19."


You may have a shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

shortness of breath

"Few sensations are as frightening as can not have enough air. The breathlessness - known medically in the form of dyspnea - is often described as an intense tightening in the chest, hunger of the air, the difficulty of breathing , shortness of breath or feeling of choking "the clinic. "If you have an unexplained shortness of breath, especially if it suddenly comes and is serious, consult your doctor as soon as possible."


You can have muscle pain

Woman is touching her stiff shoulder.

"The symptoms of Covid-19 are typically myalgia, or muscle pain and a lot of fatigue," explains Dr. Cowl.

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You can have chills

woman covered by a blanket on the sofa with high fever and flu

Covid "can cause a wide range of signs and symptoms", reports the Mayo clinic. "The most common is fever, dry cough and fatigue. Other symptoms include shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, muscle pain, chills, sore throat, headaches or pain at the chest."


You may have a sore throat

woman experiencing strong throat ache

"A sore throat is a pain, a scratch or an irritation of the throat that often worsens when you swallow. The most common cause of a throat (pharyngitis) is a viral infection, such as a cold or flu, "reports the clinic.


You can have a flowing nose

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"Interestingly, unlike many other respiratory viruses, only a minority of patients reported upper respiratory symptoms such as the flowing nose or sore throat, although some people have reported them"Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a specialist in pediatric infectious diseases of the Mayo Clinic, said early during the pandemic.


You may have a headache

Stressed unhappy woman touching forehead, suffering from strong headache or chronic migraine

"The headaches are "well, a" pain, "pain in any region of the head. The headaches can occur on one or both sides of the head, be isolated at a certain place, radiating from the head of a point, or have a visual quality. A headache can appear as acute pain, a throbbing sensation or a deaf pain, "explains the clinic.


You can have chest pain

woman suffering from chest pain while sitting at home

Concerning the symptoms of Covid-19, "the classics you will hear about arefeverand any type of respiratory symptoms, such as shortness of breath or cough, or anything that involves the lungs, "saysDr. Stacey Rizza, specialist in infectious diseases of the Mayo clinic and researcher. "We also know that people are likely to express these receptors that the virus must infect the cells in the mouth, in the groove and in the gastrointestinal tract). We have seen that people suffer from sore throat, from GI GI upset and sometimesdiarrhea. We also know that these receptors are expressed on the heart and sometimes people get inflammation of heart tissue itself and thoracic pain. We even had people present with what they thought was a heart attack and, in fact, it was an inflammation of the cardiac tissue caused by the virus itself. "


You can get pink eyes (conjunctivitis)

Said the Mayo Clinic: "COVID-19 could cause ocular problems such as enlarged blood vessels, inflated eyelids, excessive watering and increased discharge. The infection could also cause sensitivity and irritation of light. These symptoms are more common in people with serious infections. "

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Other symptoms of COVID-19 reported by the Mayo Clinic

Uncomfortable young woman scratching her arm while sitting on the sofa at home.

"This list is not all inclusive", warns the clinic. "The other less common symptoms have been reported, such as rashes, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Children have adult symptoms and generally have a light disease. The severity of the symptoms of Covid-19 can to go very light to severe. Some people can have some symptoms, and some people can not have any symptoms at all. Some people may have aggravated symptoms, such as the abandonment of breathing and pneumonia, about a week after the beginning of the symptoms. "


How to avoid Covid-19 in the first place

Woman putting on a protective mask

If you encounter any of these symptoms, Hunker Down and contact a health professional and otherwise follow the fundamental principles to help put an end to this thrust, no matter where you live-wear a facial mask, the social distance, avoid big crowds, do not go inside with people that you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others , and do not visit these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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