11 symptoms of Covids "Arcuciat"

Covid-19 ellen degeneres. And the pain of the back is only one of the painful symptoms.

The toll of coronavirus death continues to get up - and to make things worse, left without many people who live ... but live in pain. After Alyssa Milano actor (who lost his hair) and singer Jeremih (who had to learn to walk again) exploded how muchCOVID-19 [Feminine Can you spoil, Talk Show Host Ellen Degeneres is the latest celebrity to talk about its Covid symptoms. "I feel 100%. I feel really good," said dengeneres in aInstagram videoPosted yesterday. "One thing they do not tell you is that you get, in one way or another, atrocious pain at the back," she continued, adding that she "did not know It was a symptom ". "Who knew? How are you?" Degeseurs wondered. "Back pain. Bad." Read it to discover Covid's "arriving" and "bad" symptoms, so you know what to monitor and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Muscle Pain and Pain - Including Back Pain

Woman feeling neck ache, suffering from painful feeling in neck

Dr. Anthony FauciThe first expert on the infectious disease of the nation warned of "muscular pain", which it also calls "myalgia". You can feel this in your joints, your muscles, wherever there is fabric, which becomes inflamed when your body is fighting off the virus. "The virus can spread in the blood ... and cause infection in all fabrics ... like the heart and brain," says a study in theNature Public Health Emergency Collection. "Therefore, the musculoskeletal system" -What includes bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves - "can also undergo an infection".


Lung scars

Doctor examining chest x-ray film of patient at hospital

"Something we see from a radiological perspective are patients with permanent pulmonary damage, regardless of the age group," says Dr. José Morey, a radiologist practicing in Virginia. "Pulmonary scars often associated with chronic chemical damage such as smoking occur, which leads to reduce overall lung function and fatigue." According to Dr. Lili Barsky, "pulmonary chronic irritation or damage may result in asthma or even pulmonary fibrosis".


Renal failure

At doctors appointment physician shows to patient shape of kidney with focus on hand with organ. Scene explaining patient causes and localization of diseases of kidney, stones, adrenal, urinary system - Image

"The ventilated patients had up to 30% incidence up to 30% chronic post-recovery renal failure - which means they will have to be on dialysis machines after," said Dr. Sunny Jha , a anesthetist at the University of South South. California. "It is unclear to what extent will the renal function be able to recover afterwards, they do not rely on dialysis."

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Physical debilitation

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"Most patients lose weight, but in the most serious cases for severely ill patients who are fans for weeks, their muscle mass is significantly reduced and becomes considerably reduced to make basic functions such as swallowing and The march ", explains Dr. Jha.



Nurse taking the blood pressure of elderly man

"If there were renal damage and blood vessels to the arteries in general, this leads to chronic renal failure and a cascade of chemical reactions causing high blood pressure and its negative effects," says Dr. Christine Traxler. "High blood pressure, when not controlled, can result in atherosclerosis and complications such as favorites and heart attacks later in life."

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A businesswoman rubbing her eyes.

"Persistent fatigue" - whole body fatigue - "can result from the stress of disease, viral inflammation, or the respiratory deficiency of pulmonary damage," said Leann Poston M.D.


Venous insufficiency in the legs

Thigh pain or muscle twitching or muscle cramp.

"If your Covid-19 infection has led to a blood clot in the leg, which is not uncommon, it will damage the veins of the leg," explains Dr. Traxler. "The blood clot in the leg itself will leave with treatment, but the veins themselves become so damaged that there will be a risk of long-term blood backup in the veins of the legs."



Sad woman with face protective mask looking through the window at home.

"When a person has a COVID-19 infection, especially so severe, this can be a traumatic experience for the affected person," says Dr. Traxler. "It's not everyone manages such a threatening experience of life and will have persistent nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety and depression as a result of trauma affecting the thought and general response to severe traumatic stress. "


Persistent fever

Sick woman with cold and flu.

"Day 47 with a fever. Second Covid - Negative Test. Blood Work - Normal," Kate Meredith Patient said NBC News. "My body does not officially leave this virus, but my fever and my sinus tachycardia tell a different story."


Numbness of members

Pain in the foot of the elderly

"Andrew Dumont, 32, from Seattle, has also tested negative for the virus after a previous positive Covid-19 test," reported NBC News. "Two months since the first time sick, Dumont still suffers from numbness in its members and their breathlessness - pushing two visits to the emergency room twice last week. The analyzes and X-rays of the lung N 'have shown no additional infection. "

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Need oxygen

Woman with breathing problem

"In the sick people, I saw in a New York hospital, there were many who had surmounted the viral replication of the disease - they had been intubated in the UIC and were now out of the fan and out of the 'ICU, "says Dr. Larry Burchett, MD and emergency doctor. "Still, they still needed 4L of oxygen for example to maintain their oxygen levels. The virus was gone, but the lungs are still recovering caused damage."


So what can you do to help you and others?

Back view of a doctor attending to a woman patient through a video call with the laptop at home.

Every passing day, doctors work tirelessly to discover new ways to treat Covid-19-and how to thwart any long-time damage damage in real time. If you feel discouraged because you have pain or think that your symptoms will last forever, talk to your doctor about their new discoveries; Chances are they met someone with your same problems. And spend the floor on what you feel - to professionals and friends and family. The more we all know coronavirus, the more we can get rid of this disease and cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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