7 things that Dr. Fauci says never to do now

Do not gather with the family, get out in bars or hit the gym, among other non-NSOs.

The same day, good news broke up on the Moderna vaccine - it will be administered in the next week-3,600 peopledeath of coronavirus and 247,000 positive tested, more than in a day ... immediate end in sight. "We sit here talking about vaccines, which is such a positive thing, but all this is a kind ofWeet,"Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top expert on the infectious disease of the nation told theSee todayFriday. "As we go forward with what will finally be the answer and the final solution to that, we live through very difficult times." Read thoughts about the seven things you should never do now and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You should not gather with the family without realizing that you risk risking their lives and your own

Gathered relatives in decorated house dinner table mom embrace little girl boy children listen to congratulations other communicate talk tell speak

"You do not want to be the Grinch that stole the holidays", "Fauci, Director of National Allergy Institutes and Infectious Diseases, said in alivemaintenance with Dr. Howard Bauchner, publisher of theAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. But get together with people you do not live with you endangers. "You get an asymptomatic and infected person, then suddenly, four or five people in this gathering are infected," he said. He predicted that this would happen on Thanksgiving and that did it. Follow his Christmas advice and live to see next year, he supports.


You should not go out into the bars


"Bars: really not good, really not good. Congregation in a bar, inside, is a bad news. We really need to stop this, "said that Faisci told the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Workforce and Pensions (aid) earlier this year. The reason why the drink is: you must take your mask for drinking, is usually inside inside, and alcohol reduces your inhibitions (and your decision-making skills), which facilitates the simple measures public health. It is a recipe for the spread of viruses, proven by science.

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You should avoid interior restaurants that are packaged

Group of business people ordering their meal at the restaurant.

As for the bars, you pull your mask to eat. Better to do the outside, where you are not trapped inside the spread of germs. Fauci adds a warning: "What we really need to do is to make sure that we say we are saying to limit the ability of restaurants or close restaurants or close the bars that must be accompanied by a relief financial relief for the owners of restaurants and bar owners, "said FauciFox News. "Because if you do that, if you turn off these establishments, you will decrease the transmissibility of the infection, but you can not do it in a void. You must help these people."


You should not hit the gym

Group of people doing fitness in a gym wearing a mask, coronavirus concept

The CDC "just released with a figure that really says," said Dr. Faisci to Chris Hayes of MSNBC earlier this year. "This shows the chances of risk of different types of situations ... come to you of the figure, it's restaurants, bars and gymnasiums."


Do not touch your face with unwashed hands

a gentleman with a beard scratching his eyes with glasses

DuringconversationWith 94.7, the McKay Maggie of the Wave, Dr. Faisci revealed that touching your face is "for sure" a non-no.

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Do not forget to wash your hands is more important than any wiping

Woman Washing her hands with soap and water at home bathroom

At 94.7, the wave, Fauci also offered other suggestions on how to save you from an infection that could surprise you. When asked if it was crucial to "wash every thing" before contacting, Fauci actually said no. "It's probably better to just wash your hands frequently, because people start feeling that they need to wipe several times - there is nothing wrong with that. I mean, you want can -be having wipes and putting it on a handle handle or something like that - but to feel compulsively, you can not touch something unless you do not worsen, it would probably create more stress than this Would be a real protection, "he said.


Do not forget the fundamental principles

girl wear medical face mask on sunny city street

If we are all adhered to these nationally, we would be saved lives, says Fauci:

  • Universal masks clothes
  • Physical distance of at least 6 feet
  • Avoid excavations and gather settings
  • Conduct activities outside
  • Frequent enema of the hands

As for yourself, follow his fundamental principles and help put an end to this thrust, no matter where you live-wear a facial mask, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not fit (especially in the bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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