I am a doctor and that's why you should be vaccinated

A leading physician explains why he had the Vaccine Covid-19 - and why you should also.

I am a medical medicine doctor and I actively treatCOVID-19 [Feminine and other patients on the fronts. We are in the middle of a thrust in viral cases and many hospitals are close or in capacity. Today, I have been vaccinated with the COVID19 mRNA vaccine produced by Pfizer-Biontech. I was vaccinated to protect me, my family, my patients and the community. By doing this, I help contribute to the immunity that will stop the pandemic. Everyone without contraindication to vaccination should be vaccinated. It's your civic duty. We will need at least 50 to 70% of the population to be infected or immunized to stop the pandemic.One of the worst things you can do right now refuses to take the vaccine.

Currently, the United States has more than 17 million CIVID-19 infections, more than any other country in the world. In addition, 315,000 deaths have been reported by theCDC-AGAIN, more than any other country in the world. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Getting the vaccine can help save hundreds of thousands of lives

We can not allow the continued spread of this fatal virus with the hope that it will eventually run its course. Enabling the natural spread of possibly provoking a flock immunity is an imperfect concept that is not supported by the overwhelming majority of public health experts, epidemiologists or doctors. COVID-19 It is believed that some studies have about 2% of overall mortality by 2%, or 20 times the mortality rate .1% of seasonal influenza. Other sources indicate that mortality may be less than about 5 to 1% (still 5 to 10 times more cursed than seasonal flu). Many experts believe that herd immunity would require a 50-70% infection of the population.

The United States has approximately 330 million people. 50% of which 165 million people are 165 million. In order to realize a flock immunity, at least 165 million people should be infected. Assuming that the lowest mortality rate of only 5%, herd immunity would result in 825,000 deaths. If the mortality rate is actually 1%, it would translate 1.65 million deaths and if mortality is 2%, it would represent 3.3 million deaths. In addition, the elderly and patients with comorbidal conditions would be disproportionately affected and die in high percentages (potentially as high as 14%).

These estimates are quite terrifying. However, there is a quick and effective option that will achieve the objectives of the immunity of herds without unnecessary death: vaccination. Thanks to mass vaccination, we can end the terrible and destructive pandemic without the carnage of the immunity of the flock through uncontrolled viral propagation.

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The vaccine is safe

The Pfizer-Biontech vaccine is currently an emergency authorization for FDA and appears at the same time effective and secure. It is a two-dose diet, administered at 3 weeks apart. Companies have submitted two months of FDA security data and have published extensive prospective controlled by placebo in theNew England Journal of Medicine. The study had about 43,000 participants. Patients received two doses of placebo or mRNA vaccine.

Nearly 22,000 participants received the vaccine and was 95% effective in CVIV-19 prevention a week after the second dose. The safety of the vaccine was very impressive. There were no deaths or events threatened by the life of the vaccine administration. The majority of side effects were after the second dose. Some side effects included pain at the injection site, fever, fatigue, headaches and chills. As a general rule, the symptoms were lived within 3 days of vaccination and resolved quickly.

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Here who can get the vaccine

The vaccine is allowed to be used in patients aged 16 and over. The vaccine does not contain thimerosal or egg-based component. With regard to pregnant or lactating women, the studies did not include this group in the tests. However, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology supports the vaccination of pregnant and lactating women. Pregnancy in particular seems to be a risk of gravity Covid19 and ACOG supports vaccinating pregnant women. Please consider this and see your OB if you want to be vaccinated and pregnant or breastfeeding.

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Please, join me to get vaccinated and help put an end to the pandemic

I will receive a second dose of the vaccine in three weeks. I hope everyone reading has been the right choice and becomes vaccinated. This is really an important and important step to end the current pandemic and return to normal. I hope that unproven fears of vaccination do neither scare nor swing the public of mass vaccination and the prevention of the continued propagation of the virus. With the permission of this vaccine, we really took the first steps to put an end to this terrible global public health crisis. So get yours when it is available for you and to protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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