Sure Signs Signs Covid has "invaded" your brain, says study

"The effects could last very long," say researchers.

A year ago, when the first cases ofCOVID-19 [Feminine Wuhan was detected in China, health experts considered a respiratory virus, mainly to attack and damage the lungs and the heart. However, as the number of cases increased and the number of deaths began stacking, they quickly realized that the very contagious disease can cause havoc on almost all organs, including the brain.

Mysterious symptoms, including brain fog, fatigue, loss of sense of taste and smell, and same time, convulsions and delirium have been reported by patients. And, some of them still felt these manifestations of the virus for months after their initial infection. Now, researchers can get closer to understand why people suffer from the cognitive effects of the virus. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.

The coronavirus invades the brain, say the researchers

A new study published on December 16th inNature neuroscienceidentified that the pic protein of the virus can pass through the blood-brain barrier, at least mice. This would mean that the SARS-COV-2 can literally invade the brain.

In a Press releaseAccompanying the study author correspondent William A. Banks, Professor of Medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine and a doctor Puget Sound Veterans Health System and Researcher explained that said peak protein, also called the S1 protein, which dictates the cells of the virus can enter. In general, the virus is the same as its liaison protein, he explained, and can cause damage that they stand out of the inflammation of the virus and the cause. "The S1 protein probably causes the brain to release cytokines and inflammatory products," he said.

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COVID signs Does your brain invade

This intense inflammation is described as a "cytokine storm" and has been identified in Covid-19 cases by physicians early. In short, it is an excessive reaction of the immune system to try to kill the invading virus. Therefore, the patient is left with:

  • Brain fog:Dr. Anthony FauciThe upper part of the nation specializing in infectious diseases and the director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, described this "brain fog" as "difficulty to concentrate. He can hit those who Covid-19 and is a senior symptom of post-Covid Syndrome, which affects 10% have reported one or more of those who are Covid.
  • Tired: The most common symptom of post-covid syndrome, this fatigue can be a sucking soul, and look like that of myalgic encephalomyelitis, also known as chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Other cognitive issues: Physicians reported patients with SEEING hallucinations and delirium. "Delirium is a syndrome that is characterized by the appearance of acute brain dysfunction of a change or fluctuation of the reference mental state, as well as inattention and either disorganized thinking or an altered level of consciousness," reportspharmacy time.
  • Shortness of breath: Knowing that the same reaction occurs with the HIV virus, the banks and his team wanted to see if it was happening too with the SARS Cov-2. "He was already seen," he revealed. Jacob Raber, professor in the departments of behavioral neuroscience, neurology and radiological medicine and teams at the Oregon Health & Science University, added that their research can explain Covid-19 complications. "We know that when you have the COVID infection you have trouble breathing and that because there is an infection in your lung, but an additional explanation is that the virus enters the respiratory centers of the brain and provokes Problems out there too, "said Banks.

The researchers also found that the process was faster in men than women, which could explain why men are more sensitive to severe infection than women.

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Long-term damage is possible-so STAY SAFE

The banks noted that the COVID impact on the brain can not be ephemeral. "You do not want to dirty with this virus," said Raber. "A large number of the effects that the Virus of Covid could be perpetuated or accentuated or even caused by viruses to enter the brain and these effects could last very long. »

If you feel one of the symptoms mentioned here of cognitive problems, the difficulty to breathe, brain fog medical care.

And more reason to follow the fundamental principles of public health and the end of the help of this sudden climb, no matter where you live wearing a facial mask, the social distance, avoiding big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice good hygiene of the hand, vaccinate yourself when it is Available for you and protect your life and life of your life. others, do not visit any of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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