The signs you have (or had) Covid, according to Dr. Faisci
There are "revealing" signs.
If you wondered, you have or if you had Covid-19, you are not alone. According to Google, three of the first five research of Google of the year concerned coronavirus, one of them being "symptoms of coronavirus". So, what are the revealing signs you fight the virus or already done. "If you look at the first signs and symptoms, they are very similar to what we see in a typical flu-shaped syndrome,"Dr. Anthony FauciThe first expert in infectious diseases of the nation and the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said earlier this year. But there are "revelatory" signs. Read it to learn more about them and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.
If you run hot - typically more than 100.4-that's probably your body fights an infection or illness. According to Dr. Fuci, one of the most common coronavirus symptoms encountered is fever, with 83-99% of people who report it.
Tough - typically dry and mucus-free - is another common symptom of Covid-19 according to Dr. Fauci. It argues that 59-82% of people infected with the virus are experimenting as a symptom.
The exhaustion is another common indicator of the virus, according to Dr. Faisci, which stated that 44-70% report fatigue.
The loss of appetite is experienced by about 40 to 84% of people, according to Dr. Faisci.
Shortness of breath
The shortness of breath is another common symptom Covid-19. Fauci explained that the respiratory infection causes 31 to 40% of people with breathing when they are fighting against the virus.
Myalgia, aka muscle and pains
Muscle pain and pains (myalgia) are another common symptom of Covid-19, by Dr. Fauci. He estimates that 11-35% experience the symptom.
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Excessive fatigue due to post-Covid syndrome
During a Q & A with Facebook Funds and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Fauci discussed the Group of Expert Health People for people with long carriers, consisting of 20 or 25% of people who have erased the virus. In addition to temporary fatigue signaling an infection, he noted that the majority of the transport lengths are fighting long after the disappearance of the virus.
Shortness of breath that continues for a month
The shortness of breath is another symptom of Covid-19 mark, by the CDC. However, if the difficulty to breathe does not replace, this could mean a long transport syndrome. "People in good shape, athletes, have trouble climbing a staircase," said Fauci in Zuckerberg.
Disturbances of sleep
Having trouble sleeping is another sign that you beaten Covid-19.
Fluctuations of temperature
The dysautonomy is a condition "where you get temperature fluctuations, where you feel blushed," said Fauci, noting that it is another current sign that you have already beaten Covid.
RELATED: 7 tips to avoid Covid, let's say to doctors
Brain fog
The brain fog, "Another unfortunate word", is a long-term symptom of Covid. It "really means that they have difficulty concentrating and focusing where you look at a computer screen and you can not focus on what you do," he explained.
How to survive this pandemic
As for yourself, follow the fundamentals of Fauci and help put an end to this thrust, no matter where you live-wear a facial mask, the social distance, avoiding big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice good hygiene of the hand, vaccinate yourself when it is Available for you and protect your life and life of your life. others, do not visit any of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.