Without signs that you have ever had Covid via your lungs

You could spit blood, have trouble breathing or missing. Know the signs can save your life.

Among the many terrors of coronavirus-delirium, rashes, death - no besides fatigue has been as widespread only respiratory symptoms.COVID-19 [Feminine, After all, spreads by droplets inhaled in your body, which makes your lungs tender susceptible. So, how do you know if your pulmonary system has been affected? A newto studyAnalyzed the symptoms of those who still suffer from the pain after the virus has left their "length lengths", they suffer from Long Covid over six months. Read to read to see specific lung symptoms - and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You could spit blood

Man coughing covering mouth with a tissue

Some cough lengths so much, they spit blood. "It's been 18 weeks," Marjorie Roberts, 59, a life coach, "saidNPRAbout his long Covid. "It's been 18 weeks that I suffered. The breathlessness comes when he wants - I do not know what symptom will come back. If I have a headache, I'm scared because I know that headache Can be so intense. If I feared too much, I spit out blood. And I just pray that they find a curiosity. "


You may have other respiratory and sinus problems

Sad woman with face mask sitting indoors at home,

"Long carriers refer to individuals who have had a COVID infection, but their symptoms last longer than what we generally expect," said Dr. Shirin Mazumder, a specialist in infectious diseases to the Methodist Happiness Healthcare, saidWring. In addition to fatigue, the loss of smell and loss of taste - "In addition to patients complain of vertigo, brain fog, concentrating hard concentrating, perhaps long-term headaches and vertigo and even Respiratory symptoms. Things like shortness of breath and cough, "Mazumder said.


You could have a hurry of breathing

shortness of breath

"There are several types of abnormal blows", reports theHealth of the University of Florida. "The most common 4 are:

  • Ragues. Small click, bubbling or rough sounds in the lungs. They are heard when a person breathes (inhale). They think they occur when the air opens closed air spaces. Therals can be described more and more like wet, dry, beautiful or grossly.
  • Rhonchi. Sounds that look like snoring. They occur when the air is blocked or the airflow becomes rough through the major airways.
  • Stride. A sound similar to the list of respectful reflections of the list of reflete has heard when a person breathes. Usually, it is due to a blockage of air flow in the trachea (trachea) or at the back of the throat.
  • Wheezing. Acute sounds produced by reduced airways. Whistling and other abnormal sounds can sometimes be heard without stethoscope. "


You could sneeze

Man sneezing into his elbow.

If you are eternate, remembering "covering coughs and sneezing and keeping clean hands can help prevent the spread of serious respiratory diseases such as influenza, syncytial respiratory virus (RSV), crested cough and COVID-19 ", say itCDC, add:

  • "Cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief when you touch or sneeze
  • Discard the fabrics used in the Recycle Bin
  • If you do not have a tissue, cough or sneeze in your elbow, not your hands "
  • Do not forget about right awaywash your handsAfter blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. "


You could have a cough with the production of mucus

Woman sick cold

Edison Chiluisa, a 51-year-old hospital, "seems to embody much of the worst that the virus can do", according to theWashington Post. "His heart tells. His lungs are inflamed. His chest leads and feels upset. Even now, he touches a big mucus that becomes worse despite a variety of treatments. His taste of taste, which has not disappeared as he had Location in some other CIVID-19 patients have been modified. "


You may have breathing difficulties (Normal level O2)

Some lengths find that they have trouble breathing - but their blood oxygen level is normal, which means they take air. We had clear pulmonary X-rays and was returned home by doctors who thought nothing was wrong, but in fact, Covid caused the costochondrit, which caused a constriction of his chest.


You could have a dry cough

man face closeup with a sore throat, sick due to a virus, tired and overwhelmed

A signature sign of COVID, a dry cough is described as one once unproductive - without phlegm. It can last long after the virus has left your body. "He has a very coherent sound"Subinoy DAS, MDA nose doctor and ohio-based ear-throister and medical director of the American Sinus Institute Care and Advanced Research, saysHealth. This is because "the airways do not change constantly with cough," says Dr. Das.

RELATED: 7 tips to avoid Covid, let's say to doctors


You may have a shortness of breath

Woman suffering an anxiety attack alone in the night

This is by far the most common lung symptom of Long Covid. "The symptoms could take a lot of time to break down; a study posted on the pre-imprint Server Medrxiv in August followed hospitalized persons and found that even a month after being unloaded, more than 70% reported shortness of breath and 13.5 % still used oxygen at home, "reports Nature .


You could have everything or a combination of the above

Woman experiencing first Covid-19 symptoms throat pain breathing problems on sofa

Most lengths have more than one symptom, and this can affect all systems. If you feel one of them, contact a health professional immediately, and again, if you think you have been assigned previously - in your lungs, your brain or body - do not miss the whole list of Without signs that you have already had coronavirus .

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