Here's when you get your new stimulus check

Biden's proposal to combat Cvid-19 would come with more individual payments.

The elected President Joe Biden announced a $ 1.9 billion plan to deal with public health and the economic challenges caused by theCOVID-19 [Feminine The pandemic and an element of the proposal is a new series of stimulation controls.Biden proposes a one-time payment of $ 1,400 to be sent to people following the $ 600 controls that were sent in recent weeks, for a total of $ 2,000."During this pandemic, millions of Americans, without failing their own fault, lost the dignity and respect that come with a job and a pay check," said Biden in an address Thursday night. "There is a real crushing pain of true economy." Read on to know when you can get your stimulus check and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

"The very health of our nation is at stake," said Biden

Adjustment of inflation, the economic rescue packet is greater than 50% higher than the 2009 stimulus plan that followed the global financial collapse, but it is lower than that of $ 2.3 billion tax cuts. Trump administration added to the federal deficit last year. "The very health of our nation is at stake," added biden, saying that the plan "does not come at a lower cost, but not to do it will cost us dearly."

Biden's proposal arrives at a time when the CVIV-19 crisis continues to progress.Last week, the country reached a new high for the death of Covid-19 (more than 4,000 per day) and total hospitalizations (more than 132,000).Since the beginning of the pandemicMore than 23.3 million Americans have been tested positive for COVID and more than 388,000 died because of the virus.

At the same time, the Trump administration has been strongly criticized for a slow deployment of CVIV-19 vaccines.According to the CDCAs of January 14, 30.6 million doses of vaccine were distributed nationally; Nearly 9.6 million people received the first of a diet and 1.3 million had gunshots. It is a cry away from the target of Trump's administration to have 20 million people vaccinated by January 1st.

According toNew York TimesThe biden plan includes, in addition to the recovery checks:

  • $ 160 billion for a national vaccine program, including expanded tests and increasing the provision of personal protective gear
  • $ 440 billion to help communities fight the virus
  • $ 130 billion to help schools reopen safely
  • Extension of emergency unemployment insurance programs until September
  • Raise the federal minimum wage at $ 15 an hour

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When could you get the new stimulus checks?

These stimulus checks would be dispersed to people under certain income thresholds. "As in earlier towers, eligibility levels are always" "reportsNew York magazine. "Householders earn less than $ 112,500 and married couples jointly submitting that earn less than $ 150,000 will also have the total."

Biden, who will be inaugurated on January 20, said he wants the invoice on his office at the end of January. When the stimulus checks will arrive depends on the speed with which the package could go through the congress. This is a real area of ​​uncertainty. The last stimulus package, totaling $ 900 billion, adopted the Senate last month with $ 600 stimulus checks, not $ 2,000 as Democrats and President Trump asked. These payments started out in a few days from the passage of the invoice.

After the special elections last month, the Senate is in democratic control, but by the narrowest margin-50-50, with the vice-president-elected Kamala Harris serving as equality. The new Senators Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff will be sworn in January 22; At the same time, the Senate will probably begin with Trump's impuic trial. Democrats can not afford any moderate members of their party to oppose the cost of the stimulus package, which could result in a reduction or retardation of individual payments.It is prudent to say that you will not get new stimulus checks before February at the earliest.

How to survive this pandemic

As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent you from installing and spread-Covid-19 in the first place: Carry a face mask Be tested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, do only run essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to cross this healthiest pandemic, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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