This is the unclear state of COVID, studies

The least safe state of the country could surprise you.

According toDr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, one of the main issues with the countryCOVID-19 [Feminine The pandemic response is that the 50 states have not been very united with regard to their approach. While some have chosen to close immediately and have issued mask mandates, others have chosen to keep businesses open and give people freedom to mask as they are delighted. Each state has also approached other factors, including the distribution of vaccines and health priorities - differently. Now, a new study using data collected from the United States Census Bureau, disease control and prevention centers, the COVID and RT.Live monitoring project, ranked the states best at most worst. COVID security terms, and this particular state has landed dead. . Read it to discover - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Arizona is the least sure state, according to the study

TheWILETHUB STUDYUsed five immunization rates of metrics, Covid-19 positivity, hospitalization, death and transmission.On 50 states and District of Columbia, Arizona has been considered the least sure state of the country, receiving a total score of 8.2. The state, which has been particularly important this winter, has experienced highest hospitalization and mortality rates. They ranked third for the last time in terms of transmission rates, the second at the worst mortality rate and the seventh vaccination rate.

The safest state, according to the study, was Alaska, winning a high score of 95.43. They currently have the highest vaccination rate, the lowest hospitalization rate, the lowest low mortality rate, fifth lowest transmission rate.

According to Jill Gonzalez, Weatthub analyst, an action is crucial to get states outside the danger zone. "The most important thing that residents can do to increase the safety of their community and their condition is to be vaccinated when they are eligible," she said in a press release accompanying the study. "While the proposed vaccines have high efficiency, how capable of curbing the pandemic also depend on the population that chooses to be vaccinated. Until we reach widespread vaccination and get the pandemic. Under control, people should continue to carry masks in public and practice social distance to reach the highest level of security possible. "

Gonzalez pointed out that Alabama, who had the strictest mortality rate based on their conclusions and that the second least safe place is globally failed in the vaccination department.

"In addition to having the highest mortality rate of last week's week, Alabama also has the lowest part of the population aged 16 and over who have received at least the first dose of the Vaccine ", mentioned. "The increase in the number of vaccinated people is essential to get control of the pandemic." Get yours when you can and to protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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